this is gunna help me, me and this girl cofessed to liking eachother but we are not dating yet because we want to get super comfy before taking is further. chrs boss. easy layout 2 understand.
ОтветитьOr jus be yourself and pray for God to make u into the man u need to be to attract the woman u want. It's that easy. Don't try to be something u're not. It won't last
ОтветитьYo im chatting it up with a shorty and i got her number but she said she has a bf should i still crack it?
ОтветитьCreating a balance is key not too extreme 😊
ОтветитьDude where have you been all my life
ОтветитьCould I do random nice things every now and then
ОтветитьIm drunk as hell pls just get me my ex back
Ответитьhm. instead of all this crap we should probably just revoke female rights or normalize sex work only relationships. I cant juggle this nonesense with the complexities of life just to bang.
Ответить👌👌👌 had to Just subscribe
ОтветитьPlease make a video on confidentiality approach ģirl
ОтветитьEmail me the slides bro
ОтветитьTbh, I'm not being nice because I want girls to like me, I'm being nice, because I wanna be nice
Ответитьman i loved a girl who already has a bf i feel sad and stupid she knows everything (that i have feelings for her) the reason why i fell for her is that she made me feel special and she showed that she cares about me and i felt something strange never felt this way (a girl really cares for me) we played a lot we chatted a lot we chilled a lot and she only sees me as a friend while i already know everything but i kept a false hope and that ruined me i should have let it go from the first place she said we can still be friends but i told her i dont think that will work for me because im just going to keep getting hurt...
ОтветитьHow toxic do you want your audience to become?
- The Dark Needle: * yes *
ОтветитьI used to use thi strategy starting from 2022. In that time span 11 girls had fallen for me. a clueless little bitch😅😅😅😅😅
ОтветитьI ain't changing my character if she prefers being with an asshole bad of her i dont really care at all
ОтветитьWhat a load of bollocks.
ОтветитьI never thought I'd see anything tougher than my physics classes 😢
ОтветитьNah, you should always be kind to people.
ОтветитьAs you promised, how to get out of friendzone video please!!!!!
ОтветитьDid you voice for an ad called manestrength? I swear you sound the same as the dude in the ad
ОтветитьRip to me i hv noticed only black parts in both the image both thes times
ОтветитьHi bro after watching many of your videos 1 year ago I came to relationship with my crush i proposed her first and our relationship was going great but now it feels like I am the only one giving efforts though I know she loves me a lot
Please help
Fantastic video. I really love the psychological research. But one Q, how does this go on the first date? I see girls judge guys heavily on their actions on the first date like opening door for her, paying for her etc?
ОтветитьVery good advice in this video. There are iffy bits, which I'm not too convinced about, but definitely beneficial video if good bits harvested
ОтветитьGreat video 🔥
ОтветитьDark Needle always makes videos about how to attract women, but never the final step, the checkmate.
For example, what is the "right way" to go for a kiss. What surprises me the most is nobody asks for it.
Completely Ignoring her at the time when she tries to make you jealous or cheat on you, is the greatest power ever
ОтветитьRecommended top 10 book's like magical tactics
ОтветитьIs this the latest video from the series? If it is, and if Thedarkneedle sees this, please make a video about how to maintain a healthy relationship. A relationships only with compliments and sharing reels, it is not healthy/or how it is said.
In brief, please make a video about how to maintain a healthy relationship.
How to fix isue of "asking stupid Questions"? (This made me annoying and my friends turn into enemys).
ОтветитьI hope ur reference from ur girlfriend
ОтветитьI believe they call this the integrated man
ОтветитьOne problem tho
Im boring
I will tell you some secret trick
- if she send you reels or talk about man don't take it seriously take it like if you don't care much about her think that it's her life
- make fake personality more confident more repectful
- talk with other girl also make connections
- talk to her friends and be likely to them
- this will make sure you will get a girl and she become comfortable around you
- i can tell you some trick to control her actions also
You forgot the funny guy who literally copes everything with laughter and cheers her up
Ответитьthis is a dogshit video im not gonna lie
ОтветитьBe at least 72% nice. Dont do bad things
ОтветитьNo be bad they don’t deserve good
ОтветитьMy day be like...
I wish I had a partner, everybody I know has somebody... but my dating life is nonexistent...
Hmm... lets see what the internet can help with!
a few hours later
Damn! this is full on psychological warfare...
Now this is what i call equality treatment 😂
ОтветитьOr just be a person, drop the mind games and just have fun. Be nice if you want to be nice, be mean if you want to be mean.
ОтветитьOmgggg the delay is what my dad does he always did that for us 🥹like surprise were going to the beach
ОтветитьOmg and about problems she comes to you with that others cause. You can artificially create attraction by being neutral, then she might be sad because youre not giving her attention, and because you made her feel that way, then you can give her attention and she forgets about what caused it in the first place
ОтветитьWhat if see face some emotional problem and ask your help
Then what should we do?