The Death Penalty feat. PragerU

The Death Penalty feat. PragerU


4 года назад

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@Sunflowerbeetlebug - 30.08.2024 01:58

42% of people want corperal punishment??????? 💀💀

@claudiojaramillo5177 - 27.08.2024 21:11

Fantastic video. Thank you

@block4u - 22.08.2024 19:31


@shewearsnortsnirt - 07.08.2024 22:43

I love Shaun's videos. I frequently re-watch older videos of his just because they're so well-argued and well-thought-out and compassionate. Nobody in the whole video essay game is doing it like him.

@doob195 - 02.08.2024 16:21

Damn, I can't believe I just agreed with Jordan Peterson 6 minutes into this thing.

@BecauseICantEdit - 25.07.2024 16:22

A couple gripes: I think you failed to make the obvious point that as well as user error, forensics are inherently not fully reliable as they give high-probability statements outcomes that need interpreted rathger than definitive truth.

You also seem to be slightly misinformed about the nature of the false confession iun the Evans case. It was linguistically analysed to show it was clearly different from speech that Evans reaffirmed. He siad he never produced the part of his monologue containing the false confession. So it wasn't a bullied confession, but falsified police records of what he said.

@GrahamBorland-cz8cx - 18.07.2024 12:37

Persuasive video for western countries but there remains work to be done in respect of the far east e.g China, North Korea etc😊

@alicec1533 - 14.07.2024 22:51

This is the definitive video on this topic.

@Mr_Maiq_The_Liar - 14.07.2024 01:30

There's also something that, I'm not sure if it has a name but I like to call "the witches confession" because of how common it happened with the Spanish Inquisition and Salem Witch Trials.
Guilty people only plea guilty if the court provides a lighter sentence or benefits them in some way, and in cases of murder in a state with the death penalty, all that can be provided to a murderer is a delay, or withholding of the death penalty in exchange for a guilty plea.
The downside, is that innocent people may see this same dilemma, to either take a modest punishment or gamble on being let free or killed and decide not to gamble with their lives. whether they are let free if the ruling is truthful or wrongful is neither here nor there in the face of death. All anyone has to do in order to put anyone in prison is convince them that they might be found guilty even if they are innocent, and they will admit to any crime they are accused of.

A very easy thing to convince a black person might I add, due to the well earned perception of the justice systems racism. Not that Pragur knows or cares

@astrius22 - 04.07.2024 16:16

Have engagement!

@anonymoususer188 - 25.06.2024 22:41

Is anyone surprised that PragerU is full of bs? It's a far-right propaganda machine masquerading as producing educational content for kids. "The number of innocent people who might be wrongly executed is infinitesimally small" "it is virtually impossible to execute an innocent person" I find the use of "infinitesimally small" instead of nonexistent and "virtually impossible" instead of impossible highly suspect. Prager knows he can't make any definite guarantees so he pretends to make them while leaving in language that he can fall back on to say that he never claimed it was impossible just "virtually impossible". Disregarding the excessive amount of faith he puts in DNA evidence and taking his assertions at face value, I'd rather see an innumerable number of murderers go free than put one innocent person to death on false charges. That's not even considering that DNA evidence isn't nearly as reliable as he claims it is, nor is it getting into the question of whether anyone deserves the death penalty in the first place, no matter what they've done. The reality is a lot worse than how he makes it sound, but even if you take all of his assertions at face value, even if you agree that people can forfeit their right to live, and even if he's right about DNA evidence, even Prager uses vocabulary that implies that the odds of an innocent person facing the death penalty are not zero. That alone should be enough to not condone it, much less endorse it.

@2wen98 - 18.06.2024 13:02

Shaun of the dead

@WibblyWobbly1905 - 17.06.2024 06:06

I guess i don't like big government

@EMBEDDEDWEBSERVER - 16.06.2024 07:39

I love this guy. He's like Immortal Technique but there's no beat.

@davlufc83 - 11.06.2024 12:43

Sorry, I couldn't help have a little snigger when you said "ultimate penal sanction"

@rosePetrichor - 05.06.2024 19:15

Honestly I think this video is undermined by your initial careful severing of the 'practical' death penalty argument from the 'moral' one. At the end of the day, most proponents of the death penalty are that way because they DO believe that someone can give up their right to life through immoral acts, and it's this which motivates almost all of their arguments. They WANT people to be killed for committing crimes, they think it is morally desirable. you can knock down as many of their justifying excuses about crime statistics, cost and deterrence all day long, but it doesn't address why the death penalty actually exists or retains such persistent support.

@tawsifking9336 - 05.06.2024 15:29

Ever heard of the country Singapore?

It has one of the lowest crime rates in the world

@Strype13 - 30.05.2024 12:02

Super ironic hearing Dennis Prager (correctly) say, "The government will sell government influence for personal and political gain" as a reason to be Anti-Government when his entire existence, over the past several decades, has been him selling emotional and political influence for personal and political gain. So, by his logic, I suppose we should be Anti-Dennis Prager as well... and I'm certainly on board with that notion.

@DonHavjuan - 29.05.2024 02:22

Capital Punishment has not existed in the Modern Civilised World for three generations. Only regressive barbarians still use it. There are no exceptions.

