MBTI Is Basically Astrology

MBTI Is Basically Astrology

Duncan Clarke

2 года назад

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@JREG - 24.11.2021 20:13

Yeah unlike a truly immovable aspect of my identity like which funny colour I am on the political compass

@rogeras5966 - 29.08.2024 07:07

Idk, it barely even mentioned Cognitive Functions and it's taking most of it's arguments from 16Personalities which has nothing to do with Jungian Functions.

And also they aren't equally wrong, atleast Jung tried to base it on facts.

@kate1060 - 22.08.2024 16:58

No offence I know some of the things he says are true but if your arguments against mbti are that 16 personalities test gives you different results and that if you're an INFP you can just practice phonecalls and youll become an ENFP you clearly didin't make enough research

@nagujoe641 - 21.08.2024 06:37

Those who understand and/or know how to interpret MBTI!!! Please like the video and leave a comment! The more the people think that MBTI has little predictive power, is not very accurate and is on the same level as astrology, the greater our advantage in life.

@whitemakesright2177 - 18.08.2024 23:28

Utterly braindead take. This is the equivalent of saying "online IQ tests are inaccurate therefore IQ isn't real."

@True_NOON - 14.08.2024 16:42

Its not fully comparable , its a social categorizer that goes off of behaviour and personalities , rather than personalities tied to rocks or time , wich i think is a bit more substancial but in direct comparison almost scientific than genuine astrology , aswell as being able to shift somewhat since it uses the letters as wich is dominant , tbh most people using it already know that ground inherency is bogus , since our environments and circumstances shape who we are , for example paying attention in class and growing ones own brain- ENTP

@LOL_MANN - 09.08.2024 20:37

Yeah, it is shallow but fast and quick to get idea who you might be

@jozefkozon4520 - 02.08.2024 18:53

The point is that you are criticizing the system based on superficial impressions and prejudices against the method of creation. You have not issued any criticism regarding the functioning of the entity in question.

Comparing the functions of MBTI and Big 5, by means of implementation, as opposed to conclusions resulting from a cursory review of the name, will show you similarities in practical application. The fact is that these two systems differ only in the precision of the information provided, resulting from the division of one function into two parts, and the presentation of results in the form of an axis of 1/100 (Big 5) and binary according to extremes (MBTI). A person who is at the turn of 50/100 in Big 5 will change his result in MBTI, because these traits can shift on the above-mentioned scale (B-5), as a result of immediate events, remaining in the range of a few to a dozen points.

The purpose of both systems is not to assess something as ephemeral as personality, but to determine the default way of thinking. B-5 is like a scalpel, while MBTI is like a cleaver. And for that reason it is neither used nor discussed in the context of psychology. This is not my opinion, just information I heard in a taped conversation with Jordan Peterson.

The basics and application are the same.

The imprecision of MBTI also results from the practice, by some people, of self-diagnosing, bypassing the test, based on reading the features and choosing the coolest ones. In this sense it can be compared to the zodiac signs, based on an arbitrary and relatively random set of events.

Fundamentally, your critique is not much different than Terrence Howard's of physics. Actually, no, his is based on the ivory tower effect assumption. Yours is based on the linear and exponential assumption of progress. Both are blind in opposite ways.

@NavBee - 30.07.2024 20:57

Criticizing something is easier when you don't understand it deeply.
Although i really think your analysis is good . But it's your subjective perspective as well .
MBTi is a good system for introspection but taking it too seriously is not a goof thing either

@Muiruri1776 - 24.07.2024 13:58

You don't understand MBTI

@chmeditations - 23.07.2024 03:14

I've found MBTI to help find blind spots common for my type.

@woodykusaki9970 - 15.07.2024 07:16

I have 3 arguments sir:
1. You didn't even discuss the cognitive function of the MBTI which is the meat of it. So how can you criticize it when your knowledge of it is clearly surface-level.
2. Psychology was created and developed by people too just like you and I. So there's actually no difference if it's the creator of mbti is a citizen who is self taught has good observation skills. You consider their system yourself and not decide someone's reliability purely on degrees and titles alone. I know so many people who graduated on something yet the person who self studied knows more than them.
3. Yes the free tests online are unreliable since it'll totally depends on how the person feels at the moment. What you do is to understand your natural tendencies are and maybe have someone who understands MBTI type you OR have someone make a test that asks your experiences and not what you think you'd do.

@danielbudiono7232 - 14.07.2024 08:38

my mbti result is changing depend on my situation at the moment.😅

@KinTee-sf8uh - 14.07.2024 08:23

I think the social cognitive function makes us aware of the topics they preferred, how they talk about it. What's being perceived.
Mbti bring awareness of that too in more microscopically.

It makes me aware of caring for others than my own like Fi and Fe.

But my results was consistent.

