Indian Embassy Official Shouts At Visa Applicants

Indian Embassy Official Shouts At Visa Applicants

Brut India

3 года назад

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@gireeshlal4450 - 22.11.2024 19:15

it is clear about that she is also an Indian

@samiulhaqahmadi3297 - 22.11.2024 21:23

These people are abnormal, impolite and unprofessional. In their face they look very calm but in their inner site there is indian street food burning!
Once a friend of me applied and paid over 150 euro for this shit visa but he got no answer.
Completely corrupted and impolite!

@ST-ju6qu - 23.11.2024 10:37

Im from India and had also encountered such behaviour with an Indian embassy official in Doha Qatar and he too behaved with me in a rude and absolutely arrogant manner. I wasn't allowed to take my mobile with me in the consulate otherwise I would have certainly filmed it. Here in the video he clearly knows that he isbeing filmed...but look at his behaviour...he dosen't care a damn.This is because he knows there will be absolutely no repercussions for him. He clearly says Get this what he is paid for? All my fellow Indians who are saying that there must be a second side of the story have obviously not dealt with such high handedness of Indian officials. I do hope that they meet one such scoundrel and they they will see the second side of the story.

@paranoidparanoid6090 - 25.11.2024 00:09

Why doesn't she have her indian passport ? you can't abandon your country's passport and then cry when visas are not delivered. But i agree that the officer should consider the situation and how important it is for someone. I guess we have to hear the full story to have the full picture.

Edit : India doesn't allow dual citizenship according to google, that may be why she needs a visa for her own country

@phanindramallisetty2807 - 25.11.2024 20:53

If officer rejects the visa you don’t have any right to ask why are you rejecting my visa 😅😅

@sivapalansreekanthan2827 - 26.11.2024 10:45

This lady is making full of drama for sure 😂

@msgvideos4099 - 26.11.2024 15:58

The indian official are always rude and act like as if they are president ,they are public servant they need to learn to respect people,this problem its not only in USA but almost every country where theres indian embassy

@abhinay.k - 27.11.2024 11:51

Brainless Indian defending the Embassy with useless reasons. If he is ill, he should stay at home, govt. job has enough medical leave.

@Reda825 - 29.11.2024 19:08

This woman sounds like a pest

@kishorepaul1807 - 03.12.2024 16:51

Acting or politics

@ypsAi - 07.12.2024 22:46

Tax money waste so ,thats why illiterate politicians are required for these bastards

@sunk583 - 08.12.2024 07:33

You can hire a lwyer in USA if they talked to you in animal way.

@suhailshafi - 10.12.2024 10:42

What an abominable way to treat visa applicants !

@suhailshafi - 10.12.2024 10:45

What saddens me is that this god awful treatment of a US national is being meted out to a woman who is BEREAVED and has just lost her father........

@xxxdieselyyy2 - 11.12.2024 20:53

Brown sepoys.

@ChristinaBordoloi-l1l - 13.12.2024 00:14

The official said that the husband screamed at him before the recording started

@bhagyashreekakde1783 - 14.12.2024 17:08

People were aware to do all. There are multiple vulnerable people out there facing issues for no reason

@SANAxe68 - 16.12.2024 18:43

What about the US Embassy? Do they behave in a civil manner, its indian embassy right to reject or grant visa

@amitsng - 17.12.2024 04:31

Try this stunt in a US visa center and see the result. Here she could take in her cell phone

@vishakhabanerjee4424 - 21.12.2024 08:31

thiis is the best example of selective cherry picking journalism,also look at the way they start the video from a latter point when everything has gone off

@muhammadsalim3946 - 02.01.2025 04:52

For NRI's this is so relatable. It's the same issue with Indian embassies across the world. The officials at the Indian embassies lack basic human empathy. This typical sarkari babu attitude has to go .

@razachalotravel1658 - 02.01.2025 20:24

A typical Indian officers mentality pretend like god

@marketingsales5882 - 06.01.2025 06:27

The officer who is posted in USA cant be so angry, unless provoked. Temember you need to follow protocols at embassies. Its not fish market. They know rules better

@Godavari322 - 07.01.2025 08:00

Something irked the officer, officers must remain calm video recording allowed ?

