How long does it take routenote to release a single
ОтветитьRoutenote has been around since 2007!
ОтветитьThank u so much g u dont even know how much I appreciate u
Ответитьwe are waiting for the payment of 500$ pkus.
last month they gave us a reason that we need to set the paypal to receive usd.
but our paypal was capable, anyway we did change the paypal verified it, made sure it is capable of receiving usd linked it with a
bankaccount ,linked it to routenote 2weeks before the 15th and waited.
the promise of routenote is to get paied automated on the 15th-20th of the month once your balance reached 50$.
we had fullfilled all criteria plus waited a month and still the payment didnt worked.
to be more precise the payment system of routenote is not working.
Routenote did NOT pay us. They give bad excuses and we did all they want from us. We even changed the paypal made it compatible with usd verified linked to bank account linked to routenote before the 15th had the threshold over 50$ and then they let us wait again saying next month and STILL NO Payment.
Ответитьdope video thanks
ОтветитьDoes ROUTENOTE also offer licensing for music releases? It's important for music to be licensed. So that bad guys and ghurls can't take advantage of your work.
Ответитьam not happy the way royalties come from routenote , its very low compared to other distributing companies , they are too much errs
ОтветитьRouteNote is a scam and will not pay out after you reach a certain point. They'll remove releases and mark them for fradulent streams and prevent you from being able to cash out without telling you what's going on or why. You will still generate revenue and they will still take their cut (which was 20% when I started, though it might have changed), but you won't be able to get it until they "manually review" your account for fraudulent activity. I sat there for a year waiting before giving up and switching platforms.
ОтветитьNo its a shitty distro
ОтветитьYeah RouteNote just filed a copyright claim against me, because my song use a FREE SAMPLE BEAT! They claimed for someone else, I guess one of their clients.
ОтветитьEven if I was getting millions of streams, I wouldn't mind paying the 15%. It's helping the company that helped me. How it works.
ОтветитьHow do i connect my accounts to routenote, for example, i want to have music on a specific account. I'm not sure how the process works, if I could have some advise, that would help out big time.
ОтветитьVery interesting video! I've been considering RouteNote as a starter, so it was good to see this side of it.
When you mentioned the Single, EP, Album and Extended Plan, I searched in RouteNote what their definitions of that was and they answered it in their support hub a few months ago what they meant by each. EP is 2 to 6 tracks, Album is 7 to 17 tracks, and Extended Album is 18 tracks or more.
Thanks for your help man!
Hii does anyone know how many platforms does the first level of Route Note give you access too??
ОтветитьRouteNote started in 2007!!! Been with them for years, no complaints.
ОтветитьHi. I'm jsut trying to release my music. I don't care about making any profit whatsoever. But in the future or just for the sake of now, how does the royalties work? Like does your song generate a certain amount of income per play? And then that gets paid to you and routenote?
ОтветитьGreat video. Thanks bro. I don´t know which music distributor is the best to be honest. Dittoo, distrokid, tunecore .... I hear bad feedback from a lot of artists ...
ОтветитьThank you great content 🎉Dope video ❤i love the lighting tonal graduation 😊
ОтветитьThey're all the same .. only difference is that R.N. have Sound Cloud monetization.
ОтветитьCan you select what stores you want to use or not use?
ОтветитьI dont need to get fully paid iam okay to see my music on any platforms its just so cool😂
ОтветитьRouteNote has become a racist platform of hate blocking free Palestine songs and siding with the kind of racism and modern-day-H1tler Netanyahu. This is a company to be boycotted especially for those social justice folks
ОтветитьI have the free version and the only problem I see is that it has taken more than 2 weeks for your music to be released. Is that because it's free?
ОтветитьTunecore dont accept cool musik they could be hits :(
ОтветитьDoes route note distribution include Snapchat distribution please help
ОтветитьWhat distribution company would you recommend and which one do you work with
Ответитьthe problem I had is the moderation process exceeded the release date. do you wonder what are they doing during the moderation process?
ОтветитьAs a new user on RouteNote, I uploaded a song that met all their requirements and it was accepted. After nearly two weeks under review, the song disappeared from my dashboard without any notice or explanation. I submitted a support ticket but received no response. I then reached out to support about a separate issue and mentioned the missing song. They asked for the ticket number, which I provided, but they replied that they couldn’t find it. I had to explain the situation again and am still waiting for a proper response. This has been incredibly stressful for me as a songwriter who trusted their platform. The lack of communication and transparency is frustrating, and I hope this doesn’t lead to further complications.
ОтветитьThey literally cut my song from content Id, tik tok fb and isnta 😭😭 and they citing that I used a sample when I own 100% of the rights to the song I literally made the beat
ОтветитьA fraudulent and dishonest company that rejects files without any reason
ОтветитьPlease explain about RouteNote: Revenue Share Application
ОтветитьIf you didn't pay or make a monthly payment, would they take it down.
ОтветитьGet this: RouteNote Ltd's auditors statement in UK Companies House Accounts for 2024: "Judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty (ed. of RouteNote's future survival)
Other creditors includes £15,763,143 (2023 - £13,459,100) owed to artists for music released on the internet. Payment is due to the artists once certain conditions have
been achieved between both the company and the artist. The company has taken a pragmatic view that the correct accounting treatment is to show the full liability
outstanding to the various artists, but believes that the total liability may not crystallise in full and any reduction in the amount owed will be released back to the
profit and loss account in due time." ... "MIGHT NOT CRYSTALLISE???" ....15.7 MILLION £'s? What they're hoping unpaid artists are gonna get bored of being ignored and go away... That's what Route Note call being "PRAGMATIC?" What else could "might not crystallise" mean?' No wonder the auditors are spooked.
ОтветитьBeen using them for <1 year now, great customer support for free it’s great. Helped me verify my yt channel and so far I’m loving my journey with them.
ОтветитьI needed to hear this before I sign up. Thanks my G. 🎉❤🙏