That's the first time I've heard a baby gag 😭
ОтветитьYou're really daring, small human. That was clearly Zeus telling you, "I could if I wanted to..." Now go back to doing your silly little human things. Also, I love the girl who filmed the orange sky, she seems great and lovely, like her vibe is kinda cool. (Side note: I'm impressed that the food robot can assess the situation and thank people, nice)
ОтветитьBaby has the right idea - no more reading dusty book over and over, simply ROCKOUTTTTTT
Ответитьwhy save that robot? you know a real person got fired and replaced with that robot. This is literally our version of the plot for Terminator movie
ОтветитьThe dog😂😂😂
ОтветитьZeus totally did that on purpose just for fun
ОтветитьThe sky where I am turns orange most days.... it's called sunset.
many days it does this twice - sunrise.
"And nobody was hurt", are you sure about that? did they all go live on a farm after?
ОтветитьMiller Laura Lopez Edward Thomas Brenda
ОтветитьAll the Boys felt that 😭😭😭
ОтветитьThe dog said oh balls
The lightning was obviously fake.
ОтветитьThere’s no need to change the man’s shirt red and all that editing in the thumb nail. Why change his shirt?
ОтветитьBoy: May Zeus himself strike me down if I'm lying.
Zeus: You shouldn't have tempted me. ⚡️
"BuT aT lEaSt I gOt ThIs ✨ViDeO✨ tO sHoW yAlL tHe SkY wAs ✨🔸OrAnGe🔸✨" so positive i love it
ОтветитьIt’s pronounced eeem you.
ОтветитьAmericans! Emu! Say it with me, “Eeem-you” ok? Not “Eee-moo” ok? “Eeem-you” ok?
Ok, good 👍
I think the lightning video is a rendition of one of George Carlin's gig :)
ОтветитьThe Lord of the Worlds knew that he was lying.
ОтветитьThat first strike was a warning
ОтветитьStupid lightning clip, it's so clearly fake, not even the acting is believable...
ОтветитьZeus gave him a warning shot 🙏