I Started an Animation Studio...

I Started an Animation Studio...

Sir Wade Neistadt

1 год назад

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@SirWade - 24.04.2023 01:23

The music video I made isn't out yet, but made sure you're subbed so you don't miss the breakdown / debrief of how it was created! Also, any other questions you have after hearing the story? :)

@vedantgadhave2050 - 11.02.2025 10:13

can you drop down the name of the student that got into pixar animation

@BrownTortoise-u2s - 06.01.2025 00:32

You need a project manager.

@SPMask - 08.12.2024 04:24

Can we see the finished project?

@mdigitalman - 06.12.2024 18:29

This is really good stuff. I want to make my own animated shows and this video is extremely in insightful. Thank you

@CovionFilms - 18.11.2024 22:29

Your first business will most likely always be experience and practice. So get practice without the expense first.

@Allen_hydraxian_studio - 03.11.2024 12:52

When ever you fail making an animation studio. The best thing you can do is learn from your mistakes and keep going now matter how many times you failed just learn and keep going. And make sure not to burn your self out. Make sure to take a break. I hope this advice helps😅😊

@Chronicler9 - 03.11.2024 01:34

I respect and heavily value this video. Thank you SO much for sharing it. This is SO helpful.

@KaterynaM_UA - 25.10.2024 18:35

that's why I'd NEVER work in "indie collaborative workplace" that's just a nightmare scenario. Management is the MOST important part of any organization. I'd rather draw bricks for 8 hours a day with good management than do a passion project with friends.

@cuerpodeluz555 - 25.10.2024 06:29

Thanks for sharing your experience! A lot of knowledge here

@IbisFernandez - 15.10.2024 18:25

Rule number one of running a successful studio. The animation industry is an INDUSTRY. Artistic. Skills are a must but you need to leave artistic integrity out the door. You are running a factory and producing a product like any other. The artists are nothing more than assembly line workers and just like any other factory, it's about the bottom dollar. You wanna be an "artisr" and "fair" then better stock up on ramen noodles and enjoy the ride cause it will never last long. Keep it as a hobby if you have artistic integity. If you are gonna be part of the "industry" be prepared to be "industrial".

@IndriidaeNT - 09.09.2024 18:19

Ranking animation studios:
Walt Disney Animation Studios: The absolute best! Good as Gold
Pixar: The second absolute best! Good as Gold too
DreamWorks Animation: The third best, silver and gold.
Illumination: The fourth best, Good as Gold despite sometimes milking some of their franchises like the Despicable Me, Sing and The Secret Life of Pets franchises just for money.
Sony Pictures Animation: An awesome but also all over the place animation studio with sometimes cliched movies.
The Warner Animation Group: awesome, depending on your point of view.
Blue Sky Studios: The downfalled inferior animation studio.

@Ryukostudios - 25.07.2024 19:51

I’m working on my own animation studio with my colleagues and this is phenomenal advice

@elongatedmanforever1252 - 10.07.2024 04:58

Try try again, if you dont suceed you
Can always try harder with new knowledge.

@srveer3649 - 12.05.2024 17:05


@bizarre_studio - 07.05.2024 17:29

Wish I would have found you earlier so I would have helped you through your problems as currently leading as a production manager of a small team in animation studio. Do let me know if you are looking for any work getting done for the fraction of price.

@SketchBombina - 25.04.2024 10:43

This was very useful, thank you!

@juansierra3885 - 21.03.2024 07:40

Hey! Did you have a producer to help you manage ?

@watchandlearngames830 - 20.03.2024 20:59

You can hire artists online. My self working for online studio as chatacter animator and rigging artist. There are bunch of benifits hiring artists online.

@Mr192320 - 15.03.2024 22:43

This is what I'm trying to do

@iriaizanami86 - 06.03.2024 19:47

eeuu is dont a good coutry to be happy

@hannelerantanen760 - 06.03.2024 19:26

Thanks for sharing! This was fantastic overview of why things can sometimes go wrong. If i could double like this video i would thank you for making such honest content!

@Vorloom - 05.02.2024 08:07

You kinda look like Jschlatt

@artKaiMerra - 30.01.2024 22:27

There are a million how to books and videos and it's the learning experience gained from unsuccessful ventures which is often overlooked.
Videos like this are so valuable! I've definitely taken some notes from this. Thank you~♪

@nesofearth - 09.01.2024 00:56

Wonderful insight✨🙏

@romanbruni - 15.12.2023 18:43

congrats on experience. in my first job we used to say that " the only person that doesnt make mistakes is the one not working..." thanks for the mature sincere process story, good advice on turbulent mistake attractors..! would you care to talk also a little more about audience and how you intended to reach comercial public to watch animations ? otherwise the story remains on 'creative without marketing'. as I too have failed, you have my sympathies. cheers from Rio.
ps. keep the friend after the storm is also a grand achievement.

