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@keats27 - 20.09.2024 06:15

So glad that these two Popes have corrected this verdict. Seriously, very glad that the Vatican does not object to Medjugorje, and that they acknowledge the FRUITS that have come out of that place. There have been worse statements, and while this might not be what I wanted to hear, it's a step in the right direction imho.

@JohnaL790 - 20.09.2024 06:27

Standing is we don't have to obey the pope if he's in heresy. On issues that are wrong and that go against the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ!

@leelawrence8158 - 20.09.2024 06:29

Acts 2 :16 No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:

17 “‘In the last days, God says,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
    your young men will see visions,
    your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my servants, both men and women,
    I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
    and they will prophesy.

@Divinemercytx - 20.09.2024 06:33

Shocker, right???

@MariaRomero-jv2tx - 20.09.2024 06:33

So you both will stop proclaiming about Mary now?. Our prayer are with you all

@marygr8064 - 20.09.2024 06:33

The Vatican should have waited until the apparitions are over, as with other situations.

@marygr8064 - 20.09.2024 06:36

Xavier, you keep fighting the reality that the protocol has changed. I don’t agree with this change, but I feel your obstinance will confuse your viewers. God bless.

@trust.no_1 - 20.09.2024 06:40

How convenient to give a partial verdict to distract from Jorge bergoglio heresy that all religions lead to God (which God idk) ☹️

@Divinemercytx - 20.09.2024 06:41

Just wait till the Warning and the Miracle show up there!!

@marygr8064 - 20.09.2024 06:44

Final thought: do you really think the Vatican will be able to stop Our Lady from communicating with the world? Her Immaculate Heart will triumph and no misguided human effort will mute her voice!!!

@vimalajayprabhu - 20.09.2024 06:46

Thank you for answering my question on the Bee Wax Candle. I have another query. I wanted the right way to make the Holy Grapes. I am told one could drop one existing blessed grape into a jar of brandy and grapes and they would all be blessed. I am also told it is not necessary to bless the Brandy. On another channel I am told to bless the brandy and then bless the grapes.

@leelawrence8158 - 20.09.2024 06:46

❤ 🙏🙏🙏

@reneekirvelaitis7417 - 20.09.2024 06:54

It seems that the Vatican will be able to block the future publication of the secrets once they are complete via monitoring messages before they are made public?

@anthonylleras2399 - 20.09.2024 06:55

The blessed mother already said that this would be the last time she will appear on earth so there’s no reason to be concerned about more apparitions after medjourgore

@day1678 - 20.09.2024 06:57

It is normal for the church to be cautious until supernatural events start occurring - yes?

@helenwellsbury9540 - 20.09.2024 06:58

Oh dear Monique n Xavier
I touched the wrong button my eye sight is not that good
How do I send you the donation I am from Edmonton Canada

@eselga8 - 20.09.2024 07:07

Awww: That’s TOO BAD, they Don’t Recognize. TOO BAD. I’m sorry they Don’t. They’ll SOON- SEE, In GOD’s Time!

@belindapickthall9839 - 20.09.2024 07:25

No one can stop God in is works. Be at peace. .

@maryanncabalo2343 - 20.09.2024 07:28

We pray for the conversion of Pope Francis and all the cardinals and bishops

@sonofppio139 - 20.09.2024 07:31

There isn’t a place that can give more grace than what if already found in her own Medal of the Immaculate Conception. “THE MI: human participation in her mission…” +SMMK•HLK, o.p.n.

@elizabethnakonechny8753 - 20.09.2024 07:33

Pray for Johm Henry healtAndrewh,Father Jim, Debra michelle Andrew ,

@elizabethnakonechny8753 - 20.09.2024 07:33

Pray Marg K heath ,

@elizabethnakonechny8753 - 20.09.2024 07:38

Pray Nathan faith Vatho;ic marry gi;friend Amen Amen Amen

@cheryldias4269 - 20.09.2024 07:43

It appears to me that it is a political move. God forgive me but from what is happening today is a fraught. With confusion

@DennisShea-hv6bm - 20.09.2024 07:49

I think when the Warning comes Francis will deny it as supernatural.