@Punchy361 - 28.05.2024 23:53

Shouldn't their god kill them if their god truly decides they deserve it? Or is that one of many more things that people have to do for their god? Becsuse their god is soooo powerful and all knowing, but once again, people have to do his job for him...

@obamaisnotmydad - 24.05.2024 20:03

“hear me out” should not be followed by 40 minutes of yapping

@trainjedi9651 - 23.05.2024 09:36

On deterrence, the pro-Penalty argument that having the death penalty be more readily handed out would act as a more effective deterrent, it won't and hasn't. In 1700s London, a series of draconian laws known as The Bloody Code were introduced in an attempt to stop crime, with children as young as 8 being hung for petty theft. The Bloody Code was so ineffectual that there would be pickpockets nicking things from spectators at hangings of other pickpockets.

@krunkusmunkus1681 - 18.05.2024 04:11

Going into this pretty much pro death penalty but I’m still on the fence. I’m very open minded. Let’s see what he says

@volumist - 15.05.2024 09:06

Do you trust the police?
Crowd: "No"
Do you trust the justice system?
Crowd, more cheerfully: "No!"
Do you want death penalty?
Crowd, breaks in violence: "Yes!"

@cryo311 - 07.05.2024 06:57

“Capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders, to which no criminal's deed, however calculated can be compared.”

@salehsaber4306 - 05.05.2024 14:56

Soooooo isis ?

@user-wd2xn3yz2k - 02.05.2024 05:56

The death penalty was issued by His words after Noah got off the ark!

@SeekingTheLoveThatGodMeans7648 - 01.05.2024 22:34

Prager has a distinctly religious viewpoint, namely the old testament, in which the world is allowed to deal in moral compromises. and do things that from a more Christianized viewpoint we would regret at least. I at least try to be a classic gospel Christian (not a state church institution minded one). The incarnate Christ (aka Jesus) made it clear to humans that they had done things worthy of spiritual death, for these things were still odious to God even though allowed by God. They would have to be willing to give up the attitudes leading to that in order to be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven.

I see the same kind of philosophy frequently appear in the comments here. Many would want the murderer to stop murdering and instead be conducive to a better life for everyone. I am reassured that the appearance of Christ to the world was not in vain when I see this. I am also reminded that there is a tension between the old kingdoms and the new Kingdom.

I think we can understand why Prager is where he is without agreeing with him.

@Mettle_DAD - 29.04.2024 06:54

The cost of captiol punishment isnt an issue for most of them because they think a single bullet only cost about $1-3....these people are monsters but they exist. Not only do they exist they enjoy the though of criminals....."for some of them" aka black people......being punished. They dont give a single shit about white color crime. Only theft and violent crime....i wonder why. Its more immediate and palpable. And typically its perpetrated by the poor, which black folks are disproportionately......but system racism doesnt exist remember

@Mettle_DAD - 29.04.2024 06:46

Omg dont make me agree with Peterson!!!! Lol

@Mettle_DAD - 29.04.2024 06:45

Conservatives: we are for small government and anti authoritarian......but we approve of the state deciding you have forfit your life and will take the extra step to end your life..... but how could anyone be apposed to the death penalty? Morons. And most of them call themselves Christians and think god is the only one who can judge.....guess not.

@pigeonanimations6118 - 23.04.2024 23:37

Hollywood popping up when he said Satan lmaoo

@ofrund - 22.04.2024 12:04

Speaking about feelings of families, can you imagine the guilt, if you in the heat of the moment to avenge your loved ones. Killed an innocent person?

Could you live with that guilt?

@thedevicebook - 22.04.2024 12:04

As a crime victim myself I can say the court system was super traumatizing. I'm grateful I only had to go through it once (my attacker didn't appeal.) Imagine what homicide survivors go through with all the appeals involved with death penalties. At least if it's life without parole, they don't ever have to face the monster in a courtroom ever again

@user-hsghyjush - 17.04.2024 13:19

Why liberals prioritize felon's life over fetus? 😂 so pathetic

@user-ok1el9mg4h - 15.04.2024 16:09

Loeb case and Clarence Darrow plus the movie with Welles, the movie The Thin Blue Line.

@SpoopySquid - 15.04.2024 09:44

The same people who don't trust the government to run basic services think that same government should have the power of life and death. Make it make sense

@croboculous9975 - 13.04.2024 05:12

Prager L

@pianoplayeh - 05.04.2024 19:21

Never thought I’d agree with Jordan Peterson about anything. Broken clocks I guess.

@Charliebingus00 - 04.04.2024 02:51

AI is going to ruin criminal justice lol

@weerwolfproductions - 23.03.2024 23:48

I never understand why the US justice system is more concerned with convictions than with truth finding.

@tannu4377 - 21.03.2024 18:51

Isn't this argument that the institution CAN be corrupt an argument against everything bad done by the state? Including life-sentences and even any sentence carried out by the state.

@Zagadoo607 - 19.03.2024 22:57

I could also argue the countless of black men lynched during jim crow. Innocent men sentenced to death

@GcD9179 - 17.03.2024 19:32

Prager seems rather "bloodlusty" re: killing anybody convicted of a crime, doesn't he?
