Venison Snack Sticks Start to Finish

Venison Snack Sticks Start to Finish

Age of Anderson

6 лет назад

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@Praehotec - 24.10.2019 17:45

Instead of water to help blend it together, would red wine vinegar work? Or would that make the casing dissolve?

@smug8567 - 28.10.2019 17:41

Save the liver ! Save the Liver ! Now I've done it, I've cut the dickens out of my finger !

@littleidiot153 - 29.10.2019 21:51

Very cool! 👍👍👍
I love how you sprinkle these Chili flakes in. 😉

@ForgetU - 30.10.2019 20:36

640 subscribers now 641 subscribers, I looked at channel saw that you had a braised shank video... So I'm in.

@jamesbarisitz4794 - 31.10.2019 03:17

Well made and easy to follow. Great looking pep sticks 👍

@carlbailey1301 - 21.11.2019 01:26

Hey bro, get some cotton liner gloves to use under

@chappellfamily2988 - 22.11.2019 22:01

this help me a lot

@DiversifiedMachinist - 25.11.2019 07:53

Nice Mohawk.

@AndrewWarmack - 06.12.2019 01:35

Great video, was wondering why your were not on camera, then I noticed your pink Mohawk in the smoker reflection 😃

@antney1127 - 08.12.2019 16:30

Great video thanks for posting. In the video you used a prepared spice mix but mentioned since you've been doing it so long that you have your own spice recipe. Would you care to share what that is ? Thank you !

@bigcountrylivingbcl966 - 01.01.2020 07:55

Great video. Next time I would love to see your personal mix.

@rickgamelin3436 - 19.01.2020 02:15

Dogtra 2502 T&B. Great choice. Sold them for years. Best unit on the market for those Brits. 👍

@shyamlynn243 - 04.02.2020 08:32

Wow man that was sweet to watch.

@426superbee4 - 08.02.2020 00:20

i got some thing cheaper and better is call a 99 cent package of Wieners! sliced up and  marinade in liquid jerky seasoning about 2 hour then dehydrate em where there soft and flexible YUMMM

@johnm.6422 - 20.02.2020 01:48

What type of smoker are you using to be able to hit such low temperatures (charcoal/gas/electric)? I have an electric, and I have a tough time keeping it below 200, and then my chips don't start smoking until I'm up around 300. I'm looking at a new dual source smoker (propane or charcoal), and I believe I can run a minimal flame and hit much lower temps by throttling the gas way back. Thanks!

@MrFreeadam2009 - 29.02.2020 05:24

Looks awesome. Will be trying this as soon as my grinder/stuffer comes in the mail. Thanks for sharing

@050larz - 05.03.2020 23:30

They look perfect! I think the most important part of the whole process is to immediately shock them when you reach your target temperature. I probably would not leave mine overnight in the smoker, because black bear are always curious for food throughout deer season in central PA. They could take your whole batch and leave you needing to buy a new smoker! Great video. I always use Hi Mountain products, never gone wrong with them.

@donaldsharp3682 - 26.03.2020 23:43

Sexiest,and most informative sausage making​ video I've seen!!! I'm hungry now!!!

@1st67mustang390 - 17.08.2020 04:00

What smoker do you use

@edwardmccormack6638 - 11.09.2020 20:04

Hi! Great video! I was wondering (maybe I missed it) what are you using to crimp off and close the casings. I always with there tying ends for what seems like forever. Thanks!

@Lowkeyprimal - 28.09.2020 20:13

114K VIEWS!!! Lets go baby page is on a steady climb. Almost 2000 subs! ! !

@dondammert - 31.10.2020 20:55

Nice video, but I did not like the background music. Just personal preference but I would prefer more talking.

@fishypictures - 07.12.2020 05:42

I like your little sounds, funny 😁.

@douglascolman4501 - 11.12.2020 09:13

No Apple or hickory here but plenty of coconut or neem trees. Some jackfruit and breadfruit trees.
Is there any wood chips that cannot be used?
Background music 🎶 is good.