@peerlessindifference - 09.07.2024 00:06

A man benefits from being larger and more aggressive, while a woman benefits from being more socially adept and agreeable. What I just described are types. Certain features are more beneficial when combined in certain ways. My point right now is only to argue for the idea that humanity is divided into discrete types rather than being normally distributed on every conceivable personality trait. I happen to have found neuroscientific evidence for one of MBTI’s dichotomies is real and relevant, but I won’t share it in a YT-comment. ;)

@squareff255 - 07.07.2024 10:49

I liked the video, but I would argue that just because you can work on things like becoming less introverted doesn’t mean that you’re not an introvert. It will always be a struggle for you and a muscle that will atrophy without constant exercise. That’s what astrology is about. It’s space weather. You can see your general proclivities, and thereby have a heads up and be better equipped to handle them and work on them. But you’re right that astrology and MBTI can be self-limiting just like the doctor telling you you have ADD.

@squareff255 - 07.07.2024 10:46

Did you know that Carl Jung was very into astrology through his entire career?

@carlosholmes9302 - 28.06.2024 13:35

i sure this video maker INTP 😂

@edeliteedelite1961 - 26.06.2024 16:29

There is no such thing as a "personality type" and if you think there is, you must not have a consciousness/soul. It is just another sad example of the human need to categorize and bring order into the endless chaos and unknowableness of the universe.

@lmcb8447 - 26.06.2024 00:02

Ppl say they always got the same even in differencent types of tests but its has veen proven that results can varybafter time and maturity... I never got them all the same , I got INFP, ISFP, INTP and ISTP

@slimepixel - 16.06.2024 01:28

ok I Almost took the wrong lesson and thought that "16personalites" =MBTI test

they actually use the big 5 traits as their main model but simplify to 16 overall personalities with a "assertive"/"turbulent" rating added to the end

@Ggdivhjkjl - 09.06.2024 19:43

The University of Queensland has published numerous studies debunking the MBTI. In spite of that, their hiring department still requires everyone who applies to take the MBTI test. Why? Because it's generally a good guide for how most people will behave in most situations most of the time. A system doesn't need to be perfectly accurate to be useful.

@SoothShaffer - 06.06.2024 19:20

It’s not astrology at all. First of all most of your arguments were calls to authority. She doesn’t have a degree therefore she brings a unique perspective. Not she doesn’t have a degree so therefore she is incapable of invention. MBTI predicts actions incredibly well.

@ucantSQ - 06.06.2024 07:25

Astrology seems to me to be a mnemonic calendar. The various signs would have been associated with the seasonal migrations of animals, the flowering or harvest times of various plants, the expected weather patterns, &c. It would explain why different regions developed different astrological systems, and it seems like it would be naturally extended to the human domain. In that sense, I'd argue astrology has more value than MBTI. Not as an indicator of personality, but as a qualitative language for describing seasonal change. MBTI wouldn't have encouraged me to learn the constellations, or track and understand the movement of the planets, nor would it have helped me remember which plants flourish in which season.

@Bnio - 28.05.2024 10:05

When we took this test for fun in high school, I scored one point more toward E rather than I, and that right there made me suspicious. Suddenly, based on an edge case of how I hewed on some hard-to-answer questions, I could be forever labeled as outgoing adventurer, or a loner shut-in. Naw. I'll pass, and rightly judge people who label others so easily. Is that a Scorpio thing?

@gumrtr2 - 27.05.2024 13:18

I mean, at least research all of it before you trash it. you don't really get into any jungian archetype, cognitive stacking, etc, and you really just go to the most popular website and decide to trash on it because ur a special Twinkie :D

@ramenaddict1676 - 22.05.2024 19:51

personality tests are fun and all, but we are way more than just a label. plus, your personality can change over time. and you can have a mix of behavioral traits that dont subscribe to just one label. like, you cant judge people based on their personality type. whatever happened to actuallly getting to know people instead of making assumptions? we are too complex for this oversimplified crap. I almost forgot the mention that your personality is mostly influenced by environment.

@1ksubswithoutavideochallen664 - 22.05.2024 12:53

16personalities test isn't real MBTI, and no psychological tests can be accurate either. MBTI relies on cognitive functions and not stereotypes, hence the 16p test is very inaccurate. A better approach to MBTI would be to learn it and type yourself.

Your MBTI cannot tell your interests either, it just tells us how one perceives the world and thinks (by using intuition, sensing, thinking, feeling and extroverted/introverted of each). It tells how people process information, how they see the world and how they interact with it.

I think we can all agree that people deal with the world around them very differently. Some people think in images, some in abstracts, some base their thoughts on looking back to past experiences, some base their thoughts on looking forward based on possible but unknown opportunities.

I think that unlike horoscopes, MBTI results are not attempting to predict the future, correct me if I am wrong.

