I want to tell you about a man from Siberia, the founder of the Viennese amusement park Prater - Nikolai Kobelkoff.
🤳🏻 Instagram: @giomanveli
❎ Who da heck am I? ❎I'm Gio and currently, I've just relocated from amazing Moscow to beautiful Vienna with my sweet family. I'm making documentary/commentary videos about life, culture, traditions in the places where I'm right now, mostly about Moscow and Vienna.
My goal is to show people what everyday life is like. Some topics are easy to film from home - like my apartment tour or food traditions. And some require deeper research and planning. Like what is it like living in a typical Moscow neighborhood or why Moscow is richer than the rest of Russia, why Moscow is so cold, and why Russians don't smile 😅. And obviously, these things require more time and motivation.
The channel is super young and I'm doing it on the side, not full-time. And I'm still looking for my unique voice, editing, and storytelling style. But I want to take this channel on the road to film documentaries and everyday life around the world with the best quality and as frequently as possible.
The content I'm creating is absolutely free and this will never change!
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#life_in_vienna_austria #amusement_park_rides #prater_vienna #nick_vujicic #motivational_video