BERD Academy: Open Education for Research with (unstructured) Business, Economics and Related Data
Big Data took the world by storm, Artificial Intelligence has become a hot topic across research disciplines. Working with these data can be a challenge. Especially for researchers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, who graduated just a few years ago when most study programs covered mainly or exclusively ‘traditional’ data collection methods such as surveys with structured, tabular data. To unlock the research potential of new data sources by applying fitting methods, education is needed. The BERD Academy is the training outlet of the consortium for Business, Economics, and Related Data in the National Research Data Infrastructure (BERD@NFDI). In this talk, we will present how a wide range of offers in flexible formats fulfills the needs of researchers and research data providers. We want to discuss, how educational content can unlock research potential and how open education can foster open science.
Speaker: Markus Herklotz
Markus Herklotz is working for the project BERD as part of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), where he designs training programs and educational resources for researchers working with unstructured Business, Economics, and Related Data.
The ZBW Coffee Lectures on Open Science Education are a series of online presentations that showcase examples how to weave the principles, methods, and tools of Open Science into university education. Our Coffee Lectures are tailored specifically for those in the fields of economics and management, though we welcome contributions neighboring disciplines.
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