5 Mistakes Most Handymen Make (Don't do this)

5 Mistakes Most Handymen Make (Don't do this)

The Handyman Journey

2 года назад

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@ChingChang-p3p - 05.03.2025 18:12

lol What a dork

@ericamundson4700 - 14.02.2025 07:58

How in the world do you scale a handyman business? I have one assistant for my handyman service and hes important but he cant do anything without me. Doest have enough skill. If I take a day off then he takes the day off. Cant work alone
I wish I knew how you find these technicians who can work unsupervised. That would be awesome! But I cant find them

@dripdropfamily - 31.01.2025 03:11

Easy you can just Google what's the average cost to do a certain project or look at Angie's list and you will know what the going rate is. People that do not charge enough typically are out of business within the first year.

@bedoers4good330 - 11.01.2025 04:09

A 10% discount takes 50% of your profit.

@Centercreek - 09.11.2024 17:21

New subscriber. 5 years in this profession after 20 in education. Love the vocation. Love the freedom. Love the people. Blessed to be doing this.

@Poppers5353 - 07.11.2024 23:19

I'm trying to get a receipt for my handyman he's refusing to give me receipts for everything you have done

@Czechbound - 01.11.2024 09:15

Customer Perspective : I want an estimate and final bill that mirrors the approach my mechanic takes. He's transparent in breaking out parts, shop supplies, recycling/ disposal fees, and labour ( hours * hourly rate ). The fact that 99% of house related contractors don't do this, and refuse to even estimate these things in some detail is a huge red flag in the industry. I totally disagree with your approach. My contractor breaks everything out. We both agree that an estimate is an estimate. Weather with impact things. That's reasonable and logical. Material prices may vary (I've had both discounts and extras - my contractor passes on the benefit, and adds a charge for the extras). If there are delays from subcontractors, that's on him. He's built that into his rate. When he does estimate callouts in the evening to clients, that's built into his rate, and for bigger jobs, he'll charge for an estimate. I get a bill that breaks everything out. He drives a new BMW and has a huge top of the line Mercedes panel van. He's not cheap. I don't begrudge him his profit - he works hard for it. He and his crew show up on time; wear all the right H&S gear; have an obviously organised site set up; those who moke do it in one designated area at the end of the site; they appear to have an allergy to dust as they use an industrial dust extraction vacuum on nearly every cut/ bore/ drill. They manage expectations, flag delays early, are courteous to the missus, and call back a couple of months, and then at 6 months to check that everything is as it should be ( testing hinges, floor squeaks, mitre gaps etc. ). Once you've seen a couple of cowboys tie their horses up in your front garden and gunter simple jobs, you'll happily pay a premium for a hassle free process, and a delivered product that does what was promised. I recommend him far and wide with the caveat that he's expensive, but worth it. I'm too poor to pay a cheap contractor

@NilsExp - 29.10.2024 11:22

Great info, but fk Quixkbooks online, tripled my numbers and they couldn't fix it, what a mess stay away.

@mine6312 - 11.10.2024 07:00

How do you deal with bidding with the $500 max including material in Sacramento? I just moved out here it’s insane trying to do things by the book

@BillyBobDingledorf - 17.09.2024 05:47

"A quality product for a fair price"
- Red Forman

@josemadrigal7755 - 06.09.2024 20:20

Very good content and thanks for sharing

@johnthompson7837 - 05.09.2024 12:17

No freedom! Think you are making more off content it’s owning a job not a business unless you have a few employees then count on them not to steal the work at a lower price! No client loyalty or few are loyal most want cheaper services ???

@impulso.absoluto - 03.09.2024 17:14

How do I start working as a handyman? Is there an app to find clients? Or do I only post on Yelp? Thanks

@johntaglia9378 - 01.08.2024 17:53

I had a handyman business for about 20-plus years in Scottsdale, AZ. You can try to get hooked up with a management Company, they'll keep you busy 7 days a week. I never worked by the hour, I only gave a finished cost for labor. Watch quoting pricing for materials. They keep changing every day. I never made less than 6 figures a year. I'm 76 now & retired. Please don't negotiate your prices, just walk away from that person. They'll nickel & dime you afterward.

