This Tiny Sketchbook Changed My Life (and can change yours too)

This Tiny Sketchbook Changed My Life (and can change yours too)

Leslie Stroz

7 месяцев назад

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@LeslieStroz - 12.08.2024 15:10

Which is your favourite? What would you like to see me paint next? 👩🏻‍🎨❤

@MomIrregardless - 14.03.2025 23:56

how about a link to the carry bag you are using for supplies? do you have a video on your suggested/using supplies? i am intrigued by the sleeve you use for wiping your brush! is it simply a cuff off a shirt? or something more?

@MomIrregardless - 14.03.2025 23:50

i just dont see the links you promise in the description....tiny palette supplies for instance....the godraw site is getting terrible reviews, and is much more costly than 'amazon' anyway. tsk tsk

@mourneswanderer1767 - 14.03.2025 02:48

Gorgeous altogether. Thanks indeed for sharing

@wendymorrison8995 - 11.03.2025 18:26

I love your tiny paintings so much! Thank you for sharing! I'd love to see some old churches and castles! Thank you!!

@jaynewarriner7214 - 11.03.2025 13:58

I think the cabin/tiny house was my favorite, 2nd fav was the peeble beach😊

@debrawallace5407 - 11.03.2025 00:03

I’m curious about where you found what I will call the “viewfinders”

@pama.6410 - 10.03.2025 03:08

Thank you for sharing this. Love all your paintings! Beauty in 2x2.

@honeypeggylou - 02.03.2025 01:31

Wonderful video, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your paintings and the information about each one! I marveled at the array of interesting places where you painted, so many picturesque tiny towns to paint your tiny pictures 😮🎉they are all lovely and I couldn’t choose a favorite! My son and I sat at my kitchen table yesterday, my first attempt at watercolor. I played your other video, “100 Tiny Paintings in a Year…” while we painted and he would chuckle at times when you would say some of the same things he’s told me, over time, about watercolor painting! I mostly tried out the colors I love, pastels, just laying them down in different strokes. I lasted about an hour before I had to go lay down, but it was a great time for both of us! Thanks for sharing with us. It was fun to see your supplies and watching your paintings come to life, I really enjoyed it! ❤ For future reference, my name is Peggy and we live in Louisiana, North of Baton Rouge, very small, very rural! 🦐🦞🦀🐊🦪🍛Cajun country, crawfish, seafood, alligator’s, swamps and bayou’s 🎺🪗🎷🎉

@Honeybee-Hedgehog-Creative - 01.03.2025 10:21

I’m going to make me sick for Devon. My family is from Painton and I recognize all the different areas that you’ve painted thanks for taking me down memory lane.❤

@Fia.Fire1 - 28.02.2025 07:39

Wow, they were all so beautiful, and they gave the feeling of peace

@mboudreaux2950 - 27.02.2025 21:02

It seems each one is progressively less “muddy” and provides more breathing room for the eye. I am absolutely going to get on board. 😊 Thank you for posting your process and materials! These tiny treasures become secret little gems!!

@myklia1 - 27.02.2025 18:33

My parents used to have.a vacation home in Door County. Your scene reminds me of Gills Rock.

@angeladaquila3495 - 27.02.2025 10:50

I think I am going to love this. I’m late in joining but now I’m eager to begin. You are very inspiring!

@malinamorin4296 - 26.02.2025 22:36

I loooove the ducks!!!❤

@francespavelich2295 - 26.02.2025 20:29

Thanks this is great .

@sonjadawson6448 - 26.02.2025 01:06

I would like to know more about your supplies

@27MinuteArtist - 26.02.2025 00:39

I really enjoyed this video! Thank you for sharing

@lisagelinas403 - 26.02.2025 00:03

What are you using to wipe the paint pen on? A tennis wristband?

@SusanBautch - 25.02.2025 22:56

I was going through you tube. And I stopped on yours .I like the 19th of June maybe because it is my Birthday. And the Door County,, and Madison too. I live in Eau Claire. This has been so fun to see. Thank you Sue.

@Nasauniverse001 - 25.02.2025 03:09

Been to Devon.

@Nasauniverse001 - 25.02.2025 03:08

Whats that thing on your wrist please?

@ireneflores179 - 25.02.2025 02:28

I absolutely adore the 20th of May! Thank you for sharing! I am gonna do a little journal to progress into.

@12345gerrard - 19.02.2025 05:50

That's the thing writing and painting is very similar as you need to keep doing it to get better and better and better!

@12345gerrard - 19.02.2025 05:35

I am going to become a little artist too!

@12345gerrard - 19.02.2025 05:33

It's because the tiny pictures are so, so tiny they are cute! Really cute! And that makes them magical really magical indeed!

@12345gerrard - 19.02.2025 05:28

You're paintings are really good!

