Time will tell if Star Wars Outlaws sticks the landing, but when you’re allowed to roam and explore, it feels like the Star Wars game you always wanted. No, you’re not swinging a lightsaber, and there are no powers I could see available. The main missions feel restrictive and very safe, but there’s something here.
Usually after four hours I’d have a really good handle on a game like this, but all I keep thinking is how ambitious it is, and how I need to see more of it to commit to a feeling. Kay is a likeable protagonist who has existed in this world before we got there, and that’s always a good sign when you feel that. A few gameplay issues aside, there’s definitely something here, and it might just be the game you’re looking for. Fingers crossed.
Star Wars Outlaws is coming to PS5, Xbox Series S|X, and PC on August 30th.
Preview access provided by publisher.
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