What Do I Think About Life Coaches?

What Do I Think About Life Coaches?

Kati Morton

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@sd4013 - 07.09.2024 23:50

Never used either.. but a friend's wife was going through the educational and mentoring process of becoming a psychologist and she would be 42 years old before "being allowed to be alone with patients" . That must have changed I guess.. you look about 32 in this.. but I can see why all the training, everyone's so scared of being sued for causing a s#(ide that they must learn to just listen and not really have effect on the person outside of recommending committal.

@sufanisworld - 31.08.2024 03:21

Coaches know they don’t treat mental illness. That’s what you all are there for. :) It’s a symbiotic relationship. I appreciate your seeing it as a positive. All healing methods together are integrative but where mental illness is the culprit they would recommend a doctors or therapists care. I could also see how some who had bad experiences got someone who wasn’t skilled at coaching, but also how some, just like in therapy, would blame others for not “healing” them when they didn’t want to do the work. Overall, there are lanes, and all the coaches I know understand they need certification and that they aren’t therapists or doctors. Good talk!

@holdenmcgroin8917 - 22.08.2024 18:31

A good father could be a good life coach. They don't have to have a certification.

@CedarsMountainsMan - 19.08.2024 08:03

… i feel that people with social media inflated ego are now without any life experience propelling themselves as « life coaches » and telling you how to deal with your life. While they haven’t started theirs.
I would say a cool buddy rather than a coach!
Crazy times we’re living!

@GregoryBoyce-w3i - 14.08.2024 15:48

Can I tell you something I wasted 20 years going to a psychotherapist I studied therapy and I’ve been in a lot of businesses and my children you I’m 69 and I think I can help people better than you can. I’m spiritual to you I do energy healing and that’s what I think are psychotherapist for your men. They don’t carry a lot of the wrong get a gig in there and I’m being trying to be respectful but I think a life coach to study psychology like Jungian is a good quality person that can help. I haven’t got much you should going to somebody that this is their own problems.

@JP-ps8vh - 31.07.2024 04:25

You are not a life coach but you give yourself the authority to talk about something you have not idea?? If you are not a life coach keep you ego to yourself my darling we don't need you!!!

@adelal-hamawi1063 - 30.07.2024 13:55

Agreed and not agreed! Who certifies people? Other people, institutions ran by people again! Why should someone tell me you are now certified?! How do they know wht technically is right or wrong? It's all about empathy and know how to grab people's minds. Therefore a certification isn't really necessary- if you have someone who has lot of experience and teaches you but doesn't give you a certificate at the end- is that person worse trained than someone certified? Exactely- NO !!!
Certified and approved psychologists can be totally bad therapists...no matter if they have a certificate or a degree...sorry but most of the time this doesn't mean anything!
Don't get me wrong here- it's important to learn, to improve your skills, to make sure you gettig better and better - but that's all you, not your certificate.

@RonBaker456 - 28.07.2024 15:40

Seems like an MLM setup to me. They are always recruiting and promoting each other. What % actually have any training? Many I know think not dying is training enough to be a life coach. Their opinions are worth no more or less than yours or your friends.

@DavidMaddox-c8u - 25.07.2024 21:12

Hi Kati, i enjoyed your perspective on Life Coach and I understand your point of view but I have a Masters in Psychology and have worked for and under a Psychiatrist for 15 years working with drug and alcohol addiction clients. I am not a certified counselor. I do not want to go to school again at my age and I feel I can continue to help others get clean and stay clean. 6 months to obtain a certification is just so much time. do you have any suggestions other than me going back to school for 6 months or longer?

@LoveandGrace - 22.07.2024 10:29

I have seen many therapists become life coaches.

@xheartiiz - 15.07.2024 01:38

certification means nothing. just know your ish!

@veeveemille8830 - 14.07.2024 11:26

My life coach has helped me more than 12+ psychologists over the years put together, including the one I have now. Therapy depends way more on the caring of the individual than on licensure.

