Antimatter Explained

Antimatter Explained


10 лет назад

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@nikhilpatil4511 - 07.04.2024 14:48

Calculate energy of antimatter 0.

@DeJay7 - 14.04.2024 19:48

I heard somewhere that at the big bang, there was just a tiny bit more matter than antimatter, like genuinely a very small amount, and that small amount that was left over (after all the other matter-antimatter annihilated each other) is now the entire observable Universe.
They hypothesise that the amount of each type was equal in the beginning, but some processes, such as decay, preferred creating matter over antimatter. Why or how is yet unknown.
I see some people genuinely say "if "antimatter" had won, then that is what we would call "matter" today instead". And to that I say: of course.

@janwide72 - 05.05.2024 15:06

It doesn’t matter

@peterweller8583 - 11.05.2024 16:50

Yes ( No one knows ). Why wouldn’t there be equal amounts?
Let me hypothesize at the singularity of forces +&- balance like a proton and a electron.

@Glitch1997-u7s - 18.05.2024 12:47

So what i understand is let say i meet me from a different universe but he is made of anti-matter and when we get closer we exploid, the real question now is why we are trying to produce anti-matter

@brunoalexandre2299 - 21.05.2024 20:38

That moment when you Google question and you end up with even more doubts

@abefikre8377 - 25.05.2024 17:59

There is no bomb here buddy

@triplec8375 - 11.06.2024 07:37

Well, I'll be surprised if anyone sees this comment because the video is now 9 years old. But I think it's worth noting physicists routinely treat antimatter in equations as if it was its matter counterpart, but moving backwards in time. (You can see many examples of this in Feynman diagrams.) Some time ago, I listened to an interview with a noted physicist who made this same observation and was asked why it isn't accepted or even considered as fact.. The response was that no one wants to have to explain the consequences of time flowing in the opposite direction, such as broken eggs reassembling themselves or dead people waking up and moving backwards to birth. That is, of course, contrary to our views of entropy and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. But there is a solution. One current theory (actually speculation) that our universe and an anti universe are paired such that the missing antimatter resides in an anti universe. But the solution is much simpler than that and it allows for the coexistence of both the missing antimatter and the matter we see in the same universe rather than a separate "anti=universe". One noted astrophysicist, Rocky Kolb, noted that in cosmology "topology is everything" . This video explains how, but not why these pairs annihilate. A proper topology can explain both the why and where are the anti-particles as well a explaining problems with our current understanding of entropy and time itself.

@taro7145 - 17.06.2024 13:55

We see matters as regular but they could be considered anti matter in another universe

@ii-vd8wv - 18.06.2024 21:00

For most of us, It doesn't matter 🤣

@DescartesStrollsIntoAPub - 19.06.2024 21:07

Yes, but what happens when pasta comes into contact with anti-pasta?

@sai2849 - 23.06.2024 01:35

Plot twist: The anti-matter is just in another part of the universe

@shizuri321 - 24.06.2024 08:10

If antimatter was created then opposite charges attract why did antimatter and matter not get attracted and if thats the big bang theory and opp charges attract how was antimatter ever created how was the universe ever created

@عبدالعزيزيونس-ذ9ظ - 25.06.2024 23:02

So they are living fine together as long as they are keeping some quantum destance.

@englishmadcow7461 - 02.07.2024 19:13

Rumour is antimatter weapons instead of nukes ...🙄

@icedriver2207 - 20.07.2024 15:25

This makes me feel like when the Big bang happened it created both a Matter universe and an Antimatter one. In our universe we have some left over Antimatter or can generate small amounts of it. In the Antimatter universe they have small amounts of Matter and can generate small amounts of it. This would mean there is some kind of border between the two universes keeping them from touching.

@eastindiaV - 26.07.2024 06:30

So, if you take a beam of pure antimatter, in an absolute zero enclosure, shielded from all light and radiation, inside a vacuum... and pass it through an oscillator, vibrating empty space, it should combine the light of antimatter with the vibration of the oscillator, to create matter.

@floppy8568 - 30.07.2024 07:55

...What if matter and antimatter is actually split according to charge (and quantum numbers like Electron flavour)?

@morbedhorse - 09.08.2024 15:18

Here is a motivational quote that i made, it is silly but idc

"Become like a positive positron to annihilate the negativity of electrons!"

