Ketroc's New TvZ Strategy - Masters TvZ - Starcraft 2

Ketroc's New TvZ Strategy - Masters TvZ - Starcraft 2


12 лет назад

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@LaurenzTecktonik1 - 13.04.2012 02:08

first viewer ;)

@hackscape3 - 13.04.2012 02:57

saw this on the stream ... it is simply the best strat ever ... :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

@CptSteiner - 13.04.2012 03:04

@Ketroc21 How do you feel about following up the PF block with Banshees instead of tanks? I imagine super fast mutas would hurt, but that's no different with tanks either. Just throwing it out there; I feel like killing off a mineral line (either main or unnatural 2nd) would cement an early gg. It seems like a more mentally imposing follow-up for the zerg to deal with than the slow punch of the tanks.

@derabc125 - 13.04.2012 03:19

I honestly think zergs got enough problems again Terran :<

@LacrosseGoalie41 - 13.04.2012 03:59

Love the strat ketroc i have been watching your videos for a while now and this is probably one of my favorites because although it is cheese its awesome haha XD

@Unpetitmax - 13.04.2012 05:25

You seem to forget you can load 5 scvs in your fortress!

@theakismaniac23 - 13.04.2012 09:12

thinking for maps that arent like metal and temple to wedge the PF in the space on top of the ramp, especially since the bases won be connected by creep by then even just cutting off the natural from main will be hard keep your natural alive with when you are already sending forces out to reinforce (as you said, even 1 base of larva cannot hold off a 1 basing terran)

@NisbetAM - 13.04.2012 16:56

Always having to be original, Ketroc! lol

@CrueKnight - 13.04.2012 17:55

load scvs in a PF? YOu sure?

@CrueKnight - 13.04.2012 17:56

ROFL. I laughed through the video once the PF was built. I thought you were gonna do some variation of the raven build :P I would call this cheese but heck, so is fast expo and ravens right? It's just genious creativity.

@CrueKnight - 13.04.2012 18:01

oh nmd you meant the command center. :P

@CrueKnight - 13.04.2012 18:06

Prob in the demonstration you should let those scvs mine at the enemy's expo. Then it makes it look like you have extra minerals.

@Unpetitmax - 13.04.2012 19:26

No I really meant the planetary fortress! Try it! You can load up 5 and with Neosteel Frame you can load up to 10. You ahve to select the PF and hit o key.

@MOHWORDLIFE - 13.04.2012 20:20

thats what i call him gg

@CrueKnight - 14.04.2012 07:51

Oh wow didnt notice that. I wonder if you can auto-repair inside them like you can do with the bunker?

@Sejegs - 11.06.2012 12:15

Can you auto-repair bunker while scv is inside them? are you sure? Why doesn't ppl use that function then?

@CrueKnight - 12.06.2012 03:44

Yup. You can auto repair while in bunkers and planetaries. Don't know why people don't put em in, but I think it's cuz they rather have a marine inside with the SCV repairing outside. I did see a few games with an auto scv in it tho.

@kienha9922 - 16.06.2012 04:25

No, i thought they patched that already in the earlier patches. Can't remember which one tho.

@CrueKnight - 16.06.2012 07:54

Must be pretty recent then. I'm not up to date on the patches.

@sergioviana84 - 16.06.2012 19:30

Ketroc you're the most creative player i've ever seen, you earned my respect, i think your strategies are even better than top ppl like marineking, mvp, boxer... =)

@sergioviana84 - 16.06.2012 19:33

and you even prove something i already knew for awhile, spamming apm doesn't prove you're good, it only proves you can press many keys and click fast

@leviticus311 - 24.07.2012 04:57

Very cool. I think you should also have your scvs mine his natural once he turtles in his main.

@sablar123321123 - 02.09.2012 20:08

master in na = plat in eu server, seriusly this cant work in eu server

@Ketroc - 04.09.2012 19:00

I'm masters on EU too... I'd expect the win rate for this strat to be about 35-40% on either server, and it's one of those strategies that may work better in masters than in silver cuz you want to zerg to be heavily droning early.

@hbrandin - 22.09.2012 19:32

what your strat just go MASS Ravens cause thats how you became masters GARBBBB

@suchawow - 31.03.2013 23:16

The zerg need vipers :P
