What is money and who rules the world? | Yanis Varoufakis | Escaped Sapiens #46

What is money and who rules the world? | Yanis Varoufakis | Escaped Sapiens #46

Escaped Sapiens

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@veyselbatmaz2123 - 10.09.2024 12:48

Valuable insights but totally wrong. Capitalism is dying not because of its sickness or national economic disputes or monotary policies but because it is being killed... Murderer is the technology that created capitalism 500 years ago. This historically inevitability needs to be examined. Varoufakis is wrong. Capitalism is not changing its qualitative capital structure. It is being killed.

As I discussed extensively in my book "Digitalism vs. Capitalism", (amazon) in the last 15 years, Sally J. Goerner and her friends have worked on a remarkable and enlightening theory of The New Science of Sustainability (2008). Her approach is very different from the knowledge areas of Sustainability Faculties scattered all around the World. I support and enlarged her framework with the theories of Karl Marx, McLuhan, Herold Innis, Arif Dirlik, Immanuel Wallerstein, and with many others.
In this book, contrary to the fear from AI, I showed that the notion of “AI wanting to become human” was the main theme of Stanislaw Lem’s novel (you might know it as Tarkovsky’s or George Clooney’s film) Solaris. I showed that Yuval Noah Harari, Mustafa Suleyman, Daron Acemoğlu, and Yanis Varoufakis are only babbling of the old stories with gibberish sentences and unrealistic mathematics.
Also, I showed the social and political structure of the new mode of production is going to be ecumenic structures. It is futile to analyze the current times we live in in terms of odd-life views, current statistics, and old paradigms of political science and international relations. At the present, the Copernicus paradigm and Axial Age mode of thinking are being swept away by technology. But not in the way postmodernists’ ornamentations of apparent realities.

@user-xs2ss8jr9v - 26.08.2024 07:44

I’m sorry, not on the same page as Yanis when it comes to, who rules the world. The financial capitalist systems are indeed computer algorithms but someone had to tell the programmers how they should configure the algorithm to make it work the way it does. It doesn’t make any sense to minimise the growth of humanity, making the top 1%, so rich beyond compare and constrained at the same time. Really, these algorithms benefit ethereal puppet master. This is a not conspiracy theory but with the current demise of capitalism the world will get to see who indeed pulls the strings.

My bet is these puppet masters have always been there. Yanis talks about the transition from feudalism to capitalism with wealth landlords being the banks of the past. Some of these banks are still with us today, still controlling and influencing outcomes that suit themselves. These banks, create instability, to manipulate share prices, start world unrest in the hope a war breaks out, they supply the war machines with material made in the factories they control, when war is over and the nation needs to be rebuilt, who is there to lend money but the banks. These banks also either own or control building material supply companies. If you don’t believe this look at who owns, through share holdings these industries.

@ZhanetaPetroska - 21.08.2024 23:35


@ZhanetaPetroska - 21.08.2024 23:34

Ask him who run golden Dorn

@ahmadmustakhimabdmutalib59 - 18.08.2024 00:17

😢yanis, the noble death is stay ur remain in ur grave, not being creaminate because its ultimate hurt of being burn...


I have a question to professor do you buy like a gold coin silver coins something maybe historic issue by the great government which you can have it as a liquidity and the long term investment


Yes creating some Polish American from Washington McLean Virginia in my opinion self checkout it's a machine which enslaves customers because we have to do all that work with the corporation do not want to hire and pay good wages to the cashier people you know

@nohllywd - 17.08.2024 21:23


@georgemcelroy1472 - 14.08.2024 19:28

Stomach The Master.

@harbinger6562 - 12.08.2024 06:46

Hi Mr Yanis and Shane ❤️🇬🇷🇵🇸🦾😇

@user-jd2fe1pu4w - 02.08.2024 00:57

you tell me nothing I don't already know

@user-jd2fe1pu4w - 02.08.2024 00:37

what about money as a store of value?

@Roylamx - 30.07.2024 11:55

Good money like he said is a commodity and the best money is precious metals like gold.
The worst, bad money is debt, the worst money is an intangible system of debt like CBDC, which is slavery.

