IPCA: Indian Paint & Coating Association organised a Panel Discussion over Zoom during the Covid 19 Lockdown period on 28th April 2020. During these unprecedented shocking times for humanity and economy, this webinar organised under the IPCA TechWeb series of very successful webinars tried to address the concerns and impediments envisaged for the Paints and Coatings industry in India.
The webinar was attended by 560 unique visitors and 500 delegates.
The topic:
Indian Economy: Post Lockdown Business Scenario
Mr. Satish Agarwal - CMD, Kamdhenu Group
Mr. Sudhir Shenoy - Country President & Chief Executive Officer, Dow India
Mr. Ashok Gaind - Director, ACRO Paints Ltd. Past President IPCA
Mr. Hemant Jalan - Founder and MD, Indigo Paints Ltd.
Mr. Ashok Gupta - Chairman, Sakarni Plaster (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Dilip Raghavan - Editor and MD, PaintIndia
Mr. Aneel Parekh - Director, Godavri Paints
Mr. Sagar Goel - President IPCA, Director, Aureole Rubbers Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Jatin Aggarwal - Past President IPCA, Partner, Bansal Trading Company
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