@alfredobouzamusic5194 - 31.07.2024 08:20

Wow, this is so helpful. Thanks a lot for sharing all this info. Unfortunately, I’ve made all of this mistakes that you’ve mentioned, but somehow I got to learn the hard way. Everything you shared has serve as a good reminder. God bless you.

@Poppy_love59 - 30.07.2024 13:42

Started in this business 30 years ago in a small town in New York State. I have always operated my pricing plan the same way since I began.
I started at $100 dollars a day, which seemed like a good income at that time. If I wasn't retired last year, this year I would be charging $1500 per day. So first off let me explain. Two things I do that some people may not agree, but I haven't found any other way to deal with some specific issues. For instance people calling and asking me to do a job without adequately explaining exactly what they need to do the job correctly. So I quickly learned that going and giving free estimates is a waste of time which I couldn't sustain as a business owner. So I charge from the very first moment I go to drive to their location. So no free quotes as It depends on the job and how long I estimate it will take me to do the correct way. So I charge them an initial fee just to go there and estimate the job which I'll explain how that pricing works. So last year I was charging $1400 a day minimum. So If I estimate the job will take me an hour minimum, that would be 1/8th of my $1400 daily charge. In other words $1400 / 8 =$175 hour. But I never tell them a per hour charge, it is a per job charge. So if I think the job will take me three hours I may charge them $175 per hour or $525.00. However this frees me up to add on shit factor. If I can only park at the bottom of the hill and have to transport a lot of tools or supplies up that hill by hand or cart or whatever I will charge them a shit factor. If I don't like something about the customer I may boost the price high enough I'm sure they'll back out of it. But if they don't, then I'll be sure to get at least half down payment before I'll even start. There is too much work out there for nice people to waste my time on sour people. So one last bit of advice for you guys who are new to this business. Think long and hard before being hired by other businesses like contractors. Why are they interested in hiring you, why can't they hire competent subs instead of a independent handyman ? It quite often is because they are Assholes who've worn out there welcome amongst the local tradesmen for one reason or another, usually unpaid employment.

@3Zeddy2 - 26.07.2024 23:01

How do you have employees? Is it a GC license? I'm reading I can't have employees, I can't even have someone working with me, that it all has to be solo.

@phychmasher - 27.06.2024 00:00

How about #1, actually show up when you say you're going to. That's probably the only thing I need my handyman to do.

@dabig_guy2204 - 19.06.2024 02:21

Secure financial freedom

@mr.kenslifeshop4034 - 04.05.2024 20:43

Are you charging for estimates at all yet?

@Mr4thahaters - 20.03.2024 05:33

Awesome video! I’m definitely going to be keeping this ideas in mind as I grow my handyman business from owner-operated with inexperienced employee to a more hands-off approach with multiple employees.

@mosesmontes199 - 18.03.2024 21:51

I can always accept good advice from someone who admits their own mistakes. Great channel.

@shaynemcmillan8315 - 08.03.2024 08:18

Enjoyed your video I can speak from experience 20 years in the mining sector 35 employees heavy on the service side it almost put me in the grave expert knowledge help in certain areas is a must not an option

@aframesq - 23.01.2024 23:54

How do people pay you?

@RapTalesRewind - 29.12.2023 21:32

I have lots of work just give me a deal
dont worry its easy
, I would do it myself but just dont have the time.. undermining you
All it needs is one coat.. 😂 no dont do it they wont be happy and it will be your name on the line.

@jay13601 - 15.12.2023 19:31

Great information I wish I could do my handyman business full-time. Yet there is only enough work in my city to support me on Saturdays only.

@douglasdonia8508 - 19.11.2023 16:13

Great video. Thank you. I’m curious to know if you funded your early growth and the “admin heavy” approach with debt, or if you used business cash flow only? I too favor the admin heavy approach but funding it can be a challenge and I’m interested to hear the perspective and approach of others.

@moriel-bareli - 05.11.2023 09:44

Great video, thank you!

@mevenstien - 18.10.2023 20:28


@KitchenerLeslie2 - 03.10.2023 03:02

On your over communication take: I say don’t speak to be understood, speak to not be misunderstood.

