The person that lost this unit must pf passed away or went to jail
ОтветитьNice boob grab coppin feelsn makin money nice
ОтветитьI am so invested in watching the rest of this unit after this video. I am in aw of the things this person collected. Just amazing. So much to go through in such a small amount of time during the hottest part of the day. I enjoy the journey of exploring this unit with you. Keep hydrated and keep finding these awesome finds to share with us. I am a new sub, my friend. 😊
ОтветитьAwesome locker so far
I’m just new to your channel. I just subscribed to your channel today and I think your videos are really cool man. I’m happy for you too that you found this huge locker. I’m gonna watch the rest of the videos. I’m only watching the first one on it.
Take care and God bless
Trump 2024. Let’s go trump. We all need to vote for our good and savior trump. You should be wearing a trump shirt and hat in all you’re videos
ОтветитьNo son no go it’s sonoco
ОтветитьThe green case is a deer processing kit to gut and skin! 😮
ОтветитьGarbage video
ОтветитьThe 2 safes alone are worth a bunch.
ОтветитьDon't talk karma when ur taking others possessions without their permission. That curse is as old as time ⏲️.
Click click click..........
Why can't you sell throwing knives
ОтветитьSay bro. I just joined your channel today. I'm from San Antonio, Texas. This is the first time hear or see a video from you n your wife. Man you sure got a steal for the $870 dollars. Because by only selling any item you make your money back. Well good luck, I'll keep watching.
ОтветитьNever seen anybody more disorganised and cause More work for himself and pulls his brother to peices
ОтветитьThat helmet is for fighting with them swords
ОтветитьHas no damn idea what they found or what it is for. SO VERY SAID. DUMB ASS PEOPLE
ОтветитьIt breaks my heart to see these videos. I love watching them but just knowing somebodys whole life just went down the drain.
ОтветитьThis has happened to me and to know somebody lost everything because their wife cheated on them and they did nothing wrong they still ended up with nothing ! Sad sad sad
ОтветитьDid you ever do a part two to this video? Because I want to see what was inside those safe. Sincerely, Chuck.
ОтветитьThose safes are worth $1000 + don't destroy call safe cracker
ОтветитьHow did a doll from 2024 get in the unit was the guy aloud to go in the unit if he hasn’t paid in two years
ОтветитьWhen the zombies attack can u protect me? Lol
ОтветитьI have felt nothing but bad vibes, since you all started going through stuff. You know like how, cop movies or crime documentaries would show, tell tale evidence of kidnapping tools/kits or r*pe tools/kits, kind of situation? Then it just started going to like "Eyes Wide Shut," vibes. (& No, I do not get weird around weapons)
ОтветитьNo one tow live amo gas nononono
ОтветитьBig collector of everything.. whoever owned the storage unit
ОтветитьOr he owns a collectors store🎉😂❤
ОтветитьDead eye bow 359.00 bow alone
ОтветитьWhy do people put guns safes in storage units.
ОтветитьStill have those old laptops, i like taking em apart
ОтветитьThe American Legacy guitar, paid for the entire locker.
ОтветитьThis one is insane!
ОтветитьMan its always been a dream to own a bow something like this amazing find guys!
Ответитьid love to have a cross bow ,mine brock last year if it is a give away ill take it
ОтветитьI don’t understand why you say you can’t sell throwing knives on eBay as there are many other sellers selling them? Where are all the scopes and hunting gear for sale?
ОтветитьBEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DID GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьHi just found you from Vermont
ОтветитьYou can to sell throwing knives on the internet eBay has throwing knives
ОтветитьI hope you didn't destroy those big safes did those look like they're worth money I hope you got a locksmith to open them because that would be really stupid to destroy them
ОтветитьBro your so rough im gonna give you a nickname Bam Bam you go through things so rough and careless it gives me anxiety lol
ОтветитьYou don't need to be throwing scopes around.
ОтветитьYou guys are nice and easy to root for - you got to start popping up the value and identification of what you found doing research on the items as you find them. We all want to be excited for you and I find myself pausing and looking up G5 bows , etc on Google. And keep that dollar amount visible - keeps folks watching and again, we are rooting for you cause you're nice people - keep up your fine work and hope you didn't mind the suggestion.
ОтветитьBuddy you do way too much talking and not enough looking you would get done in a quarter of the time if you just keep your mouth shut for a while
ОтветитьHey dude you have a whole bowl full of keys why not use some of them to see if they'll open the safes
ОтветитьThat night vision scope that you showed after your GoPro overheated that alone paid for your locker
ОтветитьHope you get lucky with the safes sometimes the owner just puts the safes in storage empty
ОтветитьLook online for the type of safe the have a reset number for the codes on the safe got look up the model of the safes
ОтветитьThose HANS device are expensive new anywhere between 500-1000
ОтветитьI am from the UK and the government just made Ryan’s Law prohibiting the sale of knives online after yet another 15 year period old was stabbed and killed just walking home from school. I hope you understand when I say that you should be licensed to carry a lethal weapon. It scares the hell out of me seeing those knives and thinking what damage they can do. Did I miss what was in the safes?
ОтветитьMore actions less talking please.