"Fiction is waste of time"
How is no one offended by this statement.
I mean all real book readers know the value of fiction
Yes right 💯
ОтветитьOnly human cattle will live to just earn money. Fiction is a gift to humankind, fk your money driven obsession.
ОтветитьThe actual answer is ruthlessly stealing the ideas and inventions of men greater than yourself.
ОтветитьOld money doesn't brag about how much money they have they keep it a secret you don't see Prince Charles or the Arab oil tycoon people bragging about how much money they have
ОтветитьI also read non fiction but not self help books, I read books on wars, geo political issues, defense, intelligence, national security and real crime. As for this survey he is claiming no such survey was done. He is uttering BS.
Ответитьself help books, coaches etc etc are scams, bullshit
ОтветитьReading is important, you won't be a millionare because you read selfhelp books or poor cause you read fiction. There are other things in the game of becoming succesful. And btw, this sounds like some trying to sell more selfhelps books xD godddamn!!
Ответитьhow the hell can he disparage shakespeare,cavafy,montaigne, cervantes,DOSTOEVESKY...
People who think reading fiction is a waste of time.. are missing out on a lot!!!
ОтветитьBig talk bias
ОтветитьMillions and billions of dollars and still can't afford to read fiction eh?
Ответитьyou can only make your billions by exploiting and fucking people over. billionaires have manufactured this pristine image so idiots like this guy can look up at them while he coddles their nutsacks. do not look up to billionaires. and do not stop reading books you love
ОтветитьBy fiction he meant SMUT and teenage drama
Ответить"We do not read fiction"
Ok im out. i guess I'll 'waste my time and money' reading about distant lands so i can get away from people like them
I agree reading is important, but show me a working mom who is already taking time away from her children to work, can manage reading, one book a week, and still emotionally and physically invest in her children. The ones able to read one book a week are men who most likely, leave the child rearing to the mothers.
ОтветитьElon musk watch anime and read manga
ОтветитьWhy you can t success ❤
ОтветитьI've always felt recommending reading self-improvement books to the average non reader is just asking people to fail or not do it. Reccomending reading fiction sprinkled in with self help or educational books is a better approach imo.
ОтветитьHe is wrong
85% inheritance
15% self made
You might deny me
But you agree this in your brains darkest corner and still deny 😢😂
So america bombed japan and ended world war 2 and formed a relatively peaceful era because countries frightened by the consequence of another world war and america is the hero according to your AOT Theory. Last shot of aot shows that no matter whatever eren did war continued in the future. And Eren's future seeing ability has a limit.
ОтветитьSelf help books are load a shit and Boring . Rather read about something you can enjoy
ОтветитьIt's really disturbing that the old man insulted fictional books and showed overly confidence, which doesn't make any sense. I read self-help books with balance though. I am not a huge fan of fictional books (I like them though) but everyone's different so there choices are! It depends. For some people fiction is the right choice but for others maybe it's not! It's fine and beautiful. A real reader don't insult any kind of books, yk! ❤
ОтветитьWhy did you not talk about lots of people who fail to be millionaires? These so-called self-help books sell you a dream. How could there be a universal law to get success for everyone? That 15% achieve that because most of them know how to exploit the poor. My recommendation is to read "Animal Farm" and "Das Kapital" to know more.
ОтветитьOutside of the few non-fiction books that have changed my life, I've learned more about how people / the world works from FICTION.
ОтветитьStupidest thing I have ever heard.
ОтветитьI think so
ОтветитьElon musk says read fiction please don't listen to this old man author of some self help book save your money
ОтветитьOsho who read 150000+ books in his life....means 10 books a day approximate 👽🔥
ОтветитьHis study of billionaires is entirely fiction 😂😂😂
ОтветитьAre elon and tata the first generation what stupid
ОтветитьThis is why i hate podcast. Some stupid people comes and talk about wrong data
ОтветитьElon Musk read tons of science fiction.
ОтветитьThis is Shiv Khera. His bestseller book "You Can Win" is so worth and set my life in a upside direction..
And guy's c'mon, he's talking about Millionaire BUSYYYY people who hardly even has time to read, you think they are going to read fiction? Fiction is awesome and I love it, but in this context he is absolutely right.
wo has this much time ?
ОтветитьWow this is so innacurate.
ОтветитьBillionaires dont have that much time, uncle
Ответить"word can change the world"?
ОтветитьOnly people who don't read books will make such inane claims like "fiction is a waste of time." And almost all "self-help" books fall under a single subject: behavioural psychology. They are definitely not going to give any "ideas" to become millionaires. So stay away from such people, not because they don't read books, but because they are plain liars.
ОтветитьThis dude full of BS.!
ОтветитьSelf help book is crap, I just can't with these wannabe capitalists crap. Also what do u mean by first generation sir? They're parents funding their startup? Elon musk's dad was a fuckin millionaire, they all come from money and high society. For heaven's sake stfu.... This annoys me so much as a classical fiction reader. Also more millionaires and billionaires are the last thing this damn world needs. Shut up....just SHUT UP
ОтветитьTanrıı unutmuş olsada
ОтветитьNice sir
ОтветитьThen every student is not becoming millionaire . Which means education system is something broken
Need to cultivate this habit on our own apart from academics
Good fiction is truer than nonfiction. Especially self help books. Waste of time.
ОтветитьI have read both fictions and self help books. I can assure you that fictions have taught me way more than the self help books.
ОтветитьI think it is important to find a balance between reading fiction and self-help books.
ОтветитьI think it is important to find a balance between reading fiction and self-help books.
ОтветитьI think it is important to find a balance between reading fiction and self-help books.