How to Be a Good Father To a Son | Dad University

How to Be a Good Father To a Son | Dad University

Dad University

4 года назад

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@geraldmartin7417 - 02.11.2023 21:10

Okay, I'm on the right track. Phew!

@inmate0054 - 02.11.2023 22:51

Don’t ever sweat in front of a woman especially significant other. Cry with some dudes but never around women

@lorantbarnai4539 - 03.11.2023 14:08

Have to put here more thumbs up as there is possibility only for 1 above so...👌🏻👌🏻👍👍👍💪💪💪 100% apriciate your video. Everything you said is true!

@Spacecat357 - 03.11.2023 15:36

If you can’t criticize his mother, you will raise a white night and enable her worst qualities.

@marcosguerra - 03.11.2023 15:42

Great video. Thank you for sharing this list

@Spacecat357 - 03.11.2023 15:44

A good father models the courage to resist blind conformity. This is sorely lacking in our falling empire.

@phabeondominguez5971 - 03.11.2023 16:08

Any books peeps can recommend that go along with this video?

@JamesQuintero7 - 06.11.2023 16:11

On Point!

@johnietaylor1817 - 07.11.2023 01:37

build better men, thats the goal

@BraeNDadddie3641 - 08.11.2023 15:44

To think these kind of things used to be common sense lol.

@jonathans7888 - 12.11.2023 10:32

So Therese is university’s for Dads ! Hahaha I love it 😁

@mishadoesthething - 12.11.2023 17:48

Great video, this advice is also helpful for moms, grandparents, uncles and aunts, older cousins etc

@boneheadbill9976 - 15.11.2023 11:07

My parents are garbage.

@josephchess2624 - 16.11.2023 07:51

Very coherent Dadding 101

@josephchess2624 - 16.11.2023 07:54

Keep in mind, in regard to speaking positively about his Mom, that you CAN acknowledge her behavior if it's inappropriate or negative, but acknowledge the behavior and make sure you don't insult her character.

@21basket - 17.11.2023 09:07

Why only son? I have a daughter and watch this!)

@isaiah537 - 17.11.2023 21:59

Lead him to Christ or you're wasting your time ❤

@adamchavez999 - 19.11.2023 04:04

Very good video!!!!!!

@LiquidMetalStacker - 19.11.2023 05:03

Outstanding video. Let your sons see your strength as a man emotionally and physically. Show them what a man is. Let them see your struggles only to become triumphant over them. Let them see you work and but never quit. In leading by example you can mold them into the Men this world needs.

@dexterm2003 - 25.11.2023 23:00

Excellent framework. I would add things like the following:
- Hardwork and enjoying the process and being proud of the out come.
- Be generous
- Seek for truth and defend it
- Understand what real physical, emotional and moral strength is and how and when to use it
- Do things for the right reasons and not for recognition.
- Understand that life is what you make it and that no one owes you anything.
- Stoicism
- Bring value to the people closest to you and the world
- Forge genuine relationships
- Be a peace maker whenever possible.

@aydenmontes8859 - 28.11.2023 21:44

Wow i didnt know how much information this video had. Definitely good one

@pilanesbergtrails6844 - 13.12.2023 13:50

@DadUniversity I couldn't agree with you more. This makes me feel good. Thank you

@CrimsonSalvation1 - 13.12.2023 18:24

I would add that teaching your Son about who God is and knowing that Jesus is the Lord. It’s basically the most vital thing any father can do.

@matthewnoble7768 - 17.12.2023 10:53

Sir this is spot on. I want to study at your university but I am in England.

@Drewgonsalvesacro - 04.01.2024 20:30

one piece of constructive criticism on this video: when you spoke about loving unconditional, not loving a kid for their accomplishments. I think it really helps when we encourage our kids and praise them for their effort, not just for no reason.

@Michael-je5tt - 05.01.2024 15:43

What a wonderful video - thank you. I am a new father - I didn’t have a great role model, so I’m searching for content like this.

The only hug my dad ever gave me was when I got into law school. I kiss and hug my little boy multiple times a day. It’s a wonderful feeling, sad that my dad missed out on that.

@Allium_369 - 26.01.2024 16:58

My son has taught me many lessons. Whenever I do something out of character he ask me if my father treated me like that. It reminds me that I do not want to repeat how I was treated as a child and helps me fix my behavior. If I snap at him and call him a name or degrade him like my father did I always apologize. I’m not perfect, but I know generational patterns can only be changed by me.

