I do believe the Separate Ways intro scene might technically be first, but as a game movie, RE4's intro felt better suited to start the video and there is nothing contradictory in having it in that order. As for the rest of the game, there were tons of scenes where I spliced together, jumping back and forth between the Resident Evil 4's version and the DLC version. It was lots of fun editing and figuring out how it all intertwined. There were some instances where things are technically happening at the exact same time, but jumping back forth would disrupt the flow of the video too much, so it was best to do them one after the other. I hope you enjoy the video, it was a blast to edit! Every like, comment and share helps a ton!
ОтветитьJust made a playlist so I can do a resident evil franchise watch 10/10 reccomend
ОтветитьI love the contrast between the stitched scene where Leon fainted after he fought Del Lago, and then Ada suddenly woke up in bed from being delibitated by the infection. Or when Ada confronts Pesanta then Leon tries to combat Verdugo. This is hard work. Thank you for making these game movies for us. 👏🏼
ОтветитьI love the contrast between the stitched scene where Leon fainted after he fought Del Lago, and then Ada suddenly woke up in bed from being delibitated by the infection. This is hard work. Thank you for making these game movies for us. 👏🏼
ОтветитьI love the editing, fun to watch..thanks
ОтветитьI'm fall inlove with ada wong😭
ОтветитьAda sounds mexican.
ОтветитьI don't get it. Why do ppl see Ada helping Leon and immediately equate that to "They are so in love and they should end up together". Ada didn't help him because she's IN LOVE with him; she helped him because of a myriad of reasons. Like why, why does it have to be that they love eachother?? 😭😭
ОтветитьWish every yt chanel would do it this way thanks for ur hard work
Ответитьtodos os personagens ficaram mais bonitos no Remake
ОтветитьReally appreciate it man...thank you for all the effort you got one more sub today
ОтветитьAda had being turned herself to become the hope reliable, secretly importancy, always relevant existed for the greed heartless people's, lunatically mindset person and humanity saviours/ played heroes.
ОтветитьTo deal with these creatures was rather you be the killer or being killed by them, simple 1 or 2 because it'd being too late if there'd being the 3 definitely no longer 1 or 2 anymore.
ОтветитьAda had showed her ability to be the cool blooded killed by ran and stabbed the old undead man with a deeply stabbed at his necks to ensure the death.
ОтветитьLeon ran by jumped through the window not because he'd being frightened but it'd being wasted of time and energy to deal with them yet he'd being got the more important mattered to make.
ОтветитьI like the video, it’s awesome, but I think you made a mistake in the time frame of when Ada fought the giganto. And when Leon and Luis fought together in the house past the windmill.
ОтветитьThis remake makes Ada and Leon's relationship lore even more interesting, developed and painful. He thinks she's still using him, but he doesn't know that Ada saved his ass several times 💀 I wish they end up together at the end of the story
ОтветитьLuis had more dignity in this one
ОтветитьGreat story
ОтветитьGotta up the views on this
ОтветитьSo...kinda curious....
Hey, military guys out there... Do they train you to jump out of multi-story windows and catch people? 😮
Edit: I'm not totally kidding! Is there training for escaping out of, say, tough or elevated areas and ways to help out/catch others? Would something from this height even be possible without equipment?
leon look so handsome
Ответитьluis keeps playin in his ass abt that dang amber 😭 said he was going to get it 100 times and never did 💀
ОтветитьMight be Game of the year
ОтветитьDid great work on this
ОтветитьRomy war zu der zeit was ich sagte auf twitter kurz Schwalbe, ist ok GLP, danke
Ответитьsigh I miss DC DOUGLAS so much! This Wesker wasn't terrible or anything. He was just so...generic.
I guess that's one thing you can give the Ada VA. She certainly stands out!
Do resident evil 0 movie
Ответитьu didddddd listen to my rquest. <3 <3 <3
ОтветитьShould I say again, what you touch, turns into a Gem? Love your movie directing sense.❤
Ответитьit's canbe a great movie.i sure
ОтветитьHAVE A NICE DAY GLP!! 🍭❤️
ОтветитьRE Upload pls😁😜
ОтветитьNot playable in any speed 144 1080😜🤪😁😂😅🤣
Ответитьi was thinking if we'll ever get a chance to have Luis' POV for DLC.. I mean who's not curious what he's been doing the whole time?
ОтветитьThis is bizarre. I can't get this video to play at all on mobile.
ОтветитьNice effort 👏
ОтветитьIk that we won't get code veronica x remake but we actually need one. Not for some experience resident evil fans, but for some newcomers. The sales would be overkill because of it.
Ответить🎉 Thanks this is totally what I am looking for… the lineup for both stories go well perfectly
ОтветитьThank you for your hardwork
ОтветитьResident Evil 👿 4.