"The BEST Pack Luck EVER?! Show Me Your Team!"

"The BEST Pack Luck EVER?! Show Me Your Team!"

Nick Clips

1 год назад

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@Amzyy - 08.10.2023 06:51

That modric card is a steal for only 250k 91 rated this early with those stats and has potential to go up to a 93. He’d easily be in the club for the rest of the game cycle

@JustBoaty - 08.10.2023 07:05

That R9 is hacked in btw the card doesn't show the first owner symbol below the chem style

@fn_conz_ - 08.10.2023 11:04

Lucky man, my best pull is an 88 Bernado silva and did man getting R9+Modric

@Dredt79 - 08.10.2023 11:20

Packed Gold Bernardo and Rttk Dembouz in an 83x10 I’m gassed as it’s my first decent starter game pull in any of my 4 years playing FIFA!

@justsam2206 - 08.10.2023 12:04

Love the auzio title lmao

@f-log8718 - 08.10.2023 15:00

3 weeks haven’t packed a single promo card, pack weight is horrendous + there’s no packs full stop. crap start to the game

@leeroii89 - 08.10.2023 16:11

Absolute bollocks how the same accounts always get the best packs/picks while some of us never get nothing. Same shit, different year. F you ea you money grabbing bastard's

@bubbleducky52 - 11.10.2023 13:35

why has modric never been expensive
