If you play as or disguise as a female drow you can bully dhourn and he’ll tell you about the crystal and how to use it, allowing you to skip the arcana check
ОтветитьHaving a drow female and an alive Dhourn is hilarious
ОтветитьWhen you are in the ruins at the beginning, if you pop the dialogue with the bandits with Astarion, you can also make them leave by threatening them with your teeth 🫢 It has the same effect as the warrior
ОтветитьIf you play as Astarion and exit the crypt in Act 1, once the bandits spot you they'll freak out a lil bit and ask who you are, you can then flash your fangs at them and scare them off
ОтветитьThe only one on this list I knew of was the memory shard. Mostly because I saw it had a bright color background so doubleclicked it.
ОтветитьThis game is so fucking weird and good. Truly a masterpiece. I could start a new game today and get a different experience from last time
ОтветитьThe mysterious npc is at the end of act 2 I just saved him from a pod in the end of the act 2 area before you fight thorm
ОтветитьI always let Kagha live, she’s so humiliated when Halsin tells her off, it’s a waste of entertainment value to kill her 😂
ОтветитьBaldurs Gate 3 will have the same impact on this generation that Skyrim had on mine
ОтветитьWith the "hail fight", I ended up dropping the stone above the two main guys, killing them out right, using astarion to sneak attack the halfing on the box in one shot, then wailing on the mage with shadowheart and sorcerer tav
ОтветитьMoust I know and some don't but the sword is a lie. You can get better in act one but it is difficult and would require load of saves and loads.
ОтветитьIn the last one, barbaric or half-orc works too
ОтветитьI have over 1K hours in this game and yet I still find something new
Ответитьumm seeing the memory shard is very common and everyone does that....
ОтветитьThe mysterious NPC acts and sounds like Volo in disguise
ОтветитьFighter option comes up more often then you think
ОтветитьIf Zevlor dies during the grove raid (side with tiefling) the lady tiefling scout in moonraise tower will arrive before halsin, and asking about zevlor whereabouts.
ОтветитьFor the grave robbers, you get an identical dialogue option by playing as a half-orc
ОтветитьIf you heal the owl bear mom the character that heals her says she’s healed but no less angry. A small bit of dialogue, but nice world building.
ОтветитьCool little moments, like it
ОтветитьI accidentally ended up in an area where the Tiefling is, along with many other models that all attack. Most I still haven't seen 😂 but of course I've used mods. It seemed like a loading room for most
ОтветитьNoble burial spoilers cant
ОтветитьYou can get very good sword on mindflayer ship in prologue, just kill commander Zhaik or whatever this devil's name is. With the help of the mindflayer he is fighting, you will have time to reach the controls.
ОтветитьAfter 700h this game stil blows my mind
ОтветитьI thwapped a shadow druid rat and missed. This caused them to flee and removed from the game. When I confronted Kahga and the shadow druids, in every single scenario, the shadow druids never entered the fight. So if you convince Kahga to side against the shadow druids, the battle against them do not initiate and the journal gets funky but the quest is completed.
Ответитьwell, guess we robbing the Flaming Fists from now on!
ОтветитьFor those who are still unaware – You don’t HAVE to kill all 3 goblin leaders) You can kill 2 and knock out Minthara that is considered dead by the script which makes you successfully finish quest and recruit her in Moonrise towers)
ОтветитьOr you could just kill the cambien on the nautiloid and get the bright burn blade which is a two-handed weapon that will carry you through act 2
ОтветитьWow, I COMPLETELY missed the Kagha stuff.
ОтветитьIn past patches you could save Yonas just puting a light sphere in the area while being invisible. Now, if you do that, the fight ends inmediatly and the game takes it as if you participated in the battle. Also, the cutscene trigger area became bigger to avoid you cast light sphere from distance. However I haven't tried yet a Sorcerer with distant spell + turn based mode
ОтветитьWait i'm in act three there's a spectator
ОтветитьI f-d up act one I didn’t intend to kill the Druid camp but did but went ahead with my play through realized I can’t in fact pick up Karlach if they die so here we are redoing it all again with a few mods. (I have more fun with a larger party as it makes it easier on me I’m here for story not fighting but I want to multi class so I can’t do story mode that’s my dilemma
ОтветитьWhen it comes to the looters at Jergals temple my favorite way to deal with them is to exit the temple and do the dialogue checks where you pretend to be some sort of awoken undead
ОтветитьDruid Tav: Your body will attract scavengers. Should I bury you?
Abducted Nobleman: Let them come...
Me: Frostmourne hungers!
Idk why I never thought of just breaking the door 😅
ОтветитьFor number 1, I believe warlock also has a dialog option that has no roll but makes them panic and leave the ruins as well. Something about poisonous gas I believe.
ОтветитьIs there an easier way to get the sword from the guy at the beginning
ОтветитьThe memory shard IS for the forge it does as it says gives you a small description of the adamantine forge just another way you can learn about it
ОтветитьDoes she still get chopped down on Honour Mode?? Curious minds are wondering 😅
ОтветитьNone of those 8 things are all that interesting. Hardly things I’d “replay act 1” to see.
Ответитьif you ask me to subscribe you just ensured that i wont. 👍
ОтветитьYou can side with the grove and not kill Minthara, just knock her out, can even take her armor, and rescue her in act 2, she'll still join you.
ОтветитьHave that teifling npc say "by azura by azura". flash backs to elder scrolls oblivion
ОтветитьAstarion said something different on my playthrough re: the dead Mama Owlbear just now... he said "I actually kind of liked her"