@jonjenkins - 20.07.2024 03:21

Capitalism = Materialism & Capitalism since the removal of the ‘gold standard’ works largely with what I see as ‘virtual reality’ money - This money doesn’t actually exist epitomised by ‘cryptocurrency’ & the whole monetary system becomes increasingly abstract- Having stated this, I must to say that I have great respect for YV as an intellectual & consider him to be a person of the highest integrity & character

@davidwestwater2219 - 08.07.2024 13:05

Greece borrowed billions spent the money and for a few years life was good. Then they didn't want to pay it back. Thats it. Dont buy things on credit if you don't have a way to pay it back

@Kazuo-ll6hr - 07.07.2024 14:10

Yanis point about EVs is wrong. His thought process is flawed. He said Diesel is bad, so EVs must be green. This is wrong, EVs are nothing but green, Yanis is just parroting propaganda. I wonder if he is the recipient of some of the 280 Billion USD that China spent to promote EVs around the world, of course part of the 280B went to politicians and news outlets, that's why it turned into a cult.

@meeranraees3183 - 04.07.2024 14:48

Mr guterres with others world war group harsting trail international criminal court law of Islamic general scientist globally peace

@meeranraees3183 - 04.07.2024 14:48

SCO conference in finishing COUNTRIES Russia all finishing COUNTRIES in the hunder general scientist globally peace

@paulr1125 - 02.07.2024 11:31

everything is on the point of changing , citizens across the world are fed up with their political system and the politicians , and want massive change

@kmakiable - 28.06.2024 06:57

That's why I'm a fan of a Big Commercial State-Owned Bank that issue currency at 0% interest and smaller private-public-partnership based local savings and loans banks that assist local businesses

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:27

For what subject joint venture group of general scientist globally peace ?

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:27

What is there's subject related from joint venture group COUNTRIES not activate ?

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:26

What is from United nations not relies order and others rights for general scientist

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:26

Mr guterres secretary general of general assembly of United nation 6 months before jobs of United nation finishing new secretary general of general assembly of United nation high commissioner human rights council of United nation awards to general scientist CEO of general scientist globally peace

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:20

General scientists Daly based show to court and joint venture group COUNTRIES and others

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:20

From jont venture group COUNTRIES there's subject not possible from court celleding order documents to name of general scientist CEO of general scientist globally peace

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:19

What is order document not relies to name of general scientist and CEO of general scientist globally peace
With general scientist order documents of court not available what is with general scientist there's rights available

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:16

What is international court justice south Africa United nations and world court open just general scientist globally peace

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:15

Without general scientist not rights to court and United nations and others

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:15

Universal solar missile energy power technology digital ecosystem research of general scientist and professor Erwin loh research manager
General scientific,international globally peace said cliam trail case failing open to Israel and world war group including Pakistan

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:13

Pakistan and others finishing COUNTRIES in the hunder general scientist globally peace what there's joint venture group COUNTRIES what's role play

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:11

Pakistan including world war group finishing in the hunder rules regulations international court justice south Africa United nations

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:10

What is activate of joint venture group COUNTRIES for general scientist support and others subject

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:10

Without security forces and others rights not available for general scientist
Health of general scientist very denguers issues 90% damage in death food and medicine others rights not available for general scientist

@meeranraees3183 - 25.06.2024 06:07

Greece and others joint venture group COUNTRIES incuding not for others subject general scientist CEO of general scientist globally peace in attacks in death condition out in system from world war mafia group

@germanikolaas - 25.06.2024 02:04

I cant say or else my account will be banned.

@krisi652 - 21.06.2024 12:09

I like the physics analogy between money and wave duality. Brilliant explanation.

@El-up1ri - 09.06.2024 01:35

Increadible man.

@victorsperandeo3609 - 24.05.2024 17:54


@josephmallard3071 - 22.05.2024 16:05

BRILLIANT, and Goot Fakin Laugh...Seriously ..This is on the Money...

@geniemarie7977 - 20.05.2024 20:00

Spot on

@farinshore8900 - 16.05.2024 19:40

The best cautionary tale about building oneself a gilded cage.

@marycooper8385 - 12.05.2024 05:55

I do not buy from Amazon never have

@bluebxico3552 - 11.05.2024 15:45

Just sub and already love the context but need to re listen:), thanks!

@GoldKingsMan - 08.05.2024 17:37

What happened to Greece was a crime.

@mariettestabel275 - 07.05.2024 12:16

The Dark Side of the Money....
