Beautiful job. Cray-pas expressionist pastels are a really good pastel that artists use as a base layer then put Sennelier on top
ОтветитьStunning picture colors are beautiful you are very talented I do animal portraits but in pencils never tried pastels maybe I should try love your videos
ОтветитьYou really are a very talented artist. It’s amazing to see it finished. Just beautiful.
ОтветитьI absolutely loved the sky 💜💜💜 Stunning 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thank you for another awesome video 💐💐💐
ОтветитьI have terminal stage 4 breast cancer (as well as other co-morbidities) and have to be extremely careful so I use a (covid) mask for soft pastels. You are using these correctly, at the end of the day it’s pigment to paper no matter the medium - you just need to figure out if light to dark or dark to light for the most part. Yes you can use coloured pencils with oil pastels - Prisma work best, but you can also use a chinagraph or stabillo 4 all in black and white instead. Hope that helps.
ОтветитьI’ve been wanting to try these so your review was very helpful, thanks
ОтветитьWow watching you paint was so magical 🥰🥰🥰
ОтветитьCan you do mixed media with watercolor? I do wc and would love to do some mixed media, but can’t integrate other media with it. I sort of have this idea of using soft pastel or oil pastel to save botched wc.
ОтветитьI have also had one set of oil pastels in the past that must have been as difficult as yours were to work with and have not tried any since... thank you for this video I will try again with another brand and see if I can get them to work for me as they worked for you so well this time! Love the picture you did!
ОтветитьPrismas seem to work best for me with the oil pastels but I also use a Matt 10B or darker pencil in the dark areas. It cleans lines up perfectly. Love how this is looking! I have the 72 wood box set of gallery pastels and they’re awesome! Have a set of 60 Van Gogh as well and both work wonderfully together. Sometimes depending on paper choice I’ll use OMS to blend the base layer so I get more on top. Try a cotton bud for blending these as well, they seem to do a smoother job fo4 me.
ОтветитьYour painting is absolutely gorgeous!😍😍😍
The mungyo’s are wonderful!
When Paul Rubens contacts you to try their products, you might consider try their newer haiya oil pastels. They are super smooth and creamy. Of course their watercolors are fab too!
ОтветитьAnother wonderful video! Thanks Amy!💜💜💜
ОтветитьLoved that little hand try out those gorgeous oil pastels! So sweet!
ОтветитьThey are the best crayons ever!!!
ОтветитьTurned out lovely!
ОтветитьGorgeous work! I bought some oil pastels a while back but haven't really done much with them. I'm still trying to figure out watercolor, lol. Looking forward to your other reviews.
ОтветитьI've been waiting for your Mungyo review! Your painting is beautiful! I was debating on buying these or the Paul Reubens. I decided on the Paul Reubens because they are supposed to be a little more lightfast, but I am kinda shocked at how greasy they are. The oil even saturates the paper wrapper. However, they certainly blend well. There used to be a lot of professional artist grade oil pastels when I was a kid (My Mom had several kinds.), but now there are only a few brands that are suitable for professional work. It's really disappointing.
ОтветитьHullo Amy, SO glad your trying out these sticks! I know that the Mungyo handmade soft pastels are a good value for beginners. I purchased a set when I saw the cost of Sennelier sets! I did get a Schmincke set of sticks, but I found a set on e-Bay and got a super deal! They are the best I can afford, one day I want Terry Ludwig pastels! I so look forward to your next video, Thanks Amy! Keep doing what you do and stick with all of it! I believe your doing great! Any technique that you can get to work, is the best or correct technique!
ОтветитьJust beautiful ❤
ОтветитьThis painting was absolutely lovely. I have these oil pastels and some sennelier and Caran dache. It’s been too long since I broke them out. Not to add to the supply wants list (oh mine is sooo long) I love the Caran dache neo pastels too 😉
ОтветитьI have so many oil pastels/brands and this is reminding me why I invested in all those supplies in the first place.
ОтветитьWell done love it ….your doing some amazing videos thank you.😊👩🏻🎨
ОтветитьI haven’t done much with my oil pastels, just a parrot head and a few cups stacked on top of each other.
You did a very good job love how they blend.not sure the ors look right though.❤
So Beautiful!!
ОтветитьThat is a really beautiful picture…I love the sky, and this makes oil pastels very tempting…
ОтветитьThat piece is really beautiful. I keep thinking I'll invest in some oil pastels but then second guess myself. I saw someone else use this brand and they seemed to feel the same way as yourself. I may treat myself for my birthday next month 😂
ОтветитьYes! More tutorials!
ОтветитьI agree about soft pastels…love them but the dust is such an issue indoors and it goes everywhere. Oil pastels became my favorite alternative and love them.💖
ОтветитьAbsolutely gorgeous! I just got some oil pastels from Paul Rueben’s and learned so much from this video, thanks
ОтветитьI'm so desperate to try these pastels now, this is such a beautiful piece and your excitement about them is so contagious! I'm working on getting to grips with art fundamentals and playing with graphite pencils, fineliners, charcoal and watercolour so I don't really need another supply 😅
This video and your one about the ohulu markers have helped me a lot in understanding how to layer. Thank you so much!
Beautiful ❤ really nice 👌 yes I did enjoy watching this video, I recently bought a beautiful set of mungyo oil pastel and I was searching for some tutorial and came across this video watched it full ,liked and subscribed immediately 😊, God bless and lots of love ❤️ ❤❤❤
ОтветитьJust bought my oil pastels and found your channel amazing painting ty
ОтветитьIs this the soft oil pastels from mungyo or the oil ones?
ОтветитьBeautiful painting! The frugal crafter mixes color pencils with oil pastels
ОтветитьA beautiful piece of artwork, thank you for sharing 😊
ОтветитьМаслянная пастель это чудо материал. Я тоже рисую маслянной пастелью. И все фирмы это чтото отличительное и особенное. Монгио хорашая маслянная памтель. Удобная . Не слишком мягкая. Но мне ннравятся сейчас акварельные пастели. Ими получаются очень интересные работы.!! Кстати твердые пастели типа Ван Гог , Панда , тоже нужны. !!❗👍 Попробуйте акварельную . Получается чтото совсем другое . 🙏
ОтветитьHave you tried blending with walnut oil ? Love this oil pastel painting ,the colours are beautiful . Thank you 💖💐
ОтветитьThese say soft on the box but oil on the stick..are they oil pastels or chalky ones?
ОтветитьBeautiful painting! I don’t like the dust of soft pastels, too. It’s really unhealthy. But the problem is to fix the oil pastels… fixatives are very unhealthy, too 😬
ОтветитьYou do need to be cautious with soft pastels. As beautiful as they are the dust they create can be a problem. I finally gave them up and moved on to oil pastels. Thank you for this demonstration.
ОтветитьI just got a box of 48 today 🎉 they are wonderful and so smooth when blended. I tested on a coloring book page and I am thinking of a subject to be paint with them. I also want to try Gamsol and Linseed oil for blends and a painterly effect. Very fun!
ОтветитьI do have oil pastels like those! I got them from my aunt. (It was a hand me down 😅)
ОтветитьI’ve started using post-it tape on more delicate paper and it works well. Not for water media.
ОтветитьVery pretty!
ОтветитьThat’s looks amazing!!