- 17.12.2020 22:38

Is it possible to make the sausages from game meat only, without pork? I suppose there is not much fat in game, perhaps using the fatties pieces only?

@buddybell7107 - 21.12.2020 20:12

we have two brittanys as well. great family dogs...

@frenchguyst-croissant3432 - 31.12.2020 04:05

finaly a video were the meat is cold and cured ...i saw some videos on other chanels and it sucked ..yours is awsome
sorry for my bad english

@PitSmoke - 02.01.2021 09:31

I like your Venison Snack sticks and I'm going to try your temp settings I want to hang them in the smoker as you did. Is there any special wooden rod you used to hang them on in the smoker or just a dowl from the lumber yard? Thanks for sharing!

@Jammaster1972 - 17.01.2021 01:49

Ok, I'm late to the party here so forgive me if I'm not the first person to point out that Jack Black has been making a living off of your voice.

@gs637 - 19.01.2021 00:28


@bobjackson3442 - 25.01.2021 00:47

He made stuffing these look so easy lol.

@earlgress5982 - 06.04.2021 16:26

i hope your subs appreciate the smoking details. The slow climb in temp is where its at for making your products better than someone that just throws them on the grill to smoke. Well done man, I'm a follower.

@RealByteThaBullet - 12.04.2021 15:31

Can you list the equipment used to make this? I've never made sausage before and have no idea where to start.

@jimmyjohnson6601 - 16.08.2021 02:05

Love it from Jimmy Johnson from Kilgore Texas

@jBigjohndoe1971 - 27.09.2021 15:26

Had me until you pulled out the shelf brand seasoning pack, looked in my cupboard and don't have that..

@rockyanish6795 - 26.10.2021 06:40

Thanks for another great video

@melissadauster4113 - 21.11.2021 02:35

I know is going to be a dumb question but how do you keep the sausage from coming out the ends when you cut them ? Thank you. Great video.

@CAN43715 - 21.11.2021 20:42

Your sausage looks awesome. How long did it take in the smoker? I have an electric Mes 40 smoker with an exernal cold smoke attachment. While I am able to hold temps down to 120 ok, I find that if I step it up to a maximum of 170 degrees it takes over 8 hours and the sausage starts to dry out. The last batch, using 19mm castings, I dried it at 120 for an hour, then added hickory smoke at 140 for an hour, then closed the top vent and cranked it to 170 and added smoke for 2 hours, then cranked it to 185 without smoke for 2 hours to reach internal temps between 155 and 160. (When I crank smoker to 185 the temp cycles between 175 and 195.) They did not wrinkle and stayed moist. Also gave them an ice bath for a couple minutes. Just curious how long you smoke yours without getting them all dried out.

@pamelapelech3249 - 22.11.2021 15:14

They look great

@chancyhansen3166 - 11.12.2021 07:19

What kind of smoker do you use?

@dawsonarndt1956 - 17.12.2021 16:20

How many lbs would you do at at times in the 354 sq. in masterbuilt?

@tnuc1446 - 04.01.2022 04:55

what part of the deer did you use?

@J1I9M7M4Y - 16.01.2022 20:35

A couple of stupid questions: Why is it so important that the meat is cold when you grind it? Would it be possible to make snack sticks with for example salmon??

@zagreus7680 - 24.01.2022 03:13

benzopyrene says hello to your cancer

@chrislafore1473 - 25.02.2022 22:52

Put some ice cubes in after grinding

@stevenmajewski3870 - 09.09.2023 06:36

my dad used to bring his smokies to work, he made plenty of friends, I think he used the same seasoning! great tutorial!

@TheMagicneedle - 17.11.2023 18:39

IIs it possible to use a oven for the cooking process rather than a smoker I do my salami in the oven and it comes out perfect, but it is not hanging. Great video, by the way this is a woman-Nancy

@MikeBuckles-y4b - 13.12.2023 01:32

What smoker do u have

@BoysInTheWoodsofPA - 01.12.2024 18:43

So not a recipe, but a pre-mixedspice kit, check.
