Zegras chirps Stecher and Stecher REALLY doesn't like it, a breakdown

Zegras chirps Stecher and Stecher REALLY doesn't like it, a breakdown

Jomboy Media

2 года назад

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@Mikiciko - 13.02.2023 00:24

People really think jomsoy is still good at reading lips🤦🏻‍♂️

@ShaneGrogan724 - 13.02.2023 00:50

There are in fact penalties in hockey for saying things that are out of line. There's the unsportsmanlike conduct penalty which is 2 minutes, and there are misconduct penalties which are either 10 minutes or game. I was at this game, and Zegras got a 10 minute misconduct for this incident and returned to the game with about 6 minutes left, and scored the winning goal in overtime. The Coyotes later made a statement that Zegras didn't actually say anything about Stecher's father, but made "very inappropriate comments."

@hezekiaB - 13.02.2023 06:40

God do I hope the ducks don’t get Bedard. I really don’t want to have to watch Trevor Zegras in the playoffs every year.

@matthewsheppard714 - 13.02.2023 07:38

"[I don't think you can give a guy a penalty for saying something mean]" Actually not true. If a line was crossed, you can easily box them for unsportsmanlike conduct. Not saying that was the case here, particularly if it was just a chirp to his wife (depending on the chirp), but "saying something mean" can absolutely get you a penalty depending on what you said.

@kristofevarsson6903 - 13.02.2023 08:09

I'm guilty of calling my girlfriend (now ex) of over four years my wife, because we were considered common-law married but had no actual wedding, rings, or certification. Doesn't seem that weird of a thing to do depending on how long Stecher and his lady have been together. But after seeing comments below supposedly saying that Zegras chirped Stecher's freshly dead dad, that's definitely a line crossed and I wouldn't expect anyone to act any other way.

@Shmanceypants - 13.02.2023 08:59

Hot take: if your team is like minus 100 goals you should keep your mouth shut.

@nautically_lost - 13.02.2023 13:39

At the game the dude looked crazed!

@iansargent196 - 13.02.2023 18:29

Some of the hands gestures made it seem like Zegras was saying something about being crazy; and I'm certain the NHL has guidelines regarding chirping about mental health.

@nyr14 - 13.02.2023 20:07

“We’re family” great movie line 😂

@nickbrenner6459 - 13.02.2023 20:32

Zehra’s is a little goof ball anyways. More interested in his Gen Z haircut than playing hockey 😂

@cambehaein7279 - 14.02.2023 03:42

just ordered my zegras jersey

@griff98199 - 14.02.2023 06:29

Awesome breakdown, I was at this game and wondering what the hell he said lol

@robertfan332 - 14.02.2023 06:42

Was funny to see Zegras running hus mouth and thrn Trent Frédéric grabbed him by the collar and just ragdolled him like a Muppet.

Zegras wouldn't talk like that to a lot of guys.

@mediumdoubledouble9012 - 14.02.2023 07:09

Honestly your probably not far off with this, playing competitive hockey myself. Chirps are great but yeah some get really salty. After this you know how to get him going lol.

@bdbdkdfotbrveiw - 14.02.2023 13:15

If you’re accurate, called him a cuck lol

@kritikalmass1334 - 14.02.2023 15:14

Could be a common law thing. My parents were never actually married but called each other husband and wife.

@tthreepo4291 - 14.02.2023 16:50

Not everybody who considers themselves married needs or wants approval via a piece of paper from the state...

@herky1002 - 14.02.2023 18:30

You can chirp someone’s family, you won’t get a penalty. But you will likely get run through by the biggest guy on their team into the boards.

@elmergrizwald184 - 14.02.2023 19:36

dude's 10-ply

@MAL8916 - 14.02.2023 22:30

Appreciate you covering this Jomboy! I was hoping you would after I saw it on Twitter and saw all the people tagging you in the replies lol.

I had no idea what Zegras could have said to upset Stetcher that much, along with the pointing at the sky. Your theory definitely makes sense though, or at least more sense than the awful thing everyone was speculating he said

@jennylynsarmbutt854 - 15.02.2023 11:04

Zegras is funny af 😂

@SpecializedP2Ler - 16.02.2023 02:44

Finally a lip read that makes sense!

@waltergross1269 - 16.02.2023 04:38

Zegras is def gonna get rocked one day, bad rep keeps growing

@USAFMorgan - 16.02.2023 21:15

they should beat up NBA players who flop like that

@adamrichmond6348 - 17.02.2023 19:37

Definately along the lines of "he went down on me easier than your gf" in reference to the flop for the call... troy seems rather sensitive about it so who knows if there are rumours amongst players of potential infidelity

@Sshooter444 - 17.02.2023 22:02

This has got to be one of the dumbest "incidents" in NHL history

@Soack17 - 18.02.2023 00:45

I really like your videos, Zegras is like come in, but want to be protect by the ref... hate this player... can't believed they put him on nhl23

@collinw9934 - 18.02.2023 18:50

Hey Jomboy, you should do a breakdown of the Jerma Baseball Stream!