@carocuno06 - 09.08.2024 21:33

You're trying to explain this with math and symbols it's pretty simple fire is antimatter. It destroys molecules and will not return there is no existing molecule after fire there's lots of mass and combustion destroys molecules. The experiment with the hard boiled egg on a bottle with the fire in it shows that the vacuum is created by destroying matter.

@kharibovhganja - 10.08.2024 22:43

doesn't matter !

@SautAl-Quran - 11.08.2024 05:27

allot of matter matters

@keithjordanmatsiko3819 - 08.09.2024 00:58

Can some please explain to me how if the only difference between matter and anti matter is their charge then why don’t they repel each other? Seems counterintuitive to me

@clicktuck - 20.09.2024 02:20

Thanks n0rtist for posting a link to this on Tumblr

@WHISKEY3XRAY - 22.09.2024 08:42

Antilogic is the opposite of logic used to explain anti matter. If they meet they annihilate. Thus why all woman are crazy. Due to being antimen.

@jackkalver4644 - 25.09.2024 19:23

Maybe it’s probability. Each particle created in the beginning was either matter or antimatter. But one form got rid of the other and the remaining one became us and everything, and so we called THAT matter and its inverse antimatter. If it happened the other way, we would call antimatter “matter” and matter “antimatter”, and we would have no way of knowing.
To analogize, imagine the universe being inverted, but all of your senses telling you that right is left. You would have no way of realizing that you were in a different universe because you’d perceive the exact same stuff.
This creates a freaky quantum question: Is THIS the antimatter?

@HappyEarth-u7u - 28.09.2024 05:57

Maybe it was really mixed matter

@westagent007 - 08.10.2024 14:14

Antimatter dimensions lore:

@Inhetmidden - 10.10.2024 01:00


@DANIELCloutier-ru8wg - 11.10.2024 08:56

Ive understood nothing about what was said.

@agentdachshund7095 - 14.10.2024 05:45

"Take the amplified and the reversal, then smash together those two different expressions to create and push out imaginary mass. Imaginary Technique: Purple."

@polatalmdarr - 19.10.2024 23:26

Does it really matter ?

@pleappleappleap - 22.10.2024 15:30

If photons are their own antiparticle because they have no charge, what are antineutrons and antineutrinos?

@Maryea-w6n - 08.11.2024 14:57

like the cat😅😅

@gigachadgogeta - 13.11.2024 21:30

hollow purple ?

@mevenstien - 21.11.2024 15:42

There is no such thing as anti-matter.

@who_we_are______5926 - 06.12.2024 10:02

Anti stuff and real stuff are one in the same, but the universe made real stuff. Physicists are fascinated by this because we could have been made of anti stuff but we're not. (In layman's terms)

@user034 - 07.12.2024 20:37

It could be that gamma ray bursts (which originate in very distant places in the universe) originate in matter-antimatter collisions (i.e., the regions where the two intersect).

@kuutti256 - 13.12.2024 22:43

+0 and -0??

@allencarment1232 - 18.12.2024 03:46

Mr fantastic put the busy in the b

@Vishu-w9e - 18.12.2024 23:35

This was a work of art

@karakalpakstan - 23.12.2024 16:07

If every matter has antimatter then they should be equally available in the universe. Otherwise it confirms multiverse theory which means there is an anti-universe(s)

@Quacking-duck - 29.12.2024 19:34

I think there is lots of anti-matter in the universe, and they all got separated into groups of only antimatter or matter cause the areas that were mixed together exploded.

@TheVidsSavingUp - 06.01.2025 12:19

So Reverse Cursed Techniques and Hollow Purple can be real! They are real!! They are so real!!!!!

@sillywitchwrites - 08.01.2025 15:28

Maybe most of the antimatter is in different dimensions. 😅

@hetanshpatel510 - 20.01.2025 07:02

The fact that this video is 10 years old blows my mind

@alanbrody3223 - 29.01.2025 05:40

What if the universe has a place where anti-matter is dominant and there's life and all, but we can't see it...? I'm new to such subjects, so if you want to share some knowledge, l'd be glad to listen, the argument is super interesting!

@jordantiburcio4541 - 30.01.2025 01:17

The video assumes there was "so much more" matter than antimatter, but even if the difference was 0.01%, wouldn't annihilation occur from the small origin point of big bang until by the time matter expanded outwards, there was pretty much none left?

@aishidove - 31.01.2025 23:47

i love this video man

@ruanholtzhausen4000 - 22.02.2025 12:03

And then the nutrino and anti nutrino boggles my mind.