@sudhakarnayak1210 - 07.01.2025 16:52

They are indians in usa, I don't understand why they needed visa if they are NRI they should have indian passport and if they have usa passport and have renounced indian citizenship, why did they not apply for OCI. i guess they never planned to come to india that often and this is just an one of affair so they didn't bother to get the OCI. Idiotic in my opinion, if god forbid they get in any trouble with the general hostility towards indians growing especially in USA, they should keep the option to just pack up and leave without all this visa issues on a moments notice.

@sohailbarishams5574 - 07.01.2025 19:30

No humanity these days 😭

@Eastern-q5j - 08.01.2025 13:19

India is high corrupted country and this country distroit by beaurocracy they are 99% all corrupted 😢

@Jugallo-u5o - 18.01.2025 21:38

Useless indian embassies around the world wasting tax payers money. Can't believe these people are IFS qualified..

@brarmsa - 19.01.2025 20:59

This is the reality of India, I will get many replies, but it's a fact that she was lucky.,otherwise, the first thing they say to drop mobile, as she's been asked later. Indians are worse in performing their duties. Do you think this would be the first time with this embassy guy? This is the first time he got caught. They get the job everything gets changed they become masters. That's the reality of Indians

@coruscant5-dcitymovies980 - 22.01.2025 21:13

Imagine if he is doing this for foreigners

@binodmog7986 - 27.01.2025 22:55

What a sweet scolding 😂

@foodlover6009 - 31.01.2025 10:22

😂 why change passport at first place

@csuryavanshi5976 - 09.02.2025 14:02

All babus from top to bottom are "kings" in their domain, more so in Consulates, Customs etc.

@leokvarghese8653 - 11.02.2025 22:31

Indian hospitality tommorow I will explain my experience in indian embassy paris 😅😢

@arunsriniv09 - 12.02.2025 06:08

Not sure, but the women sounds kinda manipulative.

@phisit8813 - 13.02.2025 14:26

😂😂😂😂😂 typical Indian VS Indian 😂😂😂😂

@PamelaAttwood - 17.02.2025 01:58

Why would two people of Indian origin require a Visa to travel to The Republic of India??
Are they now Citizens of America?
Or is returning to India a problem if they are on some type of US Visa.?
Is it true The Republic of India doesn't recognize Dual Citizenship?

@abhishekyadav-gc8xb - 18.02.2025 23:58

If you are Indian why you need visa from embassy?

@batikopssj3557 - 24.02.2025 16:47

Indian embassy never help Indians but cause more problems... always worldide
One must applaud their mannerless consistency over the decades..

@GAMINGTACTICALi-l4g - 24.02.2025 18:15

That ambassador is frustrated from this women there must have been long story 😢

@zeusdaily - 25.02.2025 04:47

I find the lady's tone quite controlling and irritating. Although I'm from Pakistan, I don't appreciate her way of speaking. If she can read this message, I'd like to suggest she visit Lahore, where we could help her adjust her tone.

@RishiRaj-ld6kn - 27.02.2025 22:51

Worst embassy is an Indian embassy...

@kurianify - 28.02.2025 08:20

Is this embassy official related to Mr. Jayashankar? What insensitivity! What insolence!

@BeRichinGermany - 01.03.2025 19:44

same behaviour i faced at consulate general of germany in kolkata horriblr behabiour by embassy people indian satff so rude

@RayhanAhmed-y4m - 01.03.2025 23:45

Indian visa😂.... Want to eat bullshit and piss

@Sayan07090 - 02.03.2025 19:15

Who's here after Rohan's video?

@smithaday9225 - 05.03.2025 06:45

They did this to me..what's up with this

@smithaday9225 - 05.03.2025 06:46

This behaviour is very co.mon even in San Francisco

@riteshsawali264 - 05.03.2025 18:48

The officer should have remained calm if the couple has made some mistake or dont have a document. He would have valid reason for not giving the visa if asked why he did not give. Instead he got angry and behaved unprofessionally.

@Tomcruise0123 - 06.03.2025 05:22

