MadTV, In Living Color, MTV's the State. All funnier than SNL. Yet SNL survives.
I'm outta heeeeere......
Haha I can't help feeling sorry for Snuggle😅
Lady: SEE YOU IN HELL SNUGGLE!!!!!!! Lol snuggle was holding a knife
This traumatized me as a child! So glad to know it was a real thing from TV and not something I made up.
ОтветитьI remember the snuggle ads when I was a kid. I wanted that bear in the add, but I got a mini stuffed version of the Cottonelle Puppy instead
ОтветитьPoor bear he didn't do anything she attacked him.
ОтветитьAdults Play
ОтветитьThat poor bear 😂
ОтветитьStill to this day my favorite mad TV sketch
ОтветитьThis was on fox not censorship, blood, crazyness omg this was pure gold, good times.
ОтветитьAn actual snuggle ad before this!
ОтветитьSnuggle sounds like a mix of Mickey mouse and Elmo and he's being attacked by that lady who freaked out because of his appearance and he has been hit by a rack, had his eyes sprayed with bleach spray, had his arm chopped off by laundry machine and electrocuted but he is still alive.
Man this being has like 100 health in him.
I had to pause it, because I was crying so much. It's so funny, I couldn't catch my breath. lol MadTV was so good back then.
Ответитьwhat a bitch, attacking poor snuggle, he was just trying to help soften her clothes
ОтветитьLmao how dare she attacks Snuggle
ОтветитьI remember watching this when I was little and crying. Anyone else?
ОтветитьThey should of done this same skit with the geico gecko 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
ОтветитьThis was really fucked up to watch as a kid, so dark
ОтветитьIn snuggle’s defense, he didn’t try to kill her until she had abused the heck out of him.
ОтветитьBetter than fight scenes from modern day movies
ОтветитьPoor Snuggle. First a Tank tries to kill him, then a scared suburban mom does.
ОтветитьAfter I played It Takes Two with that elephant scene, I realized that it suddenly felt more uncomfortable to watch…..I’m sorry, but I don’t feel as amused by this like I did the first time.
ОтветитьIt wasn’t until I was in my late 20s when I found out this wasn’t a real Snuggle commercial. This was the funniest thing I ever seen as a child.
ОтветитьSnuggle didn't deserve it
Ответить100% ripped off of The State.
ОтветитьWhen I was a kid, no one else I knew at school watched Mad TV so trying to explain this shit got me weird looks. I used to cry laughing at it though. 😂
Ответить“It’s go time!” 😂😂😂
ОтветитьSo cute😊
ОтветитьAt least she didn't try to rape him.
ОтветитьIf Ted were real life 😂
ОтветитьGod, her reaction killed me 😅😅😅😅.
The way she bat Snuggle bear with the shovel - I died 😂.
Poor Snuggle really gets the most out of these sketches. Here he’s getting bludgeoned to death and on Robot Chicken he got repeatedly molested.
ОтветитьBruh finally I found it! I saw this on tv when I was 6 years old and it scared the hell out of me I was crying and I never slept with a single stuffed animal again
ОтветитьOmg, if there was a cute Talking Teddy Bear in my home, that would be the best day of my life and I would never be depressed again LOL
Ответить" IT'S GO TIME " lmao .. snuggles had enough lol 🤣🤣
ОтветитьI remember seeing this as a kid and it traumatized me so much i still afraid of the stupid bear 😭
Ответить2025 still thinking about this skit
Imagine a bear just start talking to you 🤣
I rmember seeing the when i was like, 9 and it just randomly popped in my head rn