There’s a big public storage directly across the street from my shop. For years there’s been people who everyday leave the storage unit on foot at 8am, and then I see them get off the bus and walk in at like 4:00pm 5 days a week consistently. Actually quite common I guess for people to live in these things. I’ve had thoughts of it (just day dreaming scenarios)
ОтветитьI don’t think I’d call that “ in style “ and it’s very obvious you are stealing electricity. But hats off to you if you are happy and getting away with it
ОтветитьOn my fyp in 2025
ОтветитьIs it legal to live in there?
Ответить"It's not obvious it's connected to my unit unless you're looking for it"
Has wire poking out of door, must have used massive ladder in the corridor to fix it
Weren't there cameras?
How long will he live like this?
ОтветитьDid he say how he showered and went to the bathroom?
ОтветитьThey were just impressed so they let him stay😂😂😂
ОтветитьI remember liking this video 8 years ago it’s 2025 now…
ОтветитьRunning all that through an extension cord is crazy dangerous... well ig the building is made completely of sheet metal, so whatever
ОтветитьAnybody here in 2025?
ОтветитьDude said he’s building a rock climbing gym 🤣
ОтветитьYou better be living in the house by now
ОтветитьAhhh, it's 2025 and the algorithm brings us together once again!
Ответитьi seen you drinking that fountain tap water and though.. how long has that fountains filter not been changed for
ОтветитьThe only way this works is if the owner of the storage facility is in on it
ОтветитьI did this last summer- had a sweet setup and got caught from me snoring 😢😅 smh it was lovely for $72 a month. Good luck to anyone struggling or dealing with homelessness- wether warranted or not, no one should have to go thur this
ОтветитьThis is completely fake.
ОтветитьWorth the watch until end. Good stuff. Although i am 8 years late to this video. but still nice to see someone life getting better!
ОтветитьNice my guy but where is tha air/heat I didn’t C it but my guy I’m definitely thankin on this lifestyle heavy FUX this massive debt/rent sincerely NOLABABY
ОтветитьWere there no cameras there? Did no employee see you all the time and get suspicious? Can this be pulled off today 8 years later??
ОтветитьWhere do u make caca
ОтветитьYeah the problem is where do you poo and pee, all over the storage unit or in bottles DISGUSTING
ОтветитьSomeone 2037 ?
ОтветитьThe only way you can pull this off is if you work there. The cameras and rfid key logs will show that your on the property. The smell of food from your unit is a dead giveaway. The only people this guy is hiding from is the customer.
ОтветитьOwner of that facility 100% knows the dude lives there. Just doesn't care because, 1. he's probably being very discreet, so the owner can "play dumb" if caught. 2. he's not jacking the power bill up significantly. 3. he's paying on time every month without fail.
ОтветитьThis was extremely entertaining! I hope you're well friend
ОтветитьIt said 8 years ago and I expected it to be 2012-2013 😭
ОтветитьThis is how people get caught. Always showcasing when they have wrongdoings that they are successful at. You get caught because you want to brag about what you've done.
ОтветитьSome of the people in these comments really are closed minded lmao
ОтветитьNow I know damn well they have security cameras at Uhaul... and you got caught!
ОтветитьSo you’re homeless
ОтветитьId do the same thing if i was moving into a place that wasn't available for a few weeks
Ответитьbuilding so much makeshift crap gives crackhead vibes
ОтветитьFunny posting your own illegal activity
ОтветитьIt's now 8 years later. Do you still live in your storage unit .
ОтветитьIt's better to live like a king in a rat hole than a rat in a palace
ОтветитьThis is better than a 3 room apartment in nyc
ОтветитьBro this video has 16 million views. Did they figure out you were living there yet because your secrets out bro.
ОтветитьImagine going to your storage unit and hearing “So this is my kitchen” through the wall
ОтветитьThey clearly knew you were there
It's pretty obvious.😂
He even has home security....Nunchucks 😎
ОтветитьBrooo. How does he do this and not get caught !! I would be nervous af every single day being in there.
ОтветитьArk base vibes
ОтветитьHow do you have so many electrical items connected to 1 extention cord
ОтветитьPlot twist: he owns the building 😅