GuangZe ZunWang Cultural Festival Malaysia 2024, Happening in Teluk Intan

GuangZe ZunWang Cultural Festival Malaysia 2024, Happening in Teluk Intan


55 лет назад

391 Просмотров

Witness History in the Making!

For the first time ever, the grand procession of Bao An Guan Ze Zun Wang and Sheng Mu Miao Ying Xian Fei statues journeyed from the Mother Temple in China to Teluk Intan. This historic blessing tour brought the entire town to a standstill, as over 40 temples, associations and schools came together in a spectacular display of unity and devotion. The streets were filled with awe-struck spectators, capturing the magic of this once-in-a-lifetime event. Relive the unforgettable moments and feel the blessings as you watch the procession unfold.
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