@jacktracy8356 - 20.09.2024 07:58

2 Timothy 1:8 KJV Be not therefore ashamed of the testimony of our LORD, nor of me HIS prisoner: but be partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel according to the power of GOD; 9 WHO HAS SAVED US AND CALLED US with a Holy calling, NOT ACCORDING TO OUR WORKS BUT ACCORDING TO HIS OWN PURPOSE AND GRACE which was given us in CHRIST JESUS before the world began 10 but is now made manifest by the appearing of our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, Who has abolished death, and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel"

@maobfh - 20.09.2024 07:58

Xavier and Monique, and anyone else unhappy with the verdict released today, might consider hopping over to Mark McLean’s channel. He is the ‘Laddy’ that Xavier refers to and talks with. He has someone with a good strong knowledge of the historical points that have been objected to - like the rogue priests, who were a group of Franciscan priests who had Parishes in Herzegovina back in the 70’s. They were ordered to ‘give’ their parishes back to the Franciscans because of some transfers agreed upon by the Franciscan Order and someone/thing else. Another order, if I had to guess but I don’t because the speaker goes into details about this. Rather than give these parishes back to the order, they refused and ultimately went into hiding and were sleeping in barns and other places to avoid being caught. They were disavowed by the Franciscans and kicked out of the order. I don’t know the ending of the story because I hopped over hear to urge you to watch that video to get deeper background on the document. I am going to hop back over and continue watching the video to learn more. I did not copy the hyperlink to post it here, but you can search <Mark McLean> and it should take you straight to him as that IS the name of his channel. No doubt the search will also bring up other channels in which he attended or was interviewed. Just click on the Mark McLean channel and it should be front and center as he just released the video a few hours ago. That’s all I had to say, and thank you!

@stevesavard1968 - 20.09.2024 07:59

En francais c possible svp

@user-ykn2na4y9s - 20.09.2024 08:21

Monique, You raise a great point. What is it then that we are allowed to follow? If they are denying the supernatural origins? Frankly, I think the Vatican is scared to death of Medjugorje. They KNOW it’s true, and it’s current, it’s not something from the past. Our Lady is there every day still, and building her army of apostles. They know it. And, sadly, most of them feel threatened. I think they wanted to condemn it to bury what the 10 Secrets might say, but they are terrified to condemn it, because it’s real. Medjugorje is hanging over the Holy See like a haunting, when indeed it should be experience by them as a Blessing. We need to pray for the Pope and the Bishops that they are able to respond to Grace, to The Holy Spirit, so they can recognize Our Lady’s presence in Medjugorje. She is here, she needs everyone on board. And it’s not for a simple reason. It’s grave, and she is working on her plan.

@Rooster1909 - 20.09.2024 08:25

My thoughts as I listened include the following points.

I sensed the striking of the heel of our dearest Mother by the ancient enemy. A bit of mix of Genesis 3:15 and of Revelation 12.

This letter leads to more confusion and places obstacles to our Mother interceding for her dear children. If the “secrets” are prohibited from being revealed, then the enemy feels as though he has victory. And as we all know, the Immaculate Heart will triumph. Doesn’t she snatch it away from him right when he believes he has outsmarted her?

Which leads to the thought: how much more glorious will be the illumination of conscience? Just ponder how wonderful it will be to understand the Truth in its purest form. And woe to those who desire to silence the Queen of Heaven and earth, who have thrown up obstacles for the sheep seeking the Good Shepherd by the loving hands and messages of this dear Mother.

It only makes sense that this mediocrity (lack of logic, lack of formation and utter confusion-the rubbish) is allowed so that people understand the depths of depravity that mankind has plunged into so that this gift that is coming will stir the hearts of all men to desire God alone! This will give man the clear sight to climb out of sin and cling to the Savior!

For centuries, Saints have been revealing these harrowing times we live in. The list is too long for this space. But we have been chosen. The one that comes to mind to share now is St. John Bosco’s vision of the two columns.

Monique, when you said, “everything is fluid-nothing is solid,” it made me think back to Revelation 12:18 - “It took its position on the sand of the sea.”

God bless us all; do not let us be separated from you in this life or the next! O Crux Ave!

@brmm48 - 20.09.2024 08:25

Can anyone comment on previous norm that the Church will not make a definitive judgment on an apparition while it is still ongoing. That ALL they can do until it is complete is say whether, to date, the messages are not contrary ( nihil obstat). Did the new norms recently override that previous norm? …I just saw that Michael Brown said that Vatican will not make a judgment that they are of supernatural origin while they are still occurring. But Xavi is saying here that they did say it was NOT of supernatural origin. Im confused.

@marielourdevincent5694 - 20.09.2024 08:31

Bonjour Monique and Xavier God bless ❤

@day1678 - 20.09.2024 08:34

I must confess that when I heard of the Vatican's approval of Medj' - well, something in me was missing: JOY!

@user-ykn2na4y9s - 20.09.2024 08:50

“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Someone needed to ask Pope Francis about these words from Jesus, when he was in Singapore making those salacious comments.

@paglietti - 20.09.2024 08:50

Hello Monique I would like to know where you got the 15th September message to Ivan?

