Superior Genetix Health & Wellness, Inc
Office: (727) 275-0611 | Monday-Friday 10am-3pm
Online Telehealth Physicians in 50 States
Ohio Office | 7087 West Blvd. Boardman Ohio 44512
Florida Office | 3030 North Rocky Point Dr. Tampa Florida 33607
Superior Genetix Health and Wellness Clinic provides virtual physician, telehealth, and telemedicine services in all 50 States.
Interested in signing up but not sure how ? Click here to watch this brief instructional video on the process , or see the steps below.
Below is a summary of the 5 step process of signing up and getting prescribed through telehealth process.
Step 4. Do the pre -appointment consultation phone call.
Step 5. Perform the telemedicine appointment the doctor and get prescribed.
Telemedicine appointments are done using virtual communication, this means no in-office doctor visits are required, and your appointments are done using video or telephone.