Renee Baribeau, also known as The Practical Shaman, is a seasoned spiritual mentor, workshop leader, and podcaster with a knack for converting ancient wisdom into actionable advice for today's practical shamanic seeker.
Learn how to:
🍃 Synchronise with the cardinal winds to unlock your shamanic potential.
🍃 Understand and apply the wind vocabulary for daily insights.
🍃 Call upon the wind for help, guidance, and support.
🍃 Erect a living altar, anchoring your spiritual endeavours.
🍃 Experience elemental techniques such as wind breath, wind walk, and wind baths to assimilate daily teachings and meditate on personal evolution.
🍃 Learn basic tools for navigating life with the ancestral wisdom of the winds.
More info about Renee Baribeau and her upcoming events with the College of Psychic Studies:
#shamanism #naturewisdom #prosperity