Real Estate Investing Explained - Main Project Costs | GowerCrowd
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Welcome to "Real Estate Investing Explained", a brand new series presented by Dr. Adam Gower of GowerCrowd for beginners looking for information about investing in real estate! In this series, Dr. Adam Gower will go about explaining many important aspects of real estate investing that beginners need to know.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about main project costs, which are hard costs, soft costs, and acquisition cost.
Typically, acquisition costs of a project are the purchase of the land or an existing building.
Hard costs are essentially anything you can bang with a hammer. So, things like tenant improvements, any new improvements that you might be putting in, rehabbing the building, etc.
Soft costs are things like design services, permits, appraisal, furniture fixtures, etc.
These are the 3 main areas, the acquisition costs, the hard costs, and the soft costs.
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