This video teaches the non-sound engineer how to capture, modify, and record Windows sound output using a free program, VSTHost. For those new to digital sound manipulation and recording, this simple, basic method is a starting point on which to build toward more advanced control of your computer’s sound output using VST plugins.
The software used in this demonstration is available on these websites:
VSTHost -
VB-Cable -
Youlean Loudness Meter plugin -
Video Chapters
0:00 Introduction
1:11 The free software needed – VSTHost, and VB-Cable
2:10 VST = Visual Sound Technology
2:48 Setting up VSTHost
6:30 Configuring VST plugins
8:45 Configuring Windows sound settings
9:30 Demonstration of manipulating Windows sound output
11:17 Youlean Loudness Meter plugin
12:36 Recording Windows sound output
14:55 Conclusion
#Fix-it_Guy #DO-it-Yourself #Do_it_yourself #ItsFixable #It's_Fixable