It was only thirty seconds to remember the first list, it was over 3 minutes to remember the 2nd list. Also auditory verses written. I could have easily done the first list with over 3 minutes to make up a story!
Ответитьi am watching this on 2025
ОтветитьActually i just downloaded this video a week ago but i forgot to watch but its aokay i'm just leaving this comment cause i just forget that i have to go to market 😅😅
ОтветитьI loved it. God bless. Play the piano meaning try new things. Even try old things again you once failed. Amen. Love this experiment. Ricardo is a gem.
ОтветитьTotally useless technic..not practically possible all the time.
ОтветитьI read this technique years ago in a book
ОтветитьIt ted videos was really fun and helpful. I love it.
ОтветитьI'm 27 my husband is 42 we have been together for 8 years now have 2 kids and yesa man wants a queen who can be a proper reflection of him and his Kingdom and a woman wants a protector to make sure she is provided for and makes her feel secure the woman will then make sure he is fed and the house is taken care if .
ОтветитьEven forget first word in beginning test 😂
ОтветитьI tried everything what you said but nothing works i forgot everything because I have brain fog
ОтветитьBoosting your memory is easy with Brahmi capsules from Planet Ayurveda. Excellent product for mental clarity!
ОтветитьBeard with an object that wore a jacket with a secret about nothing and then went on a date, drank punch and had gas. Lol
How does this work for long sentences and definitions or explanations? Thats why i think its hest to undertsand things your own way whilst being able to understand the way in which your textbook or course puts it and try to undertdand why they conveyed or express a certai concept in yheir oarticular way in the first place.
Ответитьdapat 5 aku karena English,
ОтветитьWhen he said that people in California are ‘more open’ than in The Netherlands I had a little snicker. Have no idea what he’s talking about. People in California are not more open, they just cater to your preferences. In the Netherlands we talk about our feelings the moment we trust someone enough to do so. Very significant difference.
ОтветитьWow!; it's outstanding. What you've shared is extremely helpful.
ОтветитьIf I had to remember to tell the space robot GORT "KLAATU BARADA NIKTO!" in order to save the planet, EARTH would today be TOAST!!!
ОтветитьMemorise with your own storytelling. 😊 brilliant!
ОтветитьI memorized 5
ОтветитьI just want to remember who I was just introduced to
ОтветитьJust visualise when you in study
ОтветитьMy grandmother and mother taught us a trick to memorize our phone numbers and addresses as young children. I used that trick to memorize by making up songs with words, names and numbers etc. Which helped me through college and still use that today. It really works
Ответитьphotographic memory feels like a cheat code lol
ОтветитьIn other words make memorizing fun
ОтветитьAttitude is the heart of achievement!
ОтветитьI just ask my wife. She remembers every single thing.
ОтветитьYea... There is no way in ten seconds I can figure out 10 memory events. No way.
ОтветитьGreat just learned a new was of memory tricks
ОтветитьFunny enough, i memorize this way...i rememered how I learnt all the elements in the periodic table with a technique and taught my friends in class; the periodic table became a thing of joke for everyone, easy peazy
ОтветитьNah man it’s not good !
ОтветитьI cam swear i saw how to triple your "money" instead of memory.
My brains be thinking too much about money lately 😂😢
Punch gas
ОтветитьThis was an excellent talk- fun, interactive and impactful. Trying an expiriment of seeing 5 things and recalling them throughout the day to acquire an iedetic memory!
ОтветитьHad a lot to write on here but I’ve forgotten it all now 😢
ОтветитьThat’s 16 minutes I won’t ever get back
ОтветитьI began my investment journey at the age of 27, primarily through hard work and dedication. I am to share that my passive income exceeded $100k in a single month for the first time. This success reinforces the importance of the advice mentioned earlier. It is not about achieving quick wealth, but rather ensuring long-term financial prosperity.
ОтветитьTaking an opportunity out of perail; a decade of Aadhar, no progress 🤑
ОтветитьMnemonics (read shershevskii)
ОтветитьKeeping it here to comeback
Ответитьto memorize everything is an order to connect each other, that's it
ОтветитьWhy do these type of TEDTalks always sound like or seem like there’s some kind of religious indoctrination into a cult?
ОтветитьWhy do these type of TEDTalks always sound like or seem like there’s some kind of religious indoctrination into a cult?
ОтветитьAnd how much do you charge for this program? Yep follow the money.
ОтветитьI was never taught how to learn either or how to retain it
ОтветитьI can read pretty quickly, but I can’t write barely at all, so it takes me a long time to write any word legibly so this test is skewed to those who already have these abilities to rewrite perfectly