This is Our Train | Chill Playlist

This is Our Train | Chill Playlist


4 года назад

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@itsaidanwithaneh - 11.02.2021 10:00


@ezekieldegnikou6812 - 11.02.2021 10:01


@Aaltonen119 - 11.02.2021 10:01

This is our train, let's go. It's time for us to go somewhere far away.... to start over.

@pythonsamurai - 11.02.2021 10:31

О, поездок то РЖДшный. Думаю даже станцию кто-то сможет определить.

@GentlemanGaming1122 - 11.02.2021 10:40


@GentlemanGaming1122 - 11.02.2021 10:41

I always love the thumbnails and music which goes so well with it.

@theorganicveilradio6623 - 11.02.2021 10:44

Your titles @BLUME are so ever PERFECT to my day! TY for what you do! PERFECT!

@skytimelapseshorts242 - 11.02.2021 10:44

Amazing chill mix! Great work!

@CottonMouthJoe - 11.02.2021 11:11

Thank you friend. Love thos amazing ambient and future garage vibes you always out out. Soothing melodies

@sofisofi8141 - 11.02.2021 11:24

So beautiful

@victoriaf00 - 11.02.2021 12:29

It's about time we left. There's too many stuff in our past.. let's start over...

@dreez5806 - 11.02.2021 13:07

This has to be the best chill playlist i have ever heard, great work!

@Kai-yo1ec - 11.02.2021 13:29

This is our story...

@wayrentmusic - 11.02.2021 13:50

Oh it's a russian train by RZD:)

@denilsomazevedo4223 - 11.02.2021 14:18


@JunaidRiazAlHassan - 11.02.2021 14:59

NEWS DIGEST to START the Day (11 FEB 2021, Thursday) 5 Minutes Read; updated at 0654HRS IST

World: 107,834,024 Death 2,363,399 (2.19%) Active 25,481,949 (24%) Recovery 79,988,676 (74%)

India: 10,871,060; Death 155,399 (1.43%) Active 144,032 (1.32%) Recovery 10,571,629 (97.25%)

Tsunami confirmed by Australian agency after 7.7 magnitude earthquake in South Pacific; New Zealand, Nearby Nations on Alert; Strong earthquake shakes western Indonesia; no tsunami alert

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Today’s Word - Eclogue- Pastoral or rustic poems and

@RodrigoRodriguezShakuhachi - 11.02.2021 15:01

Thank you Blume! for including my tracks Sorrow and Hold My Hand Till The End, very nice picture for this wonderful mix ❤️

@Ivan_Chesnokov - 11.02.2021 16:09

Похоже на станцию в моём мухасранске

@ChillnPeace - 11.02.2021 16:58

We really love your playlists. Keep up the great work 👍

@serendipitytrace - 11.02.2021 17:16


@ralfnoname1251 - 11.02.2021 17:31

Seldom relaxed so quickly......Thanks !

@captain_kobi7476 - 11.02.2021 17:33

Эх... As it long, as it scary ?

@jacobrichardson2001 - 11.02.2021 18:05

This is our train to heaven.

@TheosT123 - 11.02.2021 18:42

“I wonder where Cloud is?”
Thinks Aeris as she stares off into the depths of Midgar.

@WhiteEagleMusicNetwork - 11.02.2021 19:11

beauty <3

@proy2448 - 11.02.2021 19:18

This is our train. Our train to nowhere.

@TPWW3CAP - 11.02.2021 21:06

Aum yamakanta Hum I Aum hiri shirthi vikrantans hum I Aum mane padme hum l Aum hiri shirthi vikrantans hum I

@victorcr6910 - 11.02.2021 21:24

We dont need trains... We are already in the right place, the present.

@AfiYanni - 11.02.2021 21:24


@angelictitan4485 - 11.02.2021 21:43

Currently I’m writing a story which I hope I can finish one day and even publish. I just wanted to say that your music helps me a lot to switch into another world because it’s so relaxing and builds my imagination. Thank you.

@terrencegreen755 - 12.02.2021 01:36

Easily the best Blume of 2021, thank you Blume,, your work is from another universe

@lightworker1564 - 12.02.2021 01:36

De laatste trein naar Georgië. De Georgische Republiek. Ik ben toevallig net als de oude Sovjet-Unie treinen, ze hadden karakter van de voormalige Sovjet-Unie, goedkoop gemaakt openbaar vervoer. Comfortabele houten stoelen voor de boeren, en gewatteerde zetels voor de communistische leden. Een foto zegt duizend woorden, en muziek is de ziel van de wereld. Goede muziek.

@KachinJack - 12.02.2021 04:00


@Razin471 - 12.02.2021 04:13

kuda electri4ka idyot:>? from kiev to donetsk?
u nas v sverdlovskoy oblasti takay je stancia 1624 km

@meditationandstudymusic9506 - 12.02.2021 09:22

Thank you for this lovely video, I appreciate it! Have a nice day <3

@cliveowen1493 - 12.02.2021 18:32

На заставке подмосковная электричка?)

@MCparacetamol - 12.02.2021 19:45

Будто дорогая обложка к какому-то крутому трек-альбому)

@focusnowradio-productivity4528 - 12.02.2021 20:06

Ey you! Have a great weekend, you deserve it!

@Xplosion919 - 13.02.2021 03:54

These tracks are just superb! Big 👍

@WooHooOhYeah - 13.02.2021 05:01

Станция Любая.

@Dhouglas123456789 - 13.02.2021 06:27

go to sleep <3

@elvijsvinniks - 17.02.2021 13:53

Ticket man -
Tickets please !!

@death.noneexistentchannel5797 - 20.02.2021 12:52

I'll be sure to miss it

@mrAZcardinal - 26.02.2021 08:54

That sinking feeling when it's time to go, and you have to leave someone you love behind, but they're not there to bid you farewell because they already left you behind.

@grzegorzwysocki948 - 26.02.2021 21:37

Skierniewice train station!

@jeromegolliday4852 - 06.03.2021 13:43

I really enjoy this mix! There is a 4 minute and 32 second track (at the 10 minute mark) between "Hold My Hand Till End" and "Immersion" that is not credited or time stamped. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

@chiulofi6264 - 08.04.2021 12:57

This is VERY relaxing and beautiful! Thanks 👍🌊🌅🎹💯
