Been doing keto for 10 years no if any simple sugars. Still have had heartburn almost every night! Last week had a burger with a bun first one this year and no heartburn that night?
ОтветитьHELP I used to get heartburn/gerd really bad for years then I got rid of it some how for the last couple of years until a few weeks ago after being on a carnivore/ketovore diet :/ I’m really confused because my symptoms have been completely gone for years why would it come back after implementing this great way of eating?????
ОтветитьI never had gastroesophageal reflux , after one month eating only meat and eggs. I think I have this condition. I’m very worried. Can you please give me some advice?
ОтветитьDoes this still count toward somebody who has a hiatal hernia where the valve doesn't close all the way
ОтветитьWhat diet doc I got severe Gerd
ОтветитьAfter taking proton pump inhibitors for years, I stopped when I found out that they can damage the kidneys and cause dementia. It's been more than 10 years, and though not gone, it's much better than it ever was. Btw, I add a bit of brown cane sugar to my spaghetti sauce, because it's just too damn sour without it.
ОтветитьWould this diet work for silent reflux or LPR? Please help me nothing works
ОтветитьWhen taking D3. How many Iu do you recommend?
ОтветитьWhats an example of what to eat ?
ОтветитьFor better results, try Pitta balance capsules by Planet Ayurveda.
ОтветитьWho said that Doctors are prescribing a plant diet? Most Doctors will tell you to avoid low PH foods.
ОтветитьKeto is my favorite eating plan, but my esophagus is so painful i have trouble eating solid food. And i am 5'8 133lbs. I wonder if the reflux relief for many of you is the weight loss itself? Anybody out there that is slender and gotten gerd relief from keto?
ОтветитьI want to ask if acid reflux can cause occasional dizziness?
ОтветитьI’m not making an argument. But I never have acid reflux and yet since I have been on the carnivore, I have a terrible bad. Anybody else?
ОтветитьI like your video so much i having acid reflux i need help from you please 🎉😊
Ответитьthank you for holding the doctors accountable!
ОтветитьUSELESS INFORMATION that doesn't work. KETO is the only answer for you for every single illness. What a quack!!!
Ответитьits true ...i eat grains and some types of fruit no eggs and bacon and i am fine...crzy
ОтветитьFrankly, people don't know who to believe anymore!
ОтветитьYou said simple sugars for the study, and talked about added sugars. Then you say plant based diet is wrong. And say a low carbohydrate diet. you can have complex carbohydrates in vegetables and whole grains which is plant based. So what you are saying is contradictory. You also mention saturated fats, yet you don’t mention that the study talked about people eating more high fat meals. It was about added and simple sugars to meal the study it seems, so your information doesn’t add up.
ОтветитьHow do i fix lpr nad hietal hernia i dont have apetit at all
ОтветитьSince I'm taking high doses of melatonin (30-1000mg daily) my gerd symptoms just vanished. Apparently it strengthens the LES !!
ОтветитьDefinitely shouldnt disregard this study but 98 people is such an insignificant sample size...
ОтветитьI've been dealing with gerd and acid or whatever, trying to go up my every single morning for the past year or two, it's driving me insane, sometimes I have to take acid reducer, now I just drink a lot of water when I wake up to get it all to go down... I've been told by doctors to just avoid acidic food, avoid pizza and stuff, soda and all. Obviously i'm having trouble avoiding that...
I think it may be if I just stop eating and drinking that, hopefully it will help
I tried the vegan diet for a few weeks but I had such heartburn! I took enzyme capsules and acid reducer pills and still had to chew Tums pills in between. I am not a carnivore dieter but I did notice before starting the vegan diet that when I ate bacon or some sort of meat with a glass of whole milk, I had no heartburn. Why is that? I figured my body would love all the healthy foods on a vegan diet.
Ответитьplanet ayurveda's digestion support capsule has worked amazingly for me.
ОтветитьOn Carnivore but still get GERD. Usually during the night even though I eat 4 hours before bed time or more.
No caffeine. Just steak and eggs mainly.
I refuse to go back to proton pump inhibitors.
Hoping it will dissappear 😔
I cut out all sugars and lost 30 pounds.
ОтветитьWill the esophageal sphincter work correctly after going low carb? I’ve been told my sphincter muscle isn’t working because it’s to damaged, I’ve always felt the body can naturally heal if given the chance.
