Best tools for organizing PDFs in Obsidian

Best tools for organizing PDFs in Obsidian

Nicole van der Hoeven

1 год назад

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@wilsonlamlyt7138 - 15.04.2023 21:26

Curious to ask from this video, which drive would you use and why is it the case? I’m deciding to do some research into how should I sync my obsidian and where I put my main files in? I’m thinking should I put files in Dropbox, Google drive, or something like iCloud, the obsidian syncing is also something that I struggle with, all kinds of syncing seems to have this or that problem and I would still like notes to be accessible on my phone. I’m thinking about this because I’m going to change from windows to macOS possibly. Which drive or syncing way would you recommend? Thanks for this great video again, I found these videos very helpful in making decisions, especially when you are in a same device or need as I am!

@MarkLevison - 15.04.2023 22:40

Nicole - I agree that for you Zotero is a great choice. I think you did DEVONThink a disservice. I use DT on a daily basis. Once configured, the sync over Dropbox is rock solid. My archive is 1/3 the size of yours and it’s been working flawlessly for over a year. The killer feature of DT that you missed is search. Hands down it is the best I’ve ever used. So it wasn’t for you, but I don’t think you did it justice in your comments.

@huenchenholli - 16.04.2023 15:45

Thanks Nicoole for another great video! I was just curious why you did not use the "Zotero Integration" plugin for Obsidian to deal with annotations and links to them. For me this was the reason to switch to Zotero for my PDFs. And "ich wünsche Dir Glück!"

@gideon9136 - 16.04.2023 16:22

Why not just use Obsidian Zotero plugin? It has most of the functionalities you mentioned

@hydroross - 17.04.2023 23:20

Regarding DEVONthink I’ve been very successful and satisfied with “indexing” my Obsidian vault folder. DT has good built-in Markdown-friendly annotation features with backlinks to the original PDF. After annotation/note-taking, I save the annotation markdown file into the Obsidian folder and archive the PDF separately. Works great. On the other hand you are spot on regarding slow and fiddly cloud syncing with the iOS app. Nicole, thanks for the excellent video. Your efforts are much appreciated.

@brunoresendesantos45 - 19.04.2023 03:42

Simply amazing. Been looking for something like this for ages!

Great video.

@uryaar7216 - 22.04.2023 20:55

Great video! I just started using Zotero for academics in order to use the tagging system as well, and still trying to figure out how to merge it better with Obsidian. This gives me some good ideas!

@fafilingdo - 23.04.2023 14:51

I have a question, when you configure zotero to your online drive, do you put it in the same folder as your Obsidian vault or a different folder?

@timbushell8640 - 25.04.2023 09:43

Also - with your comment of 'checked against another computer'... the setting up of Zotero isn't covered well in this vid - if you are a new user/database. I think many will need more help there - directly or with some links to Zotero sources - especially in building the 'linked' database, and not the local hard drive as so many instructors show...

... So your suggestions are?

@vencler - 26.04.2023 11:46

Hey I know that youre doing whats comfortable for you, but this is just my personal opinion and its definitely subjective and I don't know if others agree:
For me it's very hard to watch your content due to colors. The combination of frontal+back lighting is very hard on my eyes, and paired with very bright hair color, it gets really hard at times.
I still watch because your content is great! But I can't say it's enjoyable viewing experience. I'm not saying this in a bad manner, just pointing out something that could maybe be improved.

@skylarkhighline - 03.05.2023 05:37

What Obsidian theme are you using? Looks nice!

@giddycarousel - 03.05.2023 10:42

What about Bookends instead of Zotero? I find more solid and Apple oriented.

@122hb - 05.05.2023 15:17

marginote is a good choice, but only for MacOS

@Trecoolerok - 14.05.2023 17:25

This video was the reason i switched to zotero. I also have a huge collection of pdfs inside complex folder system, and adding them manually would be hell. Though I find more smooth way to export highlights to obsidian with obsidian-zotero plugin and biblex addon in zotero. It automatically add links, so you don’t have to manually edit links. There is one problem though. Pdf drawings on pdf inside zotero app on iPad doesn’t exports. Though I think there is the way to get these drawings outside exported pdf - because ipad software can manipulate with these drawings - so there must be the way to extract them, and export, let’s say, to excalidraw. So thanks again for this marvellous video!

@pk-mind - 17.05.2023 12:57

Hi Nicole, I saw once that there is a limit in the volume of documents on zotero, no?
If yes this is quite important in your evaluation, no?

@dannycobble2839 - 27.05.2023 17:28

Have you tried the zotero plug in for obsidian. It pulls your annotations in without having to do all the steps in zotero. You just us a hotkey

@marcobertalot-bay9342 - 30.05.2023 23:00

Thank you so much!
I work with Evernote. Obsidian is difficult for my "hard" brain!🙃
Is there an instruction for linking Notes in Zotero PDF's with Evernote?
I thank in advance ! Marco from Botucatu, Brazil

@KenoticMuse - 31.05.2023 01:25

I think your take on Devonthink is very fair. I'm a fan of Devonthink, but I don't use it across multiple computers, so it's pretty much local only, and I have a use case for it.

