You're Living in the MATRIX - How to WAKE UP and GET OUT! Adyashanti and Enlightenment

You're Living in the MATRIX - How to WAKE UP and GET OUT! Adyashanti and Enlightenment

Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation

2 года назад

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@dianewetherill185 - 07.11.2021 00:07

Beautiful meditation! Thank you both so much! 🙏🥰❤️😊😇

@nicasutch6335 - 07.11.2021 03:54

Absolutely Beautiful! Thank you!!! Just being🥰

@starslightning4818 - 07.11.2021 05:16

Kind. Gentle. Easy. Good.🦋🦋🦋

@susiesharp1365 - 07.11.2021 08:04

Yes Thank you so much
A grateful heart

@oktje1 - 08.11.2021 12:54

Hai mikael. I love and hope to hear this. But each time it goes back and repeating the same sentences you or he just said.
I never got this. So i go on. Hope it will go better. Thanks a lot you both!! Love nonny xxx

@oktje1 - 08.11.2021 13:51

P.s. the video was normal again after having it stopped. Like a computeranimatie advised. Saying: sometimes there is a 'bit' sitting wrong.

@ultracalicokittycat - 08.11.2021 16:20

this is one of your best shows!!!! I'm listening to it for the second time, and feel like I didn't hear much of it the first time!! Probably because there's so much to absorb here!!!

@tomkubalik4878 - 09.11.2021 00:44

Don´t try to escape the Matrix. Try to be happy in the Matrix. It´s all about happiness not about enlightenment.

@cynthiaennis3107 - 09.11.2021 01:42

This is a delightful interview & I’m so glad to have come across Adyashanti on your show! Thank you, Michael, Adyashanti, & crew! 🙏🏼. Rewatching you both talking of meditation! I’m finding what he is saying goes hand in hand with what I’ve been learning from India & now I understand my teacher better! What a great title, ‘The Way Of Liberation!’

@cynthiaennis3107 - 09.11.2021 02:24

Very calming meditation! Loved it! Pretty amazing for a short meditation! Wonderful!

@wesstone7571 - 09.11.2021 17:04

What's looking through your eyes is the light of God. What you are is light. The real journey is within. The way to the kingdom is within. Yeshua Yehusha is within. Meditate upon him. It will not work unless you put all of your faith and belief into it, as a child believes in Santa, so you must believe in the light within. Follow Yeshua's words and teachings and you will meet him. Tell him I said hi, and ask him to take you flying. He's awesome. Who am I? I am light.

@colleen4400 - 09.11.2021 18:12

I have played 3 times at about 26 minutes - trying to understand what Adyashanti says the question was that rose up from his gut at about 25-26 minutes in. What was the question? I can't make out what he said.

@nicasutch6335 - 09.11.2021 18:45

Third time listening and more powerful each time

@TH-nx9vf - 09.11.2021 19:07

Can so relate to the start of this video about seeing the adult world through the eyes of a child and experiencing it as deeply wrong, delusional, lost and that I have to avoid falling into that spell at any price.. 'I must never become like them' .. 'they can't even see that they are all one, they don't even have the words for it' - although I didn't articulate it to myself in that way ..

@rosiediaz9661 - 10.11.2021 15:04

Dangers of window shopping made my day!

@rosiediaz9661 - 10.11.2021 15:06

Loved this interview. Thank you, thank you, thank you 😍

@carlaraimer718 - 11.11.2021 17:54

I read watts zen book in 89 when I was 19 & it was a game changer…& so many other synchronicities w u both!🌈🙏💜hi to Jessica as well

@rodcallaghan - 12.11.2021 05:58

Thanks for bringing these speakers onto your channel, it's an eclatic collection, in the summary it mentions how the speaker has been influencedor intrigued by Alan Watts, like many, EchartTolle for sure and me too. I suppose as Alan talks about in the Taoist Way, that when one attempts to align with the present moment or the Tao as some call it, although nameless it may assist giving it name.....
The salient point to me is when one attempts to align with the Present or the Tao, you deviate. Not letting the right hand know what the left hand doing is the key to rid us of all karma and the "devil" in an instant, the quick way. Still as a participant in this game of humanity, I enjoy the stories you bring us. Thanks Michael.

@robertadamsfoltyn6554 - 13.11.2021 23:36

Thank Yous sooooo much Beloveds ~ ineffably

@MsSylvana63 - 20.11.2021 02:58

Absolutely brilliant conversation, so much appreciation ✨🙏🏾✨

@kenelkind1857 - 22.11.2021 20:30

My NDE, although I have no recollection of it, when I “woke -up 5 weeks later. Most rehab techniques did little for me, until the rehab I felt drumming with hundreds @ The Venice Beach drum circle. It came to me there; we can now globalize this healing! Earth & her population needs to evolve!!!

@jimolson9649 - 23.11.2021 16:49

I wonder how many people are still lying to their children about Santa Claus?

@jimolson9649 - 23.11.2021 16:50

The vast majority are lost in the thoughts, beliefs and traditions of those who control their minds and bodies.

@jimolson9649 - 23.11.2021 16:50

Sui juris man I am.

@jimolson9649 - 23.11.2021 17:10

When I wake up this place will shine like ripe grapes that hang from a vine. When I wake up I surely will see like a flock of birds perched up in a tree. When I wake up fear will be no more the mighty lion will lay at my feet upon the floor. When I wake up we will be happy and free such as the fish that swim in the sea. When I wake up Paradise at last no more hatred it will be left in the past. When I wake up true love has finally come to fill the hearts of each and every one.

@jimolson9649 - 23.11.2021 17:31

My truth is I don't know and that's what keeps me going.