My herd has been so bad that it has caused issues on the right side of my throat. It’s constantly inflamed and feels like I can’t breathe sometimes even though I’m fine
I’ve also been told caffeine has a major effect on the Esophageal sphincter muscle as well. Any truth to that?
Actually I have been eating straight beef and sardines and now I have this issue. I came to this video because I thought it would give advice for the people on carnivore diet. Two hours after eating meat, I am having acid reflux. I want to stay on this eating plan, but this is annoying. I need a solution.
ОтветитьI started Carnivore very early December 2024. So far so good.
BUT... I introduced blueberries, almond flour, 90%dark choc and hard cheese recently... guess what... BOOM acid attack tonight like you wouldn't know, nose streaming, sneezing, huge govs of mucus in throat and the burning.
So for me... the moral of the story is...I am symptom free on carnivore BUT I definitely CAN'T eat cheese, almonds and dark choc, normal keto isnt for me, pur carnivore = no symptoms ❤
Hey I’ve had Inflammation and chest pain sometimes when I eat. On scale of 1- 10 it’s a 5 - 6 for pain. What do you think it is ?
ОтветитьThe only thing that worked for me .. usually i eat breakfast sround 8am .. then my last meal which is 2 meals a day was no later than 3 pm .. nothing slse worked .. type of food made no difference in my case ..
ОтветитьMy gastroenterologist told me I had GERD don’t know what it is because almost everything I eat bothers me. My sister told me it’s menopausal symptoms that doctors don’t know about. I went to an allergy specialist she told me I’m allergic to almost everything! So what is it really I’m confused
ОтветитьWell when Doctors get sick isn’t amazing how they find cures!!
ОтветитьFYI: for anyone suffering from GERD and live in the Midwest or have been bit by a tick before symptoms started, ask your dr to test you for alpha gal syndrome. Silent GERD that caused breathing problems was my only symptom!
ОтветитьI think my high stress has caused my gerd. And stress as caused weight gain which affects gerd. Do you agree?
ОтветитьI think the Dr takes it personal when there is sugar in the spaghetti sauce! 😆
I Felt That One Sir & I agree 100% lol
I’m so lost I had my gallbladder removed in 2018 and I have nausea a lot and I’m afraid of vomitting I get burning in my upper stomach and then it will turn to diarrhea someone said it might be bile reflux and not acid now I’m scared to death
ОтветитьI don’t understand then, because my Gerd is out of control especially now that I cut so many carbs and real sugars out of my diet because I started keto two years ago. I have substituted all my sugars for sugar, substitutes and all of my recipes and I don’t have any pop that isn’t Diet free, so am I making a mistake by substitute sugars doctor? When I finally got off the carbs like cookies, and cakes, I started eating a lot of strawberries and different kinds of berries to satisfy my sweet tooth. So what I’m asking is this a mistake as well?
ОтветитьI’ve been eating fatty beef , bacon,eggs , coffee, tea, water, no carbs, not noticing much
ОтветитьHow about LPR?
ОтветитьI have suffered for decades with severe heartburn. The only thing that fixes it apart from the carnivore diet is Apple Cider Vinegar. Drink 3 times per day with water... Reflux is caused by not enough stomach acid... so drink you Apple Cider Vinegar and you will be amazed... I was six years into Carnivore and still had terrible Esophagus pain until I found Dr. Sten Ekberg's videos on how to fix it.
ОтветитьThank you for what you do. Great information
ОтветитьIt is now been nearly two weeks taking this acid reflux disorder treatment solution Adam five six Support and I haven`t had 1 time, or ANY pain and discomfort from acid reflux disorder, NOTHING. I am now returning to my day to day activities. I am just blissful that I could finally have my personal favorite hot and spicy meals all over again
ОтветитьI was able to deal with my digestion issues naturally thanks a lot to this heartburn treatment Adam five six Support. There is no harm in attempting this medication. You will never know this could work on your digestive problems and chronic acid reflux disease.
ОтветитьI managed to handle my digestive problems normally thanks to this acid reflux treatment solution Adam five six Support. If you`re presently suffering from digestion problems and chronic acid reflux disease, it`s best to try out this remedy as well.