@Mike-hp3et - 19.02.2023 00:10

Lmao 🤣 Zegras..
Couple things:
1) Chirping is a part of hockey (all sports) and you have to be mentally tough. Can’t be soft like Stecher is here.
2) If I was an AZ Yotes fan/player/whatever I would be so embarrassed on Stecher’s behalf. Seriously who gives a f***. Haha

Guys say shit. Worse shit. All the time. Deal with it. All Stecher did is give Zegras and the Ducks (the league maybe?) ammo for their next matchup. Can’t be so soft.

@kellenc_ - 19.02.2023 10:04

This lip reading actually seems pretty accurate, thought this would be a joke

@charlesreycroft1152 - 20.02.2023 16:51

Stetcher looks like he’s about to cry

@charlesreycroft1152 - 20.02.2023 16:52

Temper tantrum extraordinaire

@Mattdillon_ - 21.02.2023 01:17

Please keep doing more hockey!!!

@kingg_roast259 - 24.02.2023 07:41

He told him atleast my mom doesn’t have an onlyfans 💀😂

@angelsfan1514 - 01.03.2023 06:49

Jesus hockey is a whole different animal

@allenschneider869 - 03.03.2023 07:54

He said your dads watching, recently passed

@notaverygoodhost - 05.03.2023 08:32

Don't chirp family? Shorsey would say otherwise

@Cool_hand_luker - 06.03.2023 21:55

Yeah Sioux Sioux

@ctrskistad - 11.03.2023 03:07

Something Something... your moms lasagna is the worst is what i saw yo!

@LindensBloodyJersey - 20.03.2023 21:16

I respect your opinion, but I also respectfully disagree. . I watched Troy play hockey for almost a decade and never saw any behaviour like this from him so obviously, it was a very personal dig and unappropriate.
Xigris is young and stupid. All he needs to do is come out and say he’s sorry and he said something in the heat of the moment that he shouldn’t of and apologize to Troy Stetcher and it would be over, but no, his ego is way too fragile for that.
Too bad, something like this can ruin your career. Everyone on the ice heard what he said, including his own teammates. He is going to go nowhere in this league. If he did say it, let me ask you, would you get behind him on the bench and on the team and be a good teammate for him? No, he wouldn’t. Maybe you would try but you know what he said, and everyone else does too. Recipe for disaster.

@julie473 - 20.03.2023 23:20

It's literally Slapshot when the goalie goes nuts on Paul Newman for calling his wife gay 😂

@curtiswatling2709 - 24.03.2023 21:52

For anyone who is confused on what Trevor ziegra said to Troy stecher Trevor zeagra said something about Thatcher's late father who passed away and that's what pissed Troy stecher off you can see trevor zegras point up to the sky when you do that to point up to the person you're honouring and that's what Trevor did he pointed up to the sky marching Troy stitchers dad's death

@willstuart4504 - 01.05.2023 12:04

Jomboy always delivers...👍👍
BUT, what I saw with my limited lip reading experience, was Zegras saying......
" I did NOT have sexual relations with that girl."... ( meaning buddy's GF ) in his best Bill Clinton voice.??
I might be wrong.?? If I am, I'm really REALLY close. He may have said this ...
"Dude, RELAX!! Don't take out ur GF issues on me... Just grab her by the P*ssy!!"...
Idk... first time lip reading, I could be OFF on a word or two? 😏

@bunsw2070 - 07.05.2023 09:41

The guy's girlfriend likely banged the entire league. At the same time. These ladies tend to be groupies. Now he's in too deep and feels trapped. In Canada they brought in this Critical Legal Theory where the judge rules based on their feelings instead of the law. They couldn't change the law. It would be too outrageous. So they just changed their training all the way from university. Imagine family courts being even worse to guys. That's Canada. Talk about feeling trapped. Leave the relationship and live in a cardboard box the rest of your life.

@StecherHockey - 29.01.2024 11:26

First time coming across this page that was solid very nice work.

@acky44 - 01.02.2024 00:44

he said "I bet your wife is gross, turn around I don't know who you are" both pretty normal chirps Stecher too it was too serious for some reason.

@StephanieKayhighheels - 30.06.2024 00:28

❤🎉❤more please nhl

@jordanbrazinski8260 - 09.02.2025 07:44

Gotta love this “culture” that Anaheim is putting together. Real inspiring stuff