@gathercreatelivewithleslie8340 - 10.07.2024 00:25

To me it's like the difference between a massage therapist and a physical therapist. Most people understand and know the differences. I've been to a therapist and most of it was her listening to my complaints, very little motivation or helping in a specific direction.

@JohnJeffs-sx8gz - 23.06.2024 04:24

Life coaching is so much more than a kick in a butt. It also doesn't include advice at all. It's not a trend. It's a wildly effective modality. You should also include than many licenced therapists are dangerous and can harm clients. Disernment is key. I license or certification doesn't mean anyone is good, cares or won't be damaging

@ClaudiaCimenti - 21.06.2024 18:45

Thank you for this video.
I appreciate that you invite your viewers to l3zrn more about potential coaches. Unfirtunately th3re are many xfly by nights coaches out there that are not really qualified.
Beyond certification is accreditation for coaches: not only is education taken into account, but it ensures coaches get supervision, have experience, get continuing education, abide by ethical standards, etc. The ICF or EMCC Global are examples of such accreditation bodies.
One clarification: coaches do not really give advice, but rather help their clients reflect, consider various perspectives, etc. as well as get clarity about their goals, behaviors and actions.

@charlesreid9337 - 21.06.2024 09:38

There is exactly as much objective science backing life coaches as there is backing talk therapy. Exactly none. In fact the only studies on talk therapy say it has an overall negative effect on its patients.

This is just a scammer upset at the competition.. endless the competition is willing to share some of that sweet cash.

SQ diagnosing metal illness I assume you have an md . And not some b*******community college degree or bachelor's in psychology.. neither of which qualify you to diagnose anything

@728spridle - 20.06.2024 01:05

Hi, So, I know both sides of the fence here. I am a Trauma-Informed Wellness Coach & had my own Life Coach a few years ago, that was instrumental in my getting healthy. She was more help than any therapist Id been to that point.

I am certified in both Health & Life Coaching & I am a certified Trauma-Informed Care Practitioner. Along with all that, I also have certification in Therapeutic Arts Facilitation.

I am also a Childhood Trauma & Domestic Violence Survivor. I healed me for the most part, before I began helping others. I got all these certifications for the reasons you speak of, I wanted to be highly knowledgeable & ensure I did not further traumatize someone, while assisting them to becoming their highest selves.

I think there simply cannot be enough GOOD mental health/ personal development facilitators out there, as we all have our own niche & can help with very specific issues.

If you haven't guessed, my niche is trauma, childhood and/or domestic violence.

I currently offer one-on-one coaching sessions, with my 12-weekly, 90–120-minute sessions program titled- How to Sift Through the Bullsh!t & Unfuck Your Life Mindshift Magick, where I teach tools to gain self-worth, self-love & self-acceptance, while teaching my clients how to regulate their nervous systems, be the best them & live a happy, peaceful life.

I am working on an app, to have a classroom setting, and that course is How to Reconnect & Reparent Your Inner Little Dude Mindshift Magick. I think the title is pretty clear, though, the class is all about integrating your ILD into your daily life & allowing them to heal & grow. Its all about letting that little dude out & letting them play. Be the parent to yourself, that you did not have & needed, growing up.

I encourage my clients to stay with their therapist & keep them in the loop on our sessions, so they can have realtime insight on our mutual client. I also remind them I am NOT a doctor. Though many tell me I have helped them more than most of the doctors they've been to, I know the feeling. Like I said, my coach helped me more than any doctor.

Not then, anyway. I have a really good therapist I see every other week now, for maintenance, as I think we all should have one, even in times we feel good, just to keep things on the up & up.

Thanks for your content, much appreciated!

@user-or3wf4fu7f - 19.06.2024 15:45

I do agree with you Kati, very well and professionally said, either therapist, psicologist and life coaches may provide an extra source of help and support to people in need without interference among professionals but working toward the expected goal for the best interest of the person involved.

@citrix123 - 09.06.2024 22:50

My therapist help me lay the foundations for my life , my life coach helps build the house that sits on that foundation. Both are needed but not combined

@Fermikos - 05.06.2024 23:58

I have worked with psychologists and coaches... My conclusions about the results in both cases? No significant results working with the former and quite a few significant benefits working with the latter.

