##加國移民 ##居加港人 ##加拿大香港人 #多倫多vlog #加拿大vlog #加拿大 #多倫多自由行 #加拿大生活 #加拿大救生艇 #加拿大_移民生活 #多倫多 #移民加拿大 #加拿大移民 #多倫多生活 #香港人移民加拿大 #加拿大多倫多 #加拿大多倫多生活 #加拿大搵工 #加拿大求職 #加拿大stream_b #加拿大owp #多倫多搵工 #多倫多求職 ##移民加拿大 #移民加拿大_工作 #香港人_移民加拿大_問題 #加拿大_搵工 #加拿大搵工難 #加拿大移民就業加拿大工作機會 #移民加拿大感受 #加拿大移民_搵工 #移民多倫多 #多倫多移民 #多倫多_移民 ##加拿大移民 #加拿大工作移民 #加拿大移民工作 #加拿大移民生活 #加拿大香港移民 #加拿大移民_工作Комментарии:
或者你工餘靜係識唱k或者煲韓劇,連Toronto Maple leaf 或者Raptor….blue Jays…. 什麼都搭唔到口?
Ответитьkeypoint: 運之國
ОтветитьYou talk too fast
Ответить唔知你能否全程用英文講?廣東話與英文單字構成的講述睇唔到英文的fluency。這是好多香港人用的方式來彌補fluent English 之不足。好多時老番interview 你,都要睇你英文程度和accent 如何。而且經大腦翻譯成英文已經走樣了。
Ответить其實呢度做Public relations 除左marketing 都可以考慮government relations或者政治助理。一般呢D 工都會想請搞social media/communication 既人。如果你兩文三語得既 (廣/英/普),係可以考慮。你得閒可以試下search "government relations officer" "constituency assistant - communication & social media"
ОтветитьI am Chinese immigrated from Malaysia to USA.
Do not get discouraged. It is Not your fault. The Job market is directly correlated to the Economy as a whole. If the Economy is Weak. the company would tighten up their belts and Not hire at all. If the Economy is Not growing, you can send out 1000 Resume and be a Yale Graduate and still sit at home Unemployed.
When I graduated from California State University with Bachelors in Finance, I have worked at Rental Car Agency, Waited Tables at Restaurants, did Construction work, Drove an 18 wheels Semi-Truck cross country. I felt cheated by higher education promising a better future and my American dream shattered. I later got into the Electrician Union and they sent me to School for 5 years to become a Union Electrician. Just find a Job down the street from you and look for a better one. I am far better than most of my friends in Malaysia. May the Odds of Life be in your favor.
Ответитьgood clip
Ответитьkeep trying, it ain't easy but it is a good learning process. You are on the right track. Good luck
Ответить我響卡加利,過左黎差唔多三個月,帶左香港份工過黎,所以我係夜晚要返香港份工,我行stream B 要儲鐘,暫時有見工恐懼症,都係求其搵下T&T同餐廳既工,完全無回音😂唔知幾時先可以跳出呢個狀態真係好好地出去搵工
Ответить加油🙏🏻 過來人建議你搵啲細公司做一年full time先 有本地經驗最重要 堅持一年之後再騎牛搵馬
Ответить加油呀 我都係處於一個好多Interview但冇offer既狀態....
Ответитьreference and connection are super important in Canada.
ОтветитьNo paid ?
ОтветитьGood luck to your job hunt.
Small Advice: watch your pace, speed when you talk. It sounds like you are stress out if you are talking too fast. It also makes the person uncomfortable if you are talking too fast.
Gayauuuuu!!!! I also studied Post Grad Certificate at Centennial College in International Business Management. before, I really agree that it is so hard to find a full-time job here...Can we keep in contact? Ah just added your IG. My Career is also big4/banking alsoooo :))))) Looking for CPA Banking jobs now.
ОтветитьBeen working in the Digital marketing sector in Toronto for over a decade. Been through multiple job change and layoffs. One advice, don't ever blame yourself. If you have the creds, the only skill that will help you land the job is your presentation skill, how you present yourself, how you sell yourself to the employer. After that, getting a job is really about luck and timing. I always question how some people got a job at my company, well the answer is "they all talk" They are so talented at talking and bsing when they have 0 knowledge on a subject and pretending to be the subject matter expert.
Ответить減少講"啦" 😊
Ответить加拿大这个国家非常喜欢吹牛. 想去加拿大的人应该注意.
ОтветитьLocal experience 重要過你在港做過所謂的國際大公司。
Ответить加油呀, 我本來在香港都做左廣告及MARKETING 20年, 十都國際知名廣告公司及上市公司工作過, 黎到這邊申請最低及的Marketing Executive 都無乜回應, 唯有轉行, 閒時做下義工
Ответить係咪要LinkedIn premium 先可以dm 人coffee chat? 唔知點解禁sd
message 果陣要我做premium 先得😢
已經識用coffee chat
呢個係cold call 另一種玩法
Ответить會唔會part time易d🙄
ОтветитьNice sharing, add oil
Ответитьyou need the (RIGHT) PEOPLE CONNECTION here .... experience they required are local experience ....
Ответитьhard af ... XD