Unlock ROS 2 Jazzy and Move a Robot | ROS 2 for Beginners (Day 3)

Unlock ROS 2 Jazzy and Move a Robot | ROS 2 for Beginners (Day 3)

The Construct

3 месяца назад

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@lazythief - 07.08.2024 05:16

any way to access rosject if we were not live during class?

@kaizoku_04 - 12.09.2024 08:02

[Err] [SystemLoader.cc:107] Failed to load system plugin: (Reason: No plugins detected in library)
[DISPLAY=:2 ruby $(which gz) sim-1] - Requested plugin name: [gz_ros2_control::GazeboSimROS2ControlPlugin]
[DISPLAY=:2 ruby $(which gz) sim-1] - Requested library name: [gz_ros2_control-system]
[DISPLAY=:2 ruby $(which gz) sim-1] - Resolved library path: [/opt/ros/jazzy/lib/libgz_ros2_control-system.so]
what's this error in the terminal when I start gazebo .... I can't control it IDK why
