Check out what happens inside of a large contract food packaging facility.
Most food product businesses don’t have the time, technology, or floor space to package their products. With Econo-Pak, you don’t have to. We offer food packaging services for any dry food product within our SQF Level 3 and FDA-approved facility.
We work with businesses of all sizes, from up-and-coming snack businesses to Fortune 500 food companies. Meet your demand with Econo-Pak's 1,000+ employees working three shifts in our 24-hour production schedule. We have over 200 packaging machines to efficiently package your product any way you envision it.
And if your product needs food safety certifications, we’ve got you covered. Econo-Pak is certified for Gluten Free, Vegan, Costco, Organic, and Kosher. Need a different certification? We can get it for your product.
To learn more about Econo-Pak's services and quality standards, visit
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