@sintay8002 - 27.11.2023 13:52

Yeah I have a one track mind, but while I have a pretty good idea, narrowing it down would be hard. But I would just stick to one thing if I ever get it rolling. Personally just TRYING to learn right now.

@jrausch2802 - 23.11.2023 22:41

thank you for sharing all this info. it is really important

@BonusPokus - 18.11.2023 12:17

It seems like most of these problems stem from a lack of leadership. It may sound harsh, but when you hire people, you have to be the boss. When you say that your project got delayed because everyone had a different vision, it sounds like your team didn't know that they were hired to develop your vision. The reality about small studios and short budgets is that resources have to be managed and optimized properly, and most of the time that means that there is little space for creative freedom throughout the project. People are hired to perform a task, they aren't hired to bring their own vision to life, and this can be seen even in large productions that are now flopping because people are carrying too much of their personal baggage into the project. Take Peter Jackson as an example, when he planned the LOTR movies, he talked to his team and they all agreed that they will leave their personal baggage outside of the movies and that they would focus on representing well the things that were important for Tolkien. This could have been such an easy point to address with your team from the beginning and everyone would have been focused on finishing the task at hand. Of course, you should actively listen to your team, but also learn when to just say "no". It isn't about getting it perfect, it is about getting it done.

@TheObsidianArchives - 12.11.2023 11:20

Indie Animation studio runner here... thank you for the wise words.

@computron1 - 30.10.2023 01:27

"It's really time consuming and extremely expensive" - I wish more people thought about this when calling every new animated film a "cash grab". Starting any business is tough, but starting an animation studio with the goal of paying people fairly, creating good work, and reaching profitability is EXTREMELY tough. Applaud you for trying.

@deeleon - 24.10.2023 11:47

so sad to hear doing everything but not the loved stuff

@Marrftoons - 24.10.2023 02:31

I applaud you for starting a business.

@JTCh-sr2pz - 16.10.2023 13:36


@elizabethannehobbs8038 - 15.10.2023 19:36

Thank you for sharing this! I know it wasn't easy. Thank you!

@alyssavandyart - 23.09.2023 01:50

I had a similar experience while directing my first short film for school. We ended up with a decent film, but I was burnt out from making art for a few years. In hindsight, I was focusing so much on the story making sense that we ended up with a long script that could have been simplified and still had good quality. It's important to be realistic with the size of your team and how long the project will take (know when to keep or pitch something). You may not get to add everything you want, but the end product will be something you're proud of. I did learn a lot from it but I don't look back on that time fondly lol

@AJsapala481 - 21.09.2023 19:08

Great video, I appreciate your story about the ups and downs of this process.

@owohscorner - 03.09.2023 01:51

I plan on making my animation studio salaried, working on series and featured animation rather than the gig work mindset of California.

Any advice?

@cantoneseconnection - 29.08.2023 23:28

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with this. It was great to listen to!

@LFPAnimations - 25.07.2023 23:12

I may be biased in saying this, but it looks like your video could have benefited a lot from compositing. From the clips you showed there are a lot of rough edges (probably coming from unreal) which could be ironed out in comp.

@lgtwzrd - 24.07.2023 23:25

I tried this animation studio business on my own for 15 years. It didn't work out for many of the same reasons you mentioned. I'm an animator/artist. I don't trust myself to run a business or even manage my own artist self let alone inspire others to stick with me on the long run. I'm better off working for some other company that is structured and stable and I don't have to worry about a million things beyond my expertise. Live and learn!

@Zainimedia - 23.07.2023 01:53

The work is good, you need to go back the drawing board dont give up

@G_a_n_d_u - 17.07.2023 14:47

oye oye balle balle

@esialem - 15.07.2023 22:18

I also ones failed at managing a team I'm supposed to follow up and in my case, for a quite some time, I felt really bad about my self until I realized if it wasn't for my failure, I wouldn't have known what it takes to be a leader. so, I've been working on the qualities I lacked back then and, I believe that I'm much better now
This video reminded me of that, so, thanks you

@ArmageddonIndustries777 - 05.07.2023 17:23

This. Is. My. Dream!!! My call! I wanna do this so badly!!