@ThomasTrutt-o1i - 17.06.2023 23:23

thank you for your videos. I just started moving all my notes to Obsidian and have been binging your videos..

@amallukose3763 - 22.06.2023 14:58

logseq is the best

@lpanebr - 30.06.2023 19:51

Porque seu obsidian está em português?

@bobbyv3 - 02.07.2023 00:45

A fellow digital information hoarder. Thought I was the only one sitting over here with 17GB of eBooks and 72GB of wallpapers. 😬

@davidgrubba - 03.07.2023 03:07

Hi, thank you so much for the video. My only suggestion is to use the Zotero plugin integration in Obsidian; this would make the task much easier.

@KrustalHersh - 13.07.2023 06:38

I also "somehow" have ended up with many PDFs 😆

@visciuti1 - 21.07.2023 11:58

Adoro seus vídeos! Este é exatamente o que eu estava procurando para pdf de artigos científicos! <<Respondendo em pt-br depois de ver a sua template do Obsidian =)>>

@ManmanLLC - 10.08.2023 03:57

Hi Nicole, what is the Obsidian theme you use? It is so pretty!!
And your videos are really clear and concise!
Thank you so much!

@maks_st - 24.08.2023 17:59

I had this question of how to process PDFs in Obsidian. I now realise that Readwise is the best option for my needs, so far at least. Thank you for the detailed overview, Nicole!

@Ben-Alaluf - 04.09.2023 19:38

What is the first tool you use? When you show the PDF chart?

@monochr0m - 15.09.2023 21:36

Do you know of a solution to link from PDF to Notes?

@randolphclark6427 - 19.09.2023 21:21

What is the name of this red theme? Thanks.

@lachlangray8120 - 20.09.2023 16:48

One more option if you’re into this kind of thing is Emacs+pdftools. It can do (literally) anything you want if you have the time to hack it up

@dd.oliver - 03.10.2023 21:48

Obsidian should be more and better plugins integrations with Zotero. These tools are amazing and should be only one app

@giftcp82 - 09.10.2023 16:35

How can i refresh the pdfs folder after adding new files

@Ikbenjanus - 18.10.2023 20:31

Wow, your video was so extremely helpful. Thank you!

@ZakirHussainIbrahim - 21.11.2023 03:54

Hi Nicole. Great video. Is there a work around for Mendeley instead of Zotero? Thank you in advance.

@pr3dated - 04.12.2023 05:38

So it's unlikely you'll see this, but I also use espanso and I use the following to pop a form where I paste from Zutilo and use the shell extension to do the string replacement. You'd have to adjust to work on mac.

- trigger: ";zot.lnk"
replace: "{{opnlnk}}"
- name: "zotlnkform"
type: form
layout: |
Fix [[link]]
- name: "opnlnk"
type: shell
cmd: "'zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{0}?page=1' -f '{{}}'.split('/')[-1]"
shell: powershell

@fabiankeller3047 - 01.01.2024 03:52

Thanks for the detailed comparison, much appreciated!

A question on Zotero: What happens if you rename or move the PDF files in our Dropbox folder? Will the Zotero links be broken, or is there some sort of re-index so that it can re-discover the PDFs under their new path?

@andresviera5059 - 29.02.2024 17:21

I´m using FOX IT PDF READER, and it´s pretty complete!!!

@ankerschilling3308 - 10.03.2024 21:52

Have you figured out how to get the Links for Zotero PDF´s to work on your android phone as well?

@1DemiRaven - 16.03.2024 11:43

Thank you!

@gabrieloforti - 20.04.2024 19:08

Você fala português?

@Hokageee - 27.05.2024 16:34

Que legal!

Obsidian é muito bom.

@Anglosphere-ui9hv - 08.08.2024 09:15

I use obsidian and pdf++, to classify i simple do an index note and drags books related to that note subject, not as much flexible as tagging ...but i have no need for that i dont handle too many gb of pdfs so i guess those index notes are more than enough for me, its like library reference cards after all. You could also to a note per pdf as a note registry and add tags to it, it would work for your data view and direct access to the book. And you do everthing inside obsidian of course if pdf++ annotation is enough

@allroni - 21.10.2024 02:18

Great review, thank you!

@pedrovendramini6800 - 06.11.2024 18:17

Great video, very well organized. It really helped to understand the possibilities.

@const-d7p - 04.12.2024 08:43

Thank you so much for this fascinating video, it really helps a lot! But it seems that these plugins didn't suit for the newest version of Zotero 7?
