Mugig Harmonica Review with Kerin Gedge

Mugig Harmonica Review with Kerin Gedge

Kerin Gedge

6 лет назад

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@Bacon420 - 02.06.2018 21:27

Oh wow, I love weird instruments. Never had more than two harmonicas at a time, and I always end up giving them away to people's kids to annoy their parents, and then go get a new one. Never paid more than $10 for a harmonica (US). I should go get something decent!

@capnkrome8884 - 03.06.2018 07:18

Dropped by buddy, congrats on your continued success with your channel, well deserved and earned

@sax0073 - 09.04.2019 22:21

I just got this harp, and I noticed that the instructions says C is in the 4 hold, but not blowing, blowing is D, is this correct or it should be reverse???

@Kdk4444 - 13.06.2020 18:09

Dat screaming do

@dancabana8096 - 19.08.2021 16:21

These harmonicas are total crap. Period.

@ArtMonkey5150 - 06.11.2023 07:15

I just found the Mugig clear white fancy harmonica this evening at the thrift store. Only $29.00 still brand new. Key of C. Carlos 👌

@Mapkentaur1 - 03.01.2024 15:49

Thenk you!❤