I agree that MBTI isn't hard science but it isn't pseudoscience either just because you dislike it. There are hard sciences, soft sciences, pseudosciences and temperament psychology. I think MBTI would belong in soft science, and the MBTI can actually point to years of studies that basically put it on a par (psychometrically speaking) with the Big Five.

I think the problem is in how people approach MBTI. Stereotypes are not MBTI, please.

@penelopejupiterzela3850 - 17.05.2024 07:04

Astrology is something you may be more ignorant of than you realize

@heylisten7266 - 11.05.2024 18:32

Idk man, MBTI definitely has its issues, but lumping it in with astrology is a low blow

@T_D_B_ - 08.05.2024 20:02

Our over-reliance on [poorly done] studies is the single most significant weakness of all modern science.

@cunjoz - 06.05.2024 12:52

one thing that we can say for sure is that women are VERY into astrology

@gregoirejonniaux3112 - 03.05.2024 20:42

Astrology is not fake. There is people like me who can find the sign of people by observe them. But we are not the sign. 😊

@godaddy8265 - 03.05.2024 04:44

This content is like "i dont know anything about the subject but here is what some experts on the field have to say and i will agree"

Psychology is not hard science. MBTI is an interpretation of how people use their mind. Comparing to astrology is kinda dumb

@Crospic - 28.04.2024 15:58

Eh, I take the test mulitple times to see what changed. I don't intend for it to hold such high power. But it's not as generalised as I think it is.

@alterbeckana - 28.04.2024 00:12

Objects are measured and it is valid to use the scientific method on them, people understand each other, they are subjective. (With this I am not endorsing the test, on the contrary I disagree with it)

@Gitohandro - 27.04.2024 06:58

You clearly understand nothing about the theory and only have an outsiders perspective.... For example you say mbti has generalised statements, how can there be 16 different personalities if they're making generalised statements? Have you even bothered to read the type descriptions? Each type is unique.

MBTI does have predictive power... Introversion vs Extroversion can tell you how talkative someone will be and J vs P Can tell you how organised someone will be.

Let's not forget mbti is used by the CIA dyu think the CIA is fucking stupid?

MBTI has flaws but not any of the ones you've described. I had subscribed to your channel due to your previous video but now unfortunately I'm unsubscribing

@joel-uw2lg - 25.04.2024 08:11

Isnt it just repeating to you what you tell it?

@JupiterJazz77 - 15.04.2024 17:43

Lol bro is in denial about his mbti results cause it turns out he's boring stop the cope😂

@someguy4405 - 15.04.2024 00:29

Some people really will profile your entire personality based on stars and then get mad when you say there are average differences between the sexes and ethnicities.

@cetxscum - 11.04.2024 21:14

ik its basically just pseudoscience that doesnt make it any less fun tho

@11EdYi11DrQwartz - 11.04.2024 16:51

MBTI is a generalized system of categorization, but it still has a lot of flexible and specific caratcers, like ye ofc that dosent decides your future or anything, but it is closer than just being like,, "im a generous person" . like fr example ,, i did the MBTI out of curiosity, and i took 3 tests all of them showed me different soo i went and informed myself abt them and what they should mean, and discovered that i am more similar\almost identical , to the ENTJ, and even so ENTJ has two types, like A or T (im quite both) .... now again ik that its not a real representation, but first off i cant say im more similar with any of the other personalities, and just so u know, at first i was the most judjing person, like i belived nothing from the first 10 glances, but the more i dug them ore i found out that it is litteraly me on paper, ik i sound delirious but first off maybe theres that chance that it somehow worked soo yeah thats a posibility, and secondly it helps a lot, like its making me more confident in what and why i belive in something.

@barzinlotfabadi - 05.04.2024 04:33

Well that may be true, but I'm a stubborn Capricorn and I say MBTI is real

@Heezbungus - 02.04.2024 06:52

Please learn socionics, cognitive functions and more of jungs theory

@marinamayer6920 - 31.03.2024 20:42

The fact that some people use it like they use astrology, doesn't mean it is like astrology. You are right about the forer effect though, that's why the test doesn't work for many, what worked for me, was learning about the cognitive functions and analysing myself honestly.

@gabek.2952 - 29.03.2024 17:46

As everybody would theoretically be entitled to their own personality type, personality categorisation and typology can only be so accurate and thus be taken only so seriously. MBTI definitely isn't as unsupported as astrology, but also shouldn't be taken as the be-all end-all. I like MBTI and have found great accuracy in it - but only really for those who are more extreme in the qualities of extroversion, intuition etc - not really for myself however (indicating the Barnum effect wouldn't really apply here). Personality testing can be a good starting point for identifying and describing characteristics about oneself where we may have struggled to find the correct words for someones particular mannerisms. While academics may not recognise it for its validity, MBTI is surely a decent foundation for understanding personalities and the self.

@TheMapman01 - 29.03.2024 04:39

It has the same tyoes of questions as every other personality test. The only thing that is in question is how the statistics are collected and analyzed.