@jimolson9649 - 23.11.2021 17:40

On a spiritual level I would say stop lying to your children about the traditions and holidays that's a start.

@jimolson9649 - 23.11.2021 17:42

I wonder if these guys are vegans on a spiritual level diet is one of the most important things.

@jimolson9649 - 23.11.2021 17:44

They say you are what you eat are you dead meat?

@jimolson9649 - 23.11.2021 17:48

They say slow and steady will win the race wile in sprint you'll fall on your face.

@KellySpot - 27.11.2021 15:28

Such a great talk ❤️ thank you both.

@patriotmiller4763 - 28.11.2021 22:01

I just found you last week and i love love love you!!! Your guests are amazing and Adyshanti is no exception!!! He is profoundly intuitive!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!💚💚💚

@mkatz2757 - 30.11.2021 06:43

Charlton Heston and 10 commandments was the 1st movie I've seen on big screen and I was so little then

@jinaliharia - 30.11.2021 21:42


@tralalalala1259 - 09.01.2022 17:14

In that little meditation I felt and saw soft cloud like surroundment. Soft white and very light blues. It is flowing. I realized I was looking against the flow and slowly turned and as I did I came to see I was looking with the direction of the flow and it was very tenderly slow but is vast like an ocean of softness and flowing ever so gently toward the soft indescribable light. I really can’t find right words. I can still feel that soft tenderness and see that light that I could look directly at. I’m something I don’t know I can’t describe this.

@dawn_salinas - 12.02.2022 22:31

A spiritual experience is one thing, the theological framework that we use to contextualize it is quite another. The core of all spiritual epistemology is a kind of 'cleansing', in Christianity from sin, in Buddhism and Hinduism from karma/impressions. This cleansing should make sure that we learn to discern real knowledge and insight from those forces within that can hinder the inquiry (karma, sin, desires, bias, etc.). By being free of those, we know that the knowledge and insight we gained isn't informed by our biases, wishful thinking, intellectualization, etc.

Sometimes, experience and context happen at the same time, that is the gained insight IS part of the experience, not a posthoc rationalization. The insight/knowledge is usually non-verbal, non-visual, just a whole lot of information contained in one second, which takes a second to understand and sink in, but a long time to explain and put into words. That kind of knowledge transcends known epistemology, and it is by nature something that cannot be known unless by Grace, as a kind of revelation, a gift that cannot be grasped by the usual trajectory of human inquiry (bottom to top) but only by enlightenment, from above, as a gift of Grace (Grace exclusively descends, so the trajectory of that information is always top-to-bottom). I had this experience, and the insight was clear: Man is not God. Man cannot embody God.

The human body cannot do this, it wasn't made to do this, this would absolutely, 100% kill it. There was one, and only one body that could embody God, and that is the body of Christ, the son of God. Our bodies cannot do this. The body of Christ is a metaphysical mystery, one of a kind, it is the only body that can contain within itself infinity, eternity. Every other body would be killed. We as humans, bound by flesh, come to infinity only through Christ, whom God made only so that this communion between man and God would be metaphysically possible so that we can commune with God in flesh, while the body of Christ, still a body, still in Heaven, can soak the impact of the clash between the physical, bound man and the uncreated, boundless, Father. God isn't a force, it's not 'all that is, it's not some form of energy, He is A PERSON. Think of it as - infinity as a PERSON. This is how He introduced himself to me, this is how I know Him.

If you are really interested in psychonautics - read the early church fathers, far superior psychonauts, and theological minds than any Buddhist and Hindu monks. The Orthodox theology is so deeply seeped in mysticism, in my opinion much more mature.

@katherinescriven5869 - 09.03.2022 13:44

Michael are you trying to be a Ghandi?

@caroltuttle9907 - 20.03.2022 20:48

Kind, Gentle, Easy, Good; I will definitely try this way. I am exhausted from trying so hard, stressing constantly, losing sleep and I am going to just let go & be kind to myself. "Today I will start to be kind, gentle, easy and be good to Myself."
We have to stop beating ourselves up all the time &
just be with who we really are.
God Bless to all! 🙏🙏🙏

@MsThe90 - 07.04.2022 07:06

I'm 31 and I still can't relate with adults and their bullshit 🤭
But that makes me so lonely 🙁

@damienhickman4172 - 17.04.2022 05:01

"It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

@damienhickman4172 - 17.04.2022 05:05

Thank you Michael...your consistent focus on the positive is inspiring.
You manage to maintain this while still not hiding your easy path...God Bless.

@isabands - 15.05.2022 18:06

Thank you sooo much to both of you 🙏 I feel completely at peace knowing now how important it is to make time for ourselves and experience being through meditation. Very enlightening.

I’m not a parent either but I’m a teacher and I agree with you that the best moments in my life have also been when I have convinced a student to see their true potential 😌

@isabands - 15.05.2022 18:22


@DJSTOEK - 10.07.2022 13:56


@caroldavies9462 - 02.12.2022 15:11

My epiphany was five years old
When I grow up I will make my own mind up
And help make the. Change no child will ever live like this again!!
I was adamant
À little rebel was borñ
I observed and learnt
Breaking the mould
Nò ones lèft BEHIND WWG1WGA

@caroldavies9462 - 02.12.2022 15:15

The feeling never leaves you
There's so much more to ĺearn
The archèology of the mimd
Common bònd is OUR love

@caroldavies9462 - 02.12.2022 15:19


@mixedmattaphors - 11.01.2024 19:45

I'd love to hear more about the stumbling points Adya refers to here and has elsewhere. The times he talks about where he got into situations based on foolish behavior or something that humbled him. Could be relatable.

@michaelfinkelstein8380 - 30.04.2024 09:48

Walking around without any mask on......A teaching in itself.