@c.rlewis5812 - 31.05.2024 02:15

My life coach became jealous of my therapist and started to encourage me to ignore her advice. That feels really inappropriate to me

@ohdontchaknow - 27.05.2024 00:29

Damn.. four minutes to say something that took 10 seconds to say 🤦‍♂️

@jo14wp - 22.05.2024 00:28

Certified or not, it's a scam...

@londonoxfordstreet - 17.05.2024 00:23

Lol Everything Needs to be Certified 😂

@DBernard-be3dd - 08.05.2024 21:30

As a certified life coach, I totally agree with all that you shared. As a life coach I also draw the line when I since a pattern of mental illness or layers as it pertains in terms of behavior. I always recommend a trained therapist or psychologist, to better deal with what stands in the way of a client and there desired end goal. I am very good at motivating, advising and also giving strategy, but sometimes my clients need more than a kick in the pants, or sometimes my motivation to them is to advise further more effective help, which involves most often a Therapist. So If you are a good coach you should have no issues with therapist and psychologist, because we can also be a means to clients that you may receive. Thank you for sharing!!!

@Juckendra - 26.04.2024 00:25

@farsideman7 - 22.04.2024 18:24

World renowned psychotherapist Cloe Madanes on "therapy" and "coaching" -

"Twelve years ago when I joined forces with Tony Robbins, my therapy colleagues told me I was crazy.

After all, I had been a founder of Strategic Family Therapy and had a secure place as a leader in the world of psychotherapy. Why would I partner with a life coach?

Friends and colleagues called me to give me a personal warning - “Cloe, you should stay away from coaching!”

Well, I went for it. Why?


-> I believed there was a better way to help people. I'd had enough of the "medical model" in therapy - the idea that "if you're seeking assistance, you must be broken."

-> I believed that our culture was shifting, with more people proactively seeking a better way to live. More and more people seeking someone who can advise them to improve their lives - a coach.

-> I saw the chance to share my unique strategies for rapid change with Tony and a new generation of coaches. You don't need a PhD to change a life. You only need the right strategies.

-> And I saw the potential, in coaching, for individual freedom, where coaches can draw from a broad spectrum of disciplines to create real change in their clients' lives - and create changes in minutes rather than years.

So we got to work, and I have since trained and certified 6000 coaches, including some of the best coaches I know.

And now it’s great to see that my hunch was right. The world is changing - and coaching is coming to the forefront.

Ironically… now many of my therapy colleagues come to me to share their enthusiasm for what coaching is doing for the world......" - Cloe Madanes

@KufanyaJuu - 17.04.2024 23:55

Life coaches are not for persons wanting to talk about all of their life's problems, neither are they to give advise.
Maybe a bit more research on that Field would help before giving ur view on said topic.

@Lilcoaching - 17.04.2024 12:47

Hey Kati, Would actually love to connect with you and discuss this further if you’re open. I am a certified life coach, certified by the ICF. A majority of what you say here is actually very accurate. However I would stop you at saying it’s great to get advice from multiple sources, suggesting life coaches give advice. Simply put a Life Coach is generally meant to reframe from giving advice, it is out job to work with clients to help them determine the best ways forward. If we were to simply give advice this diminishes the accountability the client has toward their goals and lowers the chance of achieving their dreams. To put it vaguely, A life coach helps clients with the present and future, helping them map out ways to achieve desired results. Sometimes our clients can come to us not knowing what they want at all and through the right coach and coaching process more clarity comes about the path forward. Where as therapy is great for dealing with the past, processing traumas and dealing with mental health directly. As you said a Life Coach is not train top diagnose or treat mental illness. Though as I have done with clients, if I see the potential for such an emergence of potential mental health dilemmas, I refer my client to a therapist or talk them through potentially reaching out to one as another form of self help/development and a chance for further growth through the processes they’re already undergoing. Both are very important practices and together I think yield amazing results. As a slight rebuttal to your comment of therapist and clients having bad experiences with coaches and even coaches going against the therapist plan. I too have had clients that say they got more out of a 45min session with me as opposed to seeing multiple therapists. As you said every profession has good and bad, it all depends on the professional and their desire to help also. Furthermore, Coaches generally going against Therapist, I believe you mind find are not qualified or certified. I personally hold a Diploma in life coaching and an ICF certification. If anyone wishes to reach out please feel free, always open for a chat.

