15 Forgotten One Hit Wonders From 1971

15 Forgotten One Hit Wonders From 1971

Yesterday's America

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@skryabin07 - 11.03.2025 01:55

Okay, just to point it out...

In discussing Mr. Big Stuff, you flash a picture of eminent British composer, Ralph Vaughan-Williams (1872-1958) who penned such sublime works as the Fantasia on Thomas Tallis and The Lark Ascending. The co-writer of Mr. Big Stuff is one Ralph George Williams. Perhaps you couldn't find a photo of him? Honest mistake.. and absolutely hilarious.

@stephenirwin2761 - 11.03.2025 19:53

You accidentally played part of another hit from 5 man electrical band ‘Absolutely Right’ instead of’Signs’

@thomasgartman4025 - 11.03.2025 20:59

For the Five Man Electrical Band, you played the wrong song. They also had two other pretty big hits, "Werewolf," and "Money Back Guarantee."

@47tooter - 12.03.2025 00:01

How about " The Israelites " or " Little green bag " or " Lime in the Coconut " .

@samuelpajoa215 - 12.03.2025 04:38

Music before 2000 was real music
Today music is 🤮.

@seabertotter4325 - 12.03.2025 04:42

Most of these were forgotten because they were poop. Especially the Free Movement.

@wendythompson6323 - 12.03.2025 05:21

They hardly played any of the songs.

@shuroom57 - 12.03.2025 10:05

The madcap hard rock instrumental intro to "Signs" is more enjoyable than the song itself, to me, anyway. It only lasts about twenty seconds, but it rocks.

@SaintMartins - 12.03.2025 13:44

1971 had better films than music...
A Clockwork Orange (Dir. Stanley Kubrick)
The French Connection (Dir. William Friedkin)
Dirty Harry (Dir. Don Siegel)
James Bond: Diamonds Are Forever (Dir. Guy Hamilton)
Fiddler On The Roof (Dir. Norman Jewison)
Bananas (Woody Allen)
Shaft (Dir. Gordon Parks)
Klute (Dir. Alan J. Pakula)
Macbeth (Dir. Roman Polanski)
Two English Girls (Dir. François Truffaut)
Death In Venice (Dir. Luchino Visconti)
The Last Picture Show (Dir. Peter Bogdanovich)
McCabe & Mrs.Miller (Dir. Robert Altman)
Carnal Knowledge (Dir. Mike Nichols)
Sunday Bloody Sunday (Dir. John Schlesinger)

@aceopinions - 12.03.2025 15:31

Great Video taking me down memory lane. I was 16 when these songs came out. I know them all. I had a "serious" girl friend at the time who was really into music. I think she had most of these singles. Note the great number of great black artists with such fantastic tunes in this list.! ... people loved and identified great music in 1971 and didn't care about the artist's skin color or background...draw your own conclusions here. Thank you so much and keep them coming

@markgrochowski3199 - 12.03.2025 17:10

You forgot to include "Mammy Blue" by The Pop Tops.

@rhwoodya1 - 12.03.2025 20:21

Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep was written, and recorded, by Lally Stott shortly before Mac and Katie Kissoon's version was released.

@solitaire5142 - 12.03.2025 23:34

Gotta disagree with 5 man Electrical Band. They had several hits besides Signs; Werewolf,
Absolutely Right, Im a stranger here, Money Back Guarantee come to mind, all great songs.

@KP11520 - 13.03.2025 07:53

YAK YAK YAK with short snippets of the song like it's "Can you name this tune in 3 notes." Then a bad segue to the next. Horrible.

@islewait6107 - 13.03.2025 11:19

🎉😊One Toke Over the Line😊🎉

@michaelprah2263 - 13.03.2025 15:22

Great, lots of info. Outstanding!

@theNerve_theAudacity - 13.03.2025 18:38

Warning: this video is intended for millennial consumption only.

@johnmassung - 14.03.2025 00:59

These are 1971 one-hit wonder songs, too. # = Highest United States Billboard Chart Position.
Billboard Magazine defines a one-hit wonder song as an "artist/band that cracks the top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100 and never makes it back to that position.
I added them so viewers could have a choice to copy, paste & listen to them.🎶🙂

1. "I Ain't Got Time Anymore"#36 by The Glass Bottle
2. "Games"#27 by Redeye
3. "Double Barrel"#22 by Dave and Ansell Collins
4. "Toast and Marmalade for Tea"#20 by Tin Tin
5. "One Tin Soldier"#26 by Coven
6. "Rose Garden"#3 by Lynn Anderson
7. "Help Me Make It Through the Night"#8 by Sammi Smith
8. "Precious, Precious"#30 by Jackie Moore
9. "Love Means (You Never Have to Say You're Sorry)"#39 by Sounds of Sunshine
10. "She's All I Got"#39 by Freddie North
11. "Get It On"#24 by Chase
12. "Hallelujah"#33 by Sweathog
13. "Sweet Mary"#7 by Wadsworth Mansion
14. "Cool Aid"#29 by Paul Humphrey & the Cool-Aid Chemists
15. "What The World Needs Now Is Love/Abraham, Martin and John"#8 by Tom Clay
16. "Here Comes the Sun"#16 by Richie Havens
17. "D.O.A."#36 by Bloodrock
18. "Timothy"#17 by The Buoys
19. "Put Your Hand in the Hand"#2 by Ocean
20. "Woodstock"#23 by Matthews Southern Comfort
21. "I'd Love to Change the World"#40 by Ten Years After
22. "Desiderata"#8 by Les Crane
23. "I Love You for All Seasons"#21 by The Fuzz
24. "Easy Loving"#17 by Freddie Hart
25. "The Wedding Song (There Is Love)"#24 by Paul Stookey

@rafaelsolorzano700 - 14.03.2025 07:48

My favorita back then was Ive found someone of😊😊 my own,smiling faces,i love you for so many reasons,....i was 17 and i remember all of these........funky nassau.....

