The Undertaker on his friendship with Paul Bearer: The Mortician sneak peek

The Undertaker on his friendship with Paul Bearer: The Mortician sneak peek


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@joekirk6372 - 21.04.2024 03:04

You to suck underc taker rule

@michaelmckenzie6311 - 26.04.2024 21:52

Morbid and macabre (Uncle Pauly) Paul Bearer! RIP!

@phillipbishop7719 - 17.05.2024 22:49

Damn I miss Paul RIP!

@daredevilseyes7493 - 26.05.2024 19:21

Those promos had no business going that hard.

@LucidDream - 27.05.2024 06:01

Best manager ever.

@davidcalvin9272 - 23.06.2024 05:00

Rip friend

@levanigamer-k1u - 25.06.2024 14:20

Paul bearer is alive ?

@tazgamerplays - 29.06.2024 04:25

Those were the days.

@Blink_____ - 02.07.2024 12:38

lol censoring the WWF logo

@MichaelAngeloMedrano - 04.07.2024 13:17

He was so ridiculous. Hilarious. He was a real mortician.

@mike7683 - 04.07.2024 17:48

Lol, it makes me laugh when people hate on the Wyatt sicks. Looking back on this, it's so silly

@Paul-qo1hb - 05.07.2024 07:08

Remember watching the Undertake lock the Ultimate Warrior inside a coffin in the early 1990s.

@dimethedude - 06.07.2024 20:16

Loved Paul when I was kid
He was hilarious

@davidhenriksson285 - 07.07.2024 18:58

Without Paul, Undertaker would have just been another broody, dark Zzznoose fest.
2-5 years and he would be gone.
And the character Paul Bearer would have been a clown.

Paul brought flair, depth and bridges to stories.
Yes Undertaker did well without him. AFTER he was established

@Bluehorseshoe4 - 07.07.2024 23:11

Wow these guys are brilliant…. 🤡🔫

@hpa2005 - 09.07.2024 06:33

Before he was with the Undertaker, Paul Bearer managed Steve Austin.

I wonder if any of the guys that William Moody (Paul Bearer's real name) served in the air force with saw him during his days with The Undertaker.

@killer25318 - 09.07.2024 22:48

Those were the days

@PhilBurns-oc2vg - 14.07.2024 20:41

I don't think the undertakers career would have taken off as fast without Paul bearer

@Stanbott - 17.07.2024 16:48

It was so corny, but a lot of kids thought it was real at the time

@marcosmercedesn - 17.07.2024 19:27

As a kid, I was scared of this man. TERRIFIED!

@kaineparker6384 - 17.07.2024 22:00

R.i.p Paul hope your resting easy thank u for all the great moments

@johndrake3472 - 19.07.2024 04:27

Bill could have been a great character actor in Hollywood, he was that good.

@rayl8298 - 20.07.2024 14:26

Where’s Joe Biden?

@ankanghosh5272 - 22.07.2024 09:58

Paul bearer with Zombie Undertaker ...ahhh the classic memories of 90s..

@bj3000ify - 31.07.2024 11:42

One of the greatest!!

@andrewcorbett5729 - 01.08.2024 20:50

He played the gimmick so well

@swagingsilk778 - 06.08.2024 21:22

Paul bearer is my favorite manager I love Paul bearer

@bunbee2025 - 18.08.2024 15:58

He looks like the My Pillow guy! 🤣

@ravindrabaji5763 - 23.08.2024 18:06

I read on one channel paul is the father of kane,then he is father of undertaker too.
one channel showed undertaker beating paul.another channel said paul is the friend of undertaker.
utter confusion😂

@jameslafreniere9458 - 30.08.2024 19:20

Loved him and the undertaker my favorite of 😊all time. We will all waited for wrestling to come on. Our favorite one of many ❤

@amondoquarles - 31.08.2024 03:41


@ellgwapo.1754 - 04.09.2024 23:51

Soo' the! Best Manager fore' Undertaker only.

@emmagamer5767 - 08.09.2024 13:45

This is the undertaker I want to see in wwe2k25 the 1990 undertaker was the best one ever

@brentbarnhart5827 - 22.09.2024 02:56

I performed on the Grand Ole Opry for many years, around a decade. I once was told on the way to dinner, I would be seated next to Bill Moody, he was Paul Bearer in WWE. I said, "Whose that? What's that?" They tried to explain, I was like..... oookay. So I go in, and they introduce us, and I sit down. He is NOT saying almost anything. I try to make small talk, he doesn't say much, and I say, "So you do a little wrestling?" LMAO (He got up and left the dinner and event, and never returned.) LMAO (I was NOT trying to be insulting, I had no idea who the guy was.)

@brentbarnhart5827 - 22.09.2024 03:01

See my below comment: I can tell you this, the people who sat me next to him, new Bill Moody and his wife, VERY VERY WELL. So they told me quite a bit about him, and his struggles with WWE. I have of course come to realize how "big" of a name he really was during his time in WWE. I find it interesting however, that he had very little, if no money at all. He worked hand to mouth, and also he and his wife had all kinds of health issues. But he loved her so much, I know that, when she died, that was about the end for him. He didn't live too much longer, only a few years. I see all these famous people talking about how great he was, and what a great friend, but I also find it interesting, that they have money, and he had nothing. (We also never know how others MANAGE their money, so take that with a grain of salt, however i could pretty much tell they never had too much, so they didn't go blow it on anything extravagant. I know more, I won't share, nothing salacious, just some personal things that don't ned shared. I know nothing bad of him. Him getting up and leaving after my comment was kind of childish, but whatever.) He probably didn't know much about me, and i signed autographs for 2 hours a night for over a decade and took pictures all over the country. Doesn't matter to me if you know of me or not.

@christopherhughes3895 - 24.09.2024 17:48

The only man alive who got away with calling Taker, "Wendy" & rib him with cucumbers ✊😎

@KaizerSavvas - 07.10.2024 12:06

Paul bearer great actor

@jdfiend - 13.10.2024 20:30

Loved them back in the day

@kellybrown7671 - 15.10.2024 20:58

I was about 18 when the Undertaker/Paul Bearer came on the scene. These two together was UH-MAZING! Taker was scary, Paul Bearer was hilarious and weird, etc. It was just perfect how well the two went together. It was a total 60s style creature feature!

@JimTeasley-x2v - 16.10.2024 19:10

He has 2 sons

@JimTeasley-x2v - 06.11.2024 21:16

Real mortician

@Fpl0399 - 07.12.2024 21:51

fun???? really this mf always giive me cringe, i came up to this video coz i always find soooo ireelevant this mf in the wwe. glad to not see him while i watch the show

@rlouie05 - 13.12.2024 02:04

There was no real need to break up this duo either. It was odd seeing him manage guys like Mankind & Vader, where Kane was at least consistent with the supernatural side of the Undertaker story.

@JimTeasley-x2v - 14.01.2025 21:55

Best manger

@ickbar - 21.01.2025 15:32

He managed Taker before he actually became Taker. Texas Red was his name back in the very early days. It was truly fate.

@SzTz100 - 09.02.2025 18:42

He looked like a sick fk, but so entertaining.

@loplop07 - 04.03.2025 00:13

Paul Bearer legend

@MRJK87. - 06.03.2025 01:42

Not to mention Paul putting cucumbers in taker's iced tea