@Handysmallbiz - 26.09.2023 17:07

Words of wisdom “under promise, over deliver”

@herbwalsh6257 - 28.08.2023 14:56

6.5 years and your pricing ideal is still way to complicated. All of this pricing structure can be tossed for an easier system. I'd share this with you if you want.

@reggiejenkins6458 - 22.08.2023 15:10

Remodeling GC here with a business for 20 years with revenues of about $600-750k/yr and several employees-

​​⁠Of course we all are working hourly, whether you realize it or not. Every quote you write can be broken down to an estimated hourly rate. If the business is a service business, it all revolves around labor and the rate of that labor. There can be a large range to that rate.

About 1/3 of our work is time and material. Mostly the repair jobs and the “handyman lists”. There’s a lot of upside- no risk, no stress, guaranteed profit, no time spent quoting, add ons/ removals are easy. You won’t have a windfall profit, but you rarely do when you quote jobs anyway.

If I have 3 guys out on a job at $105/hr, I know I’ve got $12,600 per week in revenue, which lines up with our typical numbers anyway.

The only caveat- have a minimum labor charge. Mine is $300, mostly to keep the tiny jobs at bay. More expensive areas may be more.

@frankhage1734 - 08.08.2023 22:56

From my experiences working in the Middle East, the more wealthy the client is, the more likely they will stiff you. Every contractor wants the future work, but the rich know they can easily stiff people at least once. They will plead for changes and upgrades and then complain about any additional fees. You want to get paid, so you play nice. They know the reason they're rich is they are able to extract wealth from the working class.

@handydigits1846 - 14.07.2023 02:47

Hey bubba how much….uhhhh 50 bucks….ok…..3 weeks later oh crap you’re not insured? Ya get what ya pay for😊

@JohnDoe-jc3cl - 22.06.2023 10:27

Tip #6. Take a hit of Sambuka whenever he says “ at the end of the day “

@nelalvarez - 21.06.2023 22:31

Hello thanks for the info. Im in the process of starting my own Handyman business .

@MizzoniDojo - 16.06.2023 13:40

Thanks for the insight, much appreciated

@Bapuji42 - 15.06.2023 19:51

1. Dropping a wrench on a priceless vase.
2. Accidentally walking in on client's teenage daughter showering.
3. Flooding the entire basement. The ENTIRE basement. So that it's completely full to ground level.
4. Incorrect use of dynamite.
5. Farting

@scotthenry3401 - 23.05.2023 19:52

I totally agree with the point about communication, for example when i say to people a job will cost between 600 and 800 pounds depending on various factors , the customer only hears the 600 part.

@zbcc12 - 21.05.2023 06:18

Good Video! Here is a comment for the Algo.

@marinechapssemperfiout9939 - 21.05.2023 00:32

I like that you reflected on the leadership skills AEB caring for and nurturing your team. This is critical and not opened for discussion. Your core values are also essential. Without it there is nothing. Great presentation! Semper Fi

@littlejimmy7402 - 18.05.2023 18:26

I've been on my backside for awhile due to some health issues. I'm fighting my way back. I've been laid off (tech worker). I've been around tools, technology, electricity & plumbing (lost count of toilet replacements, switches, outlets, garbage disposals). And I like to turn a wrench. Goals

I LOVE this video, I like your business model, do you franchise? Your kids are going to college wherever they want.

@coldspring22 - 25.04.2023 21:42

Yes but if you charge too much, your clients will just find someone who charge less. Plubmter for example charges $300 to fix drain clog. Well we no longer hire any plumbers because they charge too much.

@alphacampbell21 - 24.04.2023 05:54

great post, brother. Been following you for months now, and I've learned a ton. Essential Craftsman is one of my top channels too! Keep on keeping on man, and sincere thanks for helping me (and my family !) succeed.

@ajoseph895 - 07.04.2023 17:16

In CA we can only charge 500 a job.

@tonyfoxxbuilds1920 - 07.04.2023 16:51

Just finished remodeling someone's shower they then asked me to replace their front exterior door. I've always heard that's usually $750 or so. I've done a few at that price and been fine. They tell me they were quoted $3k-$5k. Thinking there's something new I don't know about I say I'd do it for $1200-$1500 they agreed to that price. This is in Pittsburgh.

@Jaredstpeter - 16.03.2023 05:37

I like what your selling, just hate the way you poured that sack Crete
