分享25年嚟三次嘅移民經歷,從加拿大🇨🇦 到紐西蘭🇳🇿 再到澳洲🇦🇺,我面對過乜嘢困難。
----------------------------------------------------------- 關於我 About me --------------------------------------------------------
hea媽 移加睇紐 主要介紹加拿大🇨🇦同紐西蘭🇳🇿嘅移民生活包括住屋,購物,學校,旅遊等資訊。有興趣嘅朋友請留言,俾like👍,訂閱我嘅頻道同點擊小鈴鐺🔔,咁你就會收到我嘅所有最新消息同影片。唔該晒🙏🙃
This channel is about my life in Canada and New Zealand including but not limited to housing, shopping, school and traveling.
I've been living in Canada over 20 years. 5 years ago, I moved to New Zealand with my family to start a new chapter. With HIM, everything is POSSIBLE.
Please like, comment, share and subscribe my channel. God bless!!!
#heamom移加睇樓 #移民紐西蘭 #移民加拿大 #移民澳洲 #救生艇 #Openworkpermit #StreamA