Daily Beast: Marines Continue To Share Women’s Nude Photos | MSNBC

Daily Beast: Marines Continue To Share Women’s Nude Photos | MSNBC


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@jamiadixon331 - 12.03.2017 02:01

You guys do not understand how close these guys are and they could care less what you guys think.

@kennethurwin3438 - 12.03.2017 02:15

The trifecta. President, Military and our Intelligence community. How low can you go.

@triumph2992 - 12.03.2017 05:02

The news is just making this worse. Makes people want to search for the pictures

@akexkdffakdkwicdfkkdkk7343 - 12.03.2017 06:19

sighs This, is why I never joined.

@bigdickpornsuperstar - 12.03.2017 06:32

So.... were these photos taken without the women's knowledge and then posted without their permission.
Or were these photos that they willingly took, but then lost control of?

I missed how all of this started and it makes a huge difference in how I would form my opinion on the subject.
I get the feeling that this was done without their knowledge or permission, which would be horrible, but I may be wrong.

@jaredb5302 - 12.03.2017 07:10

So awful. This makes me feel ill. What's wrong with these people?

@samsonbristol - 12.03.2017 09:30

The "new normal" in Trump's America.

@vestspet4242 - 12.03.2017 10:35

Hopefully, this scandal will finally convince the military to end the proliferation of using moral waivers in recruiting. The moral degenerates that were once denied are now not only being recruited, but are encouraged to reenlist. This has to stop. Do we really need the gigantic military we have now? Why do we have to stick our nose in everyone's business? I read somewhere that US military forces are in 70 countries. Last time I checked, there were about 210 countries in the world. By my math, that means we have armed forces in 1 out of 3 countries. Does anyone else think that is insane?

@sleepycatgamer - 12.03.2017 14:47

Why did these women let themselves get photographed naked? Were they forced to do it? If so that is a crime, if not, it is their fault...

@erniecho - 12.03.2017 16:00

This is what happens when you let Trump take office. He allow women to get grabbed by the p****.

@garyduarte4099 - 12.03.2017 21:29

Lets just blame Trump. He will shoot this crap down like all the other scandals.

@MsJudi54 - 12.03.2017 22:08

America is losing its moral authority. This is totally disgusting.

@Cadmus9501 - 13.03.2017 02:24

This proves men and women can't serve together and all this accomplished was to undermine the efforts of the military from fulfilling their role. Nothing will change due to the culture that exist within the country and the military is a reflection of this attitude.

@trinityledford886 - 30.07.2019 07:48

TRUMP 2020! Go Watch Liberty Hangout thats where real content is.

@alexjohnson7128 - 29.10.2019 23:56

Leave to to worthless MSNBC lying hacks to keep doing this!!! You can't BELIEVE ONE WORD these LYING Phony News Reporters SAY!!!

@salvagemonster3612 - 09.07.2022 17:36

This is as disgusting as a nurse posting Tik Tok videos of them grieving over a death

@salvagemonster3612 - 09.07.2022 17:37

I can’t wait for the Zoomers to have to supply their generation to fight. I don’t mean online gaming or Tik Tok either

@kc6671 - 20.10.2022 20:05

Marines will be Marines… Female Marines can be even worse.

@maxplank1196 - 27.06.2023 23:05

Slow news day?

@Just-Human - 28.06.2023 19:17

Dont take naked pictures of yourself and send to someone then expect them not to show others.

@mosquitosthrash6811 - 25.08.2023 06:30

It is a shame that they taught their school boys to exploit women; isn't it hard enough to thrive without being stalked by legions of "tossers" ?

Look at what is happening to women in Africa, India, and Mexico.

@needles1975 - 07.09.2023 03:10

66-year-old black male always trying to figure out how to defeat white supremacy realized that does not exist It is male dominance.

@dannytyree3619 - 30.11.2023 07:54

MSNBC is the criminal globalists trash news network. I can't believe anyone watches mainstream media trash anymore . Journalism is all but dead in America nothing but lies and propaganda especially for the criminal left . If you want to know who is telling the truth find out who they are against and vote for them .