@ColleenM61 - 08.02.2025 02:58

This is darling and your video is so pleasant. I found the go draw shop on Etsy and ordered one. I'm a newly retired master gardener and always wanted to watercolor. Thanks for the inspiration 😁. I subscribed and look forward to watching more of your art adventures.

@hannastocksick7395 - 04.02.2025 19:56

I can only think how difficult it has to be to draw or paint on such small page when you cannot rest your hand on it for being so small

@ItsEyenTait - 26.01.2025 22:43

Company named "Go Draw" sells painting supplies. Seems legit. 🤣😉 (Yes, I see she is using brush pens, which I assume they sell, but still think it's funny.)

@katsmith8263 - 23.01.2025 21:05

Tiny is better

@katsmith8263 - 23.01.2025 20:56

You taught me an important thing in one of your shorts-that I do can find an interesting view in the view finder, having just a bunch of branches of a tree in there! Before I was so uninspired that I refused to draw urbansketching at all! So thank you for inspiration! I immediately DIYed a tiny palette and a tiny sketchbook, and done my very 1st urban sketch!

@tubyhobby - 23.01.2025 18:22

Your channel and art is so comforting 💙

@SolanaDevon - 19.01.2025 19:22

I see that you put something on your paintings where white/light colors will be. It’s the blue stuff you erase. Is that just a blue pencil or is that something special.

@PaintsAndDogs - 18.01.2025 19:10

holy cow socuteandtiny 🥰 I've never done much watercolor but maybe I need one and you should have gotten some advertiser dollars. :-) How smart to use a wristband like that to dab your brush. And, everyone should have a secret garden.

@bigkingsha - 16.01.2025 08:09

There's something magical about this miniature sketchbook and paint palette. The idea that it can all fit right into your pocket is insane. The amount of detail you put into the tiny artwork is incredible. As artists, we must try all things that bring us various levels of interest and creative energy. I love the idea of this. Much better than my little Post-It sticky notes!

@matildasmith6292 - 09.01.2025 00:18

I loved this……I tend to gravitate towards tiny things and have started painting in watercolors so this was really nice to watch ❤️

@chlexiel.1022 - 08.01.2025 20:03

I loved this. What a beautiful keepsake. Wish I had this GOD given gift🥰

@jillpontiere1814 - 08.01.2025 16:17

My gosh this was such an inspiring video. Thank you, your art is magnificent.

@carmenjacobsen7024 - 08.01.2025 09:11

This is the first tiny painting video I have stumbled across. It just happened to be on my feed and I thought I’d have a look. So pleased I did! I think I’m off to buy a tiny palette! Thank you for sharing your experiences ❤

@tune_smith - 07.01.2025 20:27

I immediately ordered that palette and sketchbook combo! I can’t wait to receive it!

@arjacarter857 - 07.01.2025 09:29

Thank you

@niclasbagenheim7181 - 05.01.2025 12:28

Wonderful! I love it! Too bad I can´t get my act together and start painting:-D

@williammowbray6305 - 05.01.2025 04:37

Love it! I do tiny paintings with the grand babies, they even let me post them on the art wall in our basement. Wish I could post a picture.

@songbird60thompson14 - 03.01.2025 03:50

I found your channel yesterday and am totally fascinated with tiny watercolor paintings now. Those are amazing paintings and love hearing the stories behind them. Thank you for the inspiration and sharing your experience. Looking forward to trying this out.

@metamurph - 30.12.2024 07:08

I remember seeing all of these come through Instagram over the years and love this historical walk and your talk of the struggles at times, it is your little drawings that got me started again, still infrequent but it is something I am having fun with my artist daughter as we talk about trying different things.

@allisonjones2191 - 25.11.2024 02:35

You are soooo talented!

@skullrose8985 - 22.11.2024 05:34

I love your secret garden Painting..I absolutely adore the miniatures they are so cute..
I would love to start my art work again,I really miss been creative..I haven't drawn & painted in years,I'm really nervous about trying again,been my worst critic lol..
I would love to see you do some insects, butterfly's,beetles,bee's,country meadow flowers..Maybe some night time sky pictures,please..
I have only just found your channel,I can't wait to see what else you have done..
Thankyou for sharing this with us..
Hope you have a beautiful day & take ☮️🍄☮️🍄

@valerietiffany3420 - 14.11.2024 21:13

I haven’t used watercolors since I was a senior in high school. I recently retired and I have bought a class b travel van with the idea of visiting all the places I’ve always wanted to in the United states where I live . I’ve been reconnecting to my artistic side and I’ve bought a good bit of water color supplies … wow, it’s going to take me a while to pick this back up … my work is just awful so far. I have to say your videos have been quite helpful and this one is just super inspirational to me. I thought every little painting was marvelous !!! Dating them and having those memories is just fabulous and gave me confidence in what I already started to do, but I do need to change up my materials … thank you, looking forward to more of your work out of your new van. My son lives in Manchester UK and with that tiny paint kit, I’ll be able to bring to the uk on my next trip!!!