@mrboostification - 08.02.2024 10:33

I agree on all thing you say except for a man showing his emotions. Thats an hard NO. It will show you as weak and will get you nothing. Good. No one cares about a mans feelings.

@Mr_Magpie_ - 25.02.2024 06:25

Thank you 🙏🏾

@oar-N-oasis - 01.03.2024 08:24

There's this present pain in my heart seeing my son being deprive to have a father like you describe. His dad is still alive but he has a limited knowledge on how to be a father and maybe his childhood has something to do about that but I can't still fully accept that reason. I believe that having a very good role model father while growing up is necessary to build a right foundation to follow but a fatherless children can still be a good parent because of his love and care for his child.

@sl2851 - 19.03.2024 09:08

If my son’s teacher is a blue hair with a bull nose ring.. he ain’t talkin to them on his own

I will definitely step in an be a part of THAT convo

@LeslieLoudermilk-lw4pv - 30.03.2024 22:58

I become a dad at 17, and im so scary because i dont have any support from my parents, but im so happy that i watched this video cause it helped so much thank u

@Humanflesh1988 - 10.04.2024 18:25

Father of a 2 year old little boy. I will not be like my step father. The day he was born I made a promise to him that I will always be there for everything I can. My dad was always drunk and never cared. His house his rules don’t like it get out his money goes in alcohol and rent.if I wanted anything I had to “get a job” and buy it my self.

@stevendass850 - 10.04.2024 20:04

Love this Video. ❤

@SamuelTokko-p1e - 22.04.2024 15:05

It never occurred to me that me being there for him is what he needs rather than I try to become a dad that is perfect...

@lbk2404 - 28.04.2024 16:04

Lol, my dad failed miserably in all these 7 things, being the abusive & aggressive narcissist that he was. I wish the internet and videos like this already existed, for him to see & grasp when I was still a kid.

@ManuelOliveira-q7p - 29.04.2024 02:42

Thank you for this video 🙏🏽

@wakestead - 17.05.2024 08:59

This is the first video I've seen on how I feel to correctly raise my son. My dad died on March 4th, and I find myself constantly looking up videos for my son. He is about to be one and I want to raise him in the best way possible. Thank you for making me not feel crazy for giving my son unconditional love and support while teaching him. It seems every other video is about masculinity, and no emotions. I'm happy to see a video that shows actual development and care.

@randomexicanmkid - 17.07.2024 11:34

why am i watching this entire video while having a thought of becoming a dad as a 14 year old😭😭😭

@darotwiler - 09.09.2024 21:12

For someone who grew up with Out a father, I really appreciate your channel. Thank you! When is the new video?

@P_Drizzy - 04.10.2024 09:56

I really needed to see this video🥺 Thank you!!!!!

@ThomasSmith14562 - 07.10.2024 15:35

Hello brothers and sisters. I would just like to recommend that everyone read the book ‘Raising Warriors: Preparing Your Children For a Godly Life’. Reading that book was the best desicion I ever made.

@mr.joshua204 - 08.11.2024 12:27

My dad was a womanizer, and had this weird power trip over me my whole life, like he was afraid that I was better than him, he even went as far as hitting me, and trying to make me fight him to justify a potential fight

@andrewjansen9702 - 04.12.2024 08:29

This video is on the right track. But when it comes to being present, you can be a long distance couple and still be present. Just be as involved in the kids lives as possible.

@morrisnkomo8834 - 19.12.2024 19:05

Learning everday

@JulianGiraldo.Mejorando - 29.12.2024 22:07

I'm a dad of two and that's the best gift of my life and I'm working to be a great Dad, I did grow up with no dad and I know the importance of this !!!

@WahgwaanJD - 13.01.2025 09:48

I love my son. Being a truck driver has been tough for me when it comes to being there for him. He’s 6 and just started 1st grade. I’m always looking for ways to give him that one on one time, during the summer he comes with me on the road. It’s tough but it’s a balance I gotta find one day at a time.

@Nightprideenclave_studio - 17.01.2025 10:16

I must be ready when i become a great father

@toozigooti - 09.02.2025 08:51

I married a lovely woman that has a 6 year old son. The biological father is not in the picture, though he does send child support. Being a step father is proving to be extremely tough. I hope that I can do a good job.
