Biggest BS show ever.
ОтветитьGerald what's his name trying to made a name for his shelf writing trash for the naive!
ОтветитьThis guy said he saw him in the 50s when he was a child but from the 50s to 2016 thats 66 years plus add another 5 to 10 years for the age that he was as a kid when he saw him that would mean this guy is around 71 to 76 years old which he doesnt look of that age probably the other guy that is asking questions but the guy being question is at the most 60 so those numbers dont add up at all lol its all a lie from people trying to make a quick buck
ОтветитьBorman lived in Chile I met him
ОтветитьFor any awakening person who's considering shunning religion? This series and its revelations are more proof there is no God.
ОтветитьThis would be a great series if it wasn’t for the complete none sense reactions. They look at each other when they some information is revealed like a finger has been inserted.
ОтветитьI definitely believe that he escaped but I just wondered why the other top members didn’t. I'm of course talking about himmler and göring. Could it be that the reports about them betraying him were correct. ..👥👥👥 👀👀
ОтветитьShame on your for this fake. The remains found in berlin were conclusively identified as Bormann's in 1998 when German authorities ordered genetic testing on fragments of the skull. The testing was led by Wolfgang Eisenmenger, Professor of Forensic Science at university of Munich Tests using DNA from one of his relatives identified the skull as that of Bormann. After that, Bormann's remains were cremated and his ashes were scattered in the Baltic sea on 16 August 1999
ОтветитьWhat a beautiful interpreter!
ОтветитьWhy does this feel like it fake 🤔
ОтветитьThe body found in 1972 in Berlin was through a DNA test of his son, identified to be Martin Bormann. I believe science over memory, but hey why let facts disturb a good story.
ОтветитьThis is one of my favorite haunting Hitler's episodes.
ОтветитьJuan Keller and Martin Bormann!
ОтветитьAround and around with no conclusions I am aware of but if anyone else knows let me know!
ОтветитьIs this whole series fake? Boreman living freely like? Surely it's all fake
ОтветитьWith so called. The best people looking in this. It explains why I haven't been done for speedin.
ОтветитьTalking talking talking find nothing
ОтветитьShe doesn’t translate what the man says
ОтветитьI am a musician and I met a musician who is hitler's grandson. He has the same features but with long hair.
ОтветитьSorry, the German musician told me that he was a relative of Hitler and I think he is a grandson because he has the same features
ОтветитьUnsuccessful hunters chasing a mirage in their own heads.
ОтветитьSo many cameras, such sinister background music; This is just a slick melodrama and I wonder how much those questioned are paid for their time.
ОтветитьThis sounds scripted
ОтветитьLatin American people are so polite
ОтветитьCasi no se sabe de su rostro cambiado. Si saben envíen de Juan Keller ( Borman ).
ОтветитьIs that. Y hitlers wife is dead?
ОтветитьPorque chucha nadie me dijo que Tim Kennedy anduvo por estos lados jajajaj. Una leyenda.
ОтветитьLove thls show if its real or fake idk but my main question after all it off is where is hitlers body was it secretly buried or cremated how has no one come forward and said I or family member were paid hush money or was hitlers funeral truth will never come out
ОтветитьShe looks like my neighbor Luciana
ОтветитьHello, i see the info about the heavy water in Norway. Dit you know that in one of the waterinways is sonk a ship whit heavy water, know it's on the bottum of that inham. Divers have found it in metal tons intact. It's alraidy known, and proof.
ОтветитьI don't think it is fake.