@stevo-007 - 14.03.2025 09:32

Too much chatter and not enough music! Thumbs down!

@barbarakirk3064 - 14.03.2025 14:56

Denise La Salle later had a UK hit with My Toot Toot, which was also recorded by Jean Knight.

@barbarakirk3064 - 14.03.2025 15:01

Chic-A-Boom became a UK hit for 53rd & 3rd, an act on Jonathan King's UK label.

@janewasson4845 - 14.03.2025 16:28

More music, less talk.

@tomwilliams6744 - 15.03.2025 01:42

There were two songs I never heard of, but I have heard of the rest. Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep & 1900 Yesterday. I used to hear people making jokes about .... The Law Firm of Hamilton, Joe, Frank, and Reynolds. On that song, Rings by Cymarron, they mentioned James Taylor but nothing about Fire And Rain.

1970 was the very best year in music ever and the greatness of that year spilled over into '71. However it seemed like it went downhill in the second half of '71 and, in the years following, not as good as '70. And the years in music wasn't as good as '70 beforehand, except for 1965.

@patrickkelley6212 - 15.03.2025 03:56


@Songmandave1 - 15.03.2025 07:32

chick a boom

@HeavyMetalBluegrass - 16.03.2025 08:44

Have to disagree that Five Man Electrical Band was a one-hit wonder. They had at least 4 pretty big hits in Canada. Signs is not even their best IMO.

@tedgegi155 - 16.03.2025 18:00

This was the year when music started to, well, how do I put it politely.....suck.

@LICobra - 16.03.2025 19:24

I thought the 1970 hits were much better.

@KevinWatsonSr - 17.03.2025 03:17

Gerry Rafferty was not a one hit wonder. He had another hit called, Baker Street, in 77.

@charlesgreene9467 - 17.03.2025 05:34

Many beyond forgotten; try never played. Also too many ads in the post. Nuisance.

@herrflick1244 - 17.03.2025 16:01

More blether than songs, re do it all and let the music do the talking. Fed up of Ai taking over everything, theres no need for the long winded blether,

@keithflora3186 - 17.03.2025 19:35

More music and less talk

@Canadafan67 - 18.03.2025 08:15

Signs was not a one hit wonder either. you're absolutely right was they're 2nd hit. And you just played it wth.

@themorningbump8546 - 18.03.2025 15:55

Bro, you need to play more of the songs

@bindig1 - 19.03.2025 02:25

I'd rather forget 1971 and half of 1972. The worst year of my life

@stevewalker4638 - 19.03.2025 22:51

I remember them

@dankeane5611 - 20.03.2025 02:28

Please let the "hooks" of the songs be heard mostly...

@r.bennett4970 - 21.03.2025 20:34

Hey, stop talking and play the song long enough for us to try to remember the tune! It's like name that Tune game show.

@robertodebeers2551 - 21.03.2025 21:48

Daddy Dewdrop? Oh, Momma, let's git down.

@johngolofit1208 - 22.03.2025 00:18

I was 15 going on 16 in 1971 while transitioning from 10th to 11th grade. I remember all these songs and can even remember when (during 1971) they were popular and being played. Listening to music was a big thing then and it was fun. It was also becoming evident to me and many that the music was becoming the soundtrack to my and many lives. Listening to these songs now is like an archeological dig through time uncovering an old layer of memories and personal state of being…

@jahdonkey - 22.03.2025 01:40

brian potter lol

@fasst5511 - 22.03.2025 03:09

I was 16 in 1971 and remember most of those songs. I would love to go back to that time knowing what I know now. I had just got my 67 Camaro RS and cruising to these songs on the radio.

@ErickPacker-g5j - 22.03.2025 22:29

I remember seeing The Bells performing that song on the Guy Lombardo New Years Eve special that year I was 11 and was switching the the tv channel back and forth between that and The Tonight Show.

@MetFan37 - 24.03.2025 01:22

"Rings" was covered more memorably by Lobo in 1974, on his album "Just A Singer". His version subbed The Allman Brothers for the original's James Taylor.

@DianeOliver-cu3kj - 24.03.2025 11:43

Hamilton, Joe Frank And Reynolds we’re NOT One Hit Wonders, they had two Number Ones with Don’t Pull Your Love & Falling In Love & another Annabella that charted in the Top 100 in the US but hit #1 Over Seas. So they did not belong in the One Hit Wonder Category.

@odysseusthesojourner4401 - 25.03.2025 01:24

Jean Knight perfectly delivered Mr Big Stuff.

@mikewhittaker-t7y - 25.03.2025 11:49

1971 brings back those sweet memories of basic training 🥴 remember every one of these songs !!