@mitchexplores - 14.04.2024 03:41

This is cute. Just for me certified meant nothing…zero. My best coach was coached via life.

@NA-xg7lf - 12.04.2024 02:45

I struggle being vulnerable, I don't even know where to start in conversations anymore. I've put up so many walls that I can't even break out of my own isolation now. It's affected my work life, my social life, my mental health... Just about everything in my life that matters. I can put up an act but people start to notice something is off in a short amount of time. I can ACT confident, charming, as I used to have those qualities. But when it comes down to me I'm being eaten alive by self doubt. I don't know where I could even begin to get help.

@aaronk3788 - 30.03.2024 21:29

Very well said and I agree 100%! If a person has accepted who they are, accepted/healed from past trauma and are making healthy choices overall in life but are having troubles getting over mental hurdles then a life coach would help them. If a person is still stuck in the past, has unhealed trauma or has personality traits that are not conducive to what they really want in life then that person should seek therapy and counseling. Life coaches are responsible for identifying when expertise beyond their training is needed and vice versa for therapists. Thanks for the post!

@darylkik6204 - 30.03.2024 14:40

Not a fan of most life coaches. Many are snake oil salesmen or women. They roll out the wagon and promise to win her or him back. Special texts that somehow get more expensive. For the clients' sake, first should they get back as a couple? Drugs, violence, toxic people, mental health issues , narcissists. Yet all they do is push the expensive cure. I have spoken to a few men and women who were venerable,desperate and hurting who lost thousands. I just dont feel they care like you or I who devoted years in college and view the whole picture, not the carrot dangling in front of them. Save them possible hell with the whole picture. I file a life couch (pun intended) next to Acient Alien Therorist.

@Onlychrist681 - 28.03.2024 21:08

I’m so glad you made this video. Life coaching are very manipulative and use persuasion plus they take and charge lots of money For “help” like Tony Robbins he’s a snake oil.

@historyhongkong7521 - 28.03.2024 10:09

May I ask which jobs can one change after working as a professiona and senior property manager or officer for 20 years please?

@lauramckiernan3213 - 25.03.2024 11:04

Life coaches are complimentary to therapists. There are many people who would benefit from being referred by a therapist to a life coach. Coaching compliments the clinical side of therapy. Each have their place and value for clients.

@MyLifeDezign - 23.03.2024 22:40

Kati offers very sound advice and perspectives.
Though over 30 years of private and corporate coaching, training and more, I've helped clients work through challenges that fall into the realm of mental health challenges, when it comes to these needs I always suggest they work with a good therapist.
When they are past the traumas, addictions or mental health issues, I'm happy to help them work through daily challenges, find the clarity, self-esteem and confidence they need to overcome life's obstacles and move toward the lives, businesses and goals they desire.

@LeadersHQ-1 - 23.03.2024 11:48

I've spent the last six months doing self coaching.... for weight loss, burn out and other issues that are impeding my work on building my own business. I've had to go really deep internally in order to sort out issues... I'm using self hypnosis, mediation, journalling.. changing my belief systems... a coach needs to be able to go to those depths if necessary... because just doing surface work may not help out in the long run...

@magicandmiracles - 16.03.2024 00:05

So sorry, but a certificate means absolutely nothing. Just like it doesn’t in psychology.
You have to resonate with the coach and the coach has to have experience in the field they are coaching. Period.
I’ve had even therapists in my coaching, so therapy sometimes is really not the answer. I hear it from my clients all the time.

