Why did the moment Merithra asked Ysera to fly together make me shed a few tears D:
ОтветитьWoW stopped trying to be edgy and just is just telling good stories with Dragonflight.
ОтветитьIf she's not gonna be the aspect then why the FFFF is she back?
Just so that Malfurion can hibernate again?
Wow...Finally some solid story telling at long last.
I haven't enjoyed the story much since Legion.
I'm trying to make sense of Ysera coming back if she is not going to be the Aspect of the Green Dragonflight. I hated killing Ysera. I loved seeing her alive in Shadowlands and her return to the living on Azeroth, but it is such a sacrifice to lose Malfurion for Ysera not to be an Aspect. Nothing against Merithra.
ОтветитьThanks for the video LeystTV. At least you do your cinematics in order.
Ответитьwhen some yotubers make video about most hated wow character im sure we gonna see Rymek at least in top 5
ОтветитьWhat's the point of having her come back if she's not going to be the Aspect? Unless Merithra dies and the greens need Ysera as a replacement again
ОтветитьSo, from what Ysera said of not taking the Aspect role, did she kinda figured that the Aspect power is nulled/void on reuse? If so, then the Aspects themselves must find some ways and methods to prepare candidates to become new Dragon Aspects, like how Ysera encouraged Merithra, yet we got the Black Dragonflight still in a power struggle who's taking the role as the Black Dragon Aspect, either Sabellian or Wrathion
Now that I think about it before the Incarnate raid, Alexstrasza did try to awaken her Aspect power, but nothing, either that others must be present to regain their powers, or like my thought that former Aspects cannot regain it so it's null and void
But heck, just a thought, who knows what sort of twist they have in store in later patches
We coulda just traded in Broll for Ysera and never worry about trading back. Would be the perfect way to retire Broll since he doesn’t do anything. I’m fine with Ysera not being aspect….despite how dumb that is. I really just don’t want her thrown back into Ardenweald forever. Feels like a glorified prison cell almost. That all being said maybe the new world tree being touched by Ardenweald and the Dream could act as a anchor on Azeroth that allows her to pop in whenever she wants. I do think this setup with Malfurion will lead us to a realms of life xpac later down the track to.
ОтветитьOff topic, but I really like what they did with the dragon minions (dragonspawn and drakonids). Before this expansion we didn’t have that much lore and information to go about them, instead they were just solely used as fodder for whatever Dragonflight you were up against. But here they expanded what life is like for them, from their culture and their place in dragon society, which makes it understandable why some would join the Primalists.
ОтветитьMmmhmmmm... and that's precisely why you don't let people know all your business. Over here telling this man all the family secrets... " What's that over there you ask? Oh nothing, just our portal to the emerald dream. We also trying to get the Green Aspect back too.. and here's my social security number too!"
Ответить9.1 story?
ОтветитьI teared up...
ОтветитьThe Winter Queen and Malfurion are having an affair. That's cute
When they regain their flights full power, Merithra will be the next Green Aspect. Then theres a possibility Ysera will be gone again?? And then what, return of Malfurry?? OH GHAD PLS NO!
"Beware of the green eyes of the children."
ОтветитьOh so cow-dragon guy will take malfurions place later so malfurion can come back thats nice.
Also why does Merithra in dragon form has a beard? 😂
How do you even get these quests/story I finished the main story and didn't see any of this stuff in game
Ответитьits pretty impressive that the wow story is such a mess now that even blizz themselves dont know what happened anymore.
no, in legion ysera didnt give her life for malfurion's. she was the target and the goal was to corrupt her to the nightmare. and malfy was just used as bait to get tyrande to go after malfy. so there isnt even a direct link between ysera's corruption and malfurion, and even less her death.
god, Blizz just loves shitting on NElves and cheapening story beats. Ysera coming back is FAR too soon.
ОтветитьCan't tyrande just visit malfurion whenever she wants? It seems they can just walk in and out of the shadowlands
ОтветитьThey drifted away so much from Warcraft Design that even Dragonflight Design doesn't look like Warcraft that much. World of Warcraft looks like a Mobile Game now. So sad and story is not engaging at all. Now everybody got used to Bad Story telling from Blizzard so much that they started liking it. Such a sad state Warcraft become. At least Warcraft III still holds.
Ответитьwe've had more going on in Dragonflight the first 3 hours than the entire shadowlands expansion
ОтветитьKing & Queen dragons
ОтветитьAmazing work on putting all the parts together! Thank you.
ОтветитьOh great, first Eranog, and now Rymek?!?! That's 2 main individual Drakonids who decided to betray their fellow Dragonkind and join the Primal Incarnates as Primalists.
ОтветитьSo we lost the strongest druid brother of the strongest demon hunter.... for a dragon that isn't even the aspects nor is she the strongest. Man druids can never win smh. WHERE MY DAMN DRAGON FORM!?
ОтветитьHow you get the quest line to see all of these?
ОтветитьCool 👍 I miss this game
ОтветитьI feel like there was a missed opportunity to look like the bulky dragon characters instead of the weird lizard we got as evoke
ОтветитьSo, let me get this straight. Malfurion just got replaced in Azeroth by Ysera, who then proceeds to.. do nothing. She's not going to be the Aspect. Why even put this in the story? Why sacrifice Malfurion? Hasn't Tyrande suffered enough or what?
ОтветитьBeware the eyes of green.
Ответитьworst cutscenes since mop
ОтветитьMan this hit me right in the feels like god damn
Something else that'll hit right in the water work fields is when Ysera reunites with Alexstrasza, Kalecos and Nozdormu
My view of these recent expansion.
.Me viewing the Shadowlands: I spit on your face if you weren't a disappointment everything in that expansion proves that it was a big ass MISTAKE.
.Me viewing Dragonflight: Gentlemen you had my curiosity and love of dragons, and now you have my FULL AND UNDIVIDED ATTENTION
It's weird, Merithra model is fully 3d in the first cutscene...
ОтветитьYsera better pass the torch to Merithra and then get her scaly butt back to Ardenweald because otherwise Malfurion just threw away his life for nothing.
ОтветитьSooooo... Why did we sacrifice Malfurion to bring back Ysera if she isn't even going to do the thing we brought her back to do? You know... be an aspect and all that. These storywriters man.
ОтветитьYes! Ysera flies again!
ОтветитьMuch more detail to follow in this expansion, things at least makes more sense now, I honestly wonder if we will see hamuul and maybe ronin. I haven't seen those characters in a while.
ОтветитьBreed Merithra and her mom.
ОтветитьTyrande’s voice actress kills it every time. I cannot express how this woman puts all her emotions into this character. Incredible.
ОтветитьI never got around to completing this questline, glad I watched it here though lol.
Ответитьwhat questline is this?