@tylergermanowicz5756 - 20.09.2024 09:04

As one who does not accept the supernatural nature of the visions, messages, or the visionaries, this is exactly the result I expected. In fact, I think Medjugorje was one of the many reasons for the change in the classification system itself; that, and their evil desire to distance the “Church” from the supernatural altogether.

@TheonewhomJesusloves895 - 20.09.2024 09:07

I don't understand how on one hand Cardinal Fernandez who is in charge of the dicastery for the doctrine of the faith is not exactly what we believe is Orthodox, but once he gives a nihil obstat for medjugorje then all of a sudden he got it right??? 🤷

@dorotagarnham6314 - 20.09.2024 09:08

I pray for Holy Father Pope Francis every day. To me, Pope Francis is a pope of confusing and very unclear messages, division easy created as everyone can interpret his messages thier own way. This make me feel very sad

@leoniea138 - 20.09.2024 09:08

How do you just believe the Virgin Mary appears every month on payday 25th... wake up ...there are so many things happening at the back regarding church.. you got to wake up fast

@mariachico4456 - 20.09.2024 09:10

How much money does the Vatican make off of the pilgrimages? They are playing both sides from the middle. Time for anonymous leaks on messages.

@peterzawadowski6947 - 20.09.2024 09:13

But the Apparitions are still continuing!!. So this document can be treated as " INTERIM".
This visionary from Toronto is waiting for the EVENT06TH to take place.
AS FOR this presentation by Xavier Ayral, I can say AND SMELL SOUR GRAPES.
IT MIMICS FACT and pretend to act as if 200% TRUE. Which is ABSOLUTELY NOT.
The more I listen to Xavier, tfe more SENSE proverbial "FORKED TONGUE".
The panel in that PRESS OFFICE mentioned clearly the CONTINUITY of the PROCESS.
WHY DO YOU FOCUS on this "teelegraph quip" on the airplane???
WHY?, WHY?? REALLY, NO MENTION of RUINI REPORT but plenty of small, insignificant QUIPS??
We'll wait for BIG event to STUN " FORKED TONGUES".
Thanks for reading my comment. Peter Zawadowski.
20th of September, 2024.

@victoriassecretisluv - 20.09.2024 09:13

The Pope is Gods representative on earth, he is VICAR . Medugorje is wonderful news Xavier . Why quarrel if God is GENEROUS ! The times are urgent and Our Lady has wrought this grace for us . If after 43 years Medugorje has not erred why are you worried about the future in case they might ? Is this not the time of the Holy Spirit and the great second Pentecost . Well God is getting ready for medugorge to burst at its seams ! So many will be the conversions and confssions ! Let those who have the eyes to see SEE and ears to hear HEAR !

@mia795 - 20.09.2024 09:14

The fact that the church doesn't find anything contradictory to the faith in the messages is not at all surprising considering that 3/4 of what comes out of the Vatican currently is heresy. The fact that the Blessed Mother is supposedly saying that her son does not draw any distinctions between the Faith's held by other denominations was enough for me to stay away. The fact that they were directed not to build the church and did it anyway in Disobedience was enough for me to stay away. The fact that three very good and holy priests that I know personally have said to stay away from it based on their personal experiences there is enough for me.

@TheonewhomJesusloves895 - 20.09.2024 09:21

This was just ro pacify the believers of Medjugorje

@mabeline1378 - 20.09.2024 09:29

All of our blessed Mother’s messages there are within our Catholic teachings. You can’t point to any message that is contrary.

@felipeperezmarti1353 - 20.09.2024 09:35

I guess that the whole thing had the purpose to stop the 10 secrets to come out. It is a censoring decision by the Vatican. This is simply huge. Fortunately we have other seers, like Fr. Michel, who will do the job of transmitting to us what Heaven wants us to know. Fernandez will not be able to stop God in His plans for this Apocalyptic times. The devil will not defeat God. On the contrary. Thanks a lot, Xavier and Monique, for this illuminating analysis.

@stuartgibson3006 - 20.09.2024 09:43

Yes Xavier🌹Thanks be to God you know🙏But God is sending a Permanent Sign, God is Greater than this protocol🙏🌹and Our Beautiful Blessed Mother 🌹🕊️

@stuartgibson3006 - 20.09.2024 09:45

It's Good Thanks be to God for the Holy Spirit 🕊️ who Speaks to each of us to Guide us❤

@xanado1975 - 20.09.2024 09:48

I personally think all this was done, so that they can fully control the release of the 10 secrets. They are trying to stop the worldwide spread of the individual release of the secrets, the way the visionaries explained it will be done. I don't think this declaration was made in good faith but in bad faith. As you said the statements were contradictory and created confusion. We didn't feel at peace when receiving this document from the Vatican but the exact opposite, which shows who is behind this move.

@trish5247 - 20.09.2024 09:49