@collectivethoughts1379 - 15.03.2024 05:17

Not a fan of counselors, I have been in the most CACREP school, and the new trauma-informed programs. Most counselors don't have a good why? Most counselors have unconscious bias. Most counselors hate Medicaid clients which are the underserved and people of color who can't afford out-of-pocket most of the time. Many psych nurses keep serving people medication because the DSM can have a normal person taking lexipro... The counselors are so busy trying to meet a quota for money and please insurance that clients don't receive the best care... 40% of most people just need a counselor who validates them, relatable, and a life coach can do all of that and better without the master's degree paying for supervision, etc.... The counseling field is stretched thin so life coaches are a great fit. Most counselors barely pass the NCE and go no further and most will never go into a Ph.D. program to research or audit the profession. Many counselors are annoying because they have education but are not relatable to the client so they just use micro-skill aka i see, yes , and reflecting until they can buy some time to think of something educational modality.

@pattilorenzo9186 - 14.03.2024 07:35

In the end, consistency and collaboration, as well as, prioritizing patient/client wellness is essential. I would be wary of any coach, therapist, or doctor that criticizes another professional in any capacity. A sure sign of competency is delivering results with no need for competition. There’s not even enough of us out there for the demand!

@Truthmatters6385 - 12.03.2024 01:32

This is an interesting perspective. There are very helpful aspects to both professions. In my study to become a certified Life Coach, the Life coaching I had for myself powerfully changed my life. I tell the parents of my clients (teens and college students) : "my goal is to work myself out of a job" - in other words, that my clients no longer need me. I know people who have gone to therapists for years and there's not much change at all. I have clients who also see therapists as well. It's a case by case basis - the client has to show up and do the work too. It's a very rewarding profession to see quick, sustainable results.

@user-cc5od3zk4p - 10.03.2024 20:05

I’m not defending life coaching however, licensed therapists aren’t all they are cracked up to be. Sitting in school 7+ years means nothing. I tried counselling and actually found it did more harm than good.

@heart_of_black - 06.03.2024 23:05

I found both therapists and life coaches useless and to be honest they have such an easy job in that that sit on their nice chairs on a nice wage pretending to listen and to care about your issues then tell you to get lost and have a good laugh about you with the other doctors working at these places. Dont trust them. Trust ourself. Find your own way of improving because life coachs and therapists say so many sanctimonious platitudes it actually pisses me off listening to them.

@farahmusleh7932 - 22.02.2024 00:59

I am an International Coaching Federation. The first IC Core Competency that we were taught is: Meeting Ethical Guidelines and Professional Standards, asks the coach to demonstrate
"understanding of coaching ethics and standards and ability to apply them appropriately in all coaching situations." This includes clearly communicating the distinctions between coaching and other support professions and referring the client to another support professional as needed, knowing when a referral is needed, and being familiar with the available resources.

@georgemcfly7358 - 19.02.2024 04:07

It's funny how every comment is from a woman

@Bridgingthegap-withTaven - 03.02.2024 04:00

Life coaching is not a replacement for therapy although I'm trying to become certified. I know I can do a lot of good helping people but at the same time I also want to be a therapist. It just takes more education because it's more detailed and medical and you can go deeper into people's real issues

@scottfranza7383 - 19.01.2024 00:17

Hello there!!! I am an Emergency Room RN at a large hospital. I recently started a program to become a Certified Nurse coach as well as a holistic Nurse coach. I am doing this mostly for personal growth as it is a extenive training lasting 8mo. With 2 certifications at the end. I am also a certified coach in wrestling… having coached for many years. I think having these things may put me in a good position to coach clients… With my experience I think I will be able to help all kinds of people not only reach and manage their health care goals. I will also have a positive influence with regard to lifestyle, exercise, diet, and relationships. Having emergency room experience I also have the ability to spot true mental health problems and emergencies and guide people to get the appropriate care. I can’t diagnose or prescribe medications but certainly can support and keep people safe and let them know there is a entire community that cares

@MIKA-dh7ee - 18.01.2024 03:15

What type of therapist are you?

@yassers6857 - 14.01.2024 18:10

I think we are missing the essence of life coach here. Yes, life coach shall be trained, qualified, certified but they are not meant to treat patients as a therapist. They are meant to provide guidance to become a better self. That's all.
