Desert Horned Lizards (phrynosoma platyrhinos) eating dubia roach nymphs

Desert Horned Lizards (phrynosoma platyrhinos) eating dubia roach nymphs

Prismatic Reptiles

1 десятилетие назад

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These are my pet Desert Horned Lizards eating one of their favorite treats outside of their staple harvester ant diet: blaptica dubia roaches. These animals are very fun to watch and something I hope to see a lot more in the pet trade as CAPTIVE BRED specimens.


#Desert_Horned_Lizard_(Organism_Classification) #eating #Reptile_(Organism_Classification) #Cockroach_(Organism_Classification) #Herpetology_(Field_Of_Study) #Lizard_(Organism_Classification) #Reep's